All Government Bonds articles – Page 12

  • European Research Flash Report
    White papers

    European Research Flash Report

    2020-03-18T14:20:00Z By AEW (Real Estate - Europe)

    Global economic growth expectations for 2020 have been adjusted significantly downwards amid the spreading of the COVID- 19 virus and oil price decline. Based on this, at least some leading European economies are expected to go into recession in 2020. But, in contrast to the GFC, the current event-driven crisis could prove temporary as economic fundamentals were strong at its outset, possibly signalling a V-shaped recovery.

  • Another Breakthrough Year for China Bonds
    White papers

    Another Breakthrough Year for China Bonds

    2020-02-05T10:12:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The market made it into global indices but also broke records for defaults in 2019 and is facing uncertainty from the coronavirus: we take stock for 2020.

  • Strategic Relative Value – Q1 2020
    White papers

    Strategic Relative Value – Q1 2020

    2020-01-24T16:16:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    Persistent central bank liquidity and easing geopolitical tensions should support a continued rally in risk assets this year. However, the significant disconnect between elevated valuations and only modest economic growth means risk assets are vulnerable to a deterioration in sentiment so investors should also maintain some defensive positioning.

  • Economic Resilience, Fed And Elections To Drive Us Markets In 2020
    White papers

    Economic Resilience, Fed And Elections To Drive Us Markets In 2020

    2020-01-17T11:51:00Z By Amundi

    2019 proved a strong year for US assets, with US equity markets recording the strongest annual total return since 2013 and the US aggregate bond index up almost 9.0%. In addition, the past decade proved the best ever for the S&P 500 index, which returned 256% overall, well above its historical average. It was also the decade when US equities dominated other markets, with an outperformance of more than 90% versus the MSCI World index.

  • Credit selectivity at the fore in European high yield bond and senior loan investing
    White papers

    Credit selectivity at the fore in European high yield bond and senior loan investing

    2020-01-09T13:04:00Z By Oaktree Capital Management

    The European leveraged finance market is recognised for its potential to offer a compelling income advantage versus other, more traditional fixed income asset classes. Current market factors such as low default rates for speculative-grade debt and further stimulus from the European Central Bank are expected to continue to lend support to this asset class, which has enjoyed strong performance in 2019. Still, a prudent perspective would view the market as standing on relatively fragile ground in a period of low yields, lackluster economic activity and weakening growth outlook.

  • 2020 European Market Outlook - Calm Before the Storm
    White papers

    2020 European Market Outlook - Calm Before the Storm

    2020-01-03T13:58:00Z By AEW (Real Estate - Europe)

    With lower-for-longer government bond yields and economic growth expected to keep both rental growth and prime property yields low for the next five years, the European property market cycle has been extended into extra time.

  • Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence
    White papers

    Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence

    2020-01-02T11:58:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    In almost whatever country you care to mention, climate change and social inequality are exploding into the public consciousness. Extinction Rebellion in the UK or the Gilets Jaune in Paris are just two of the more high-profile signs. Yet in the financial markets, too, green, social and sustainability bonds are growing in number and sophistication.

  • Impact investing in public fixed income markets
    White papers

    Impact investing in public fixed income markets

    2020-01-01T13:28:00Z By Nuveen

    Across Nuveen, our commitment to responsible investing (RI) is based on three core principles:(1) integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment processes and decision-making; (2) proactive engagement with issuers and other industry stakeholders on a variety of ESG-related topics; and(3) impact, the ability of our investment practices to deliver competitive financial performance and document the intended environmental and social outcomes.

  • 2020 Outlook For The Us 10-Year Treasury Bond
    White papers

    2020 Outlook For The Us 10-Year Treasury Bond

    2019-12-17T16:02:00Z By Amundi

    In 2019, 10-year US Treasury bonds traded in a range of 1.46-2.78%, the fourth-widest range since 2010.

  • Fixed Income - Back To Core - Charts And Views
    White papers

    Fixed Income: Back To Core - Charts And Views

    2019-12-16T15:50:00Z By Amundi

    The ongoing slowdown in global trade will weaken global GDP growth further in 2020 – especially in advanced economies skewed towards the manufacturing sector – but a full-blown recession is unlikely, in our view. This situation will encourage policymakers to finally add fiscal stimulus to the policy mix, possibly extending the economic and credit cycles. Monetary policy is unlikely to become much more accommodative and market expectations will have to adjust, likely driving bond volatility higher with a possible bottoming out of core bond yields.

  • 2020 appears tilted to the downside
    White papers

    2020 appears tilted to the downside

    2019-12-13T11:58:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    The themes we discuss at our Annual Investment Symposium guide our research process. Over a longer-term horizon, we believe global stocks have greater performance potential than global bonds, supported by continued growth and moderate inflation. With government bond term-premia remaining below historical averages, we see a lower performance potential from government bonds.

  • In search of a free lunch
    White papers

    In search of a free lunch

    2019-12-10T14:43:00Z By Aviva Investors

    Correlations between groups of assets and within individual asset classes have changed in unexpected ways thanks to a decade of easy monetary policy. Our portfolio managers tell us what impact this has had on the way they manage money.

  • Asia Bonds Tactical Value for a Long-Term. Opportunity
    White papers

    Asia bonds: tactical value for a long-term opportunity

    2019-11-27T13:50:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Asian debt exhibits robust fundamentals and bright long-term prospects, with attractive yields.

  • Case for GDI – A Diversified Approach to Risk-Adjusted Income
    White papers

    Case for GDI – A Diversified Approach to Risk-Adjusted Income

    2019-11-15T13:27:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    Seeking to maximize income per-unit of risk with a dynamic, multi-asset multi-manager solution. The theme of late-cycle volatility, spurred by geopolitical tensions and slowing global growth, has been well documented. Low global interest rates continue to present challenges to meet income needs and control risk.

  • Staying positive: why Asian fixed income makes sense in the face of rising uncertainty
    White papers

    Staying positive: why Asian fixed income makes sense in the face of rising uncertainty

    2019-11-11T11:00:00Z By Manulife Investment Management

    It’s hardly surprising that the uncertainty associated with the on-again, offagain U.S.-China trade talks has continued to weigh on market sentiment. As of this writing, discussions appear to be progressing in a constructive manner—just like they did in July. But we know from our experience this past summer that a high level of unpredictability remains: these negotiations could collapse or gain traction at a moment’s notice.

  • Italian real estate market
    White papers

    Italian real estate market

    2019-11-11T09:33:00Z By UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd (Europe)

    The relation between Italian Government bond rates and the local real estate market.

  • The Secret To Europe's Success
    White papers

    The Secret To Europe's Success

    2019-11-08T17:02:00Z By Barings

    Bank integration will help the continent emerge from its doldrums.

  • Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q4 - 2019
    White papers

    Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q4 - 2019

    2019-11-08T12:03:00Z By Amundi

    Our medium-term baseline scenario is that of a late business cycle slowdown supported by the dovish U-turn of central banks. We expect economic growth to move below potential for most developed economies in 2020, a trend that will be further exacerbated in 2021 by a deteriorating cyclical environment and still anaemic global trade. Nevertheless, growth is expected to stay in positive territory.

  • Italy is the eurozone economy most likely heading for a ‘lost decade’
    White papers

    Italy is the eurozone economy most likely heading for a ‘lost decade’

    2019-11-05T13:41:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    As Japan found out the hard way, a healthy banking sector is key to restoring health to an economy. But Europe’s third biggest economy, with its vastly undercapitalised banks, looks destined to remain in the doldrums for some time

  • The stage is set for a rebound in unloved European value stocks
    White papers

    The stage is set for a rebound in unloved European value stocks

    2019-11-05T13:30:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Investors have been troubled by the region recently, with a growing feeling that it is mirroring Japan’s ‘lost decade’. But there are reasons to be positive about it, and we are bullish on defensive stocks which we believe are currently trading too cheaply