All Government Bonds articles – Page 11
White papers
Biden, Taxes and Your Portfolio
Higher personal taxation under a Biden administration could strengthen the case for municipal bonds and tax-managed equity strategies.
White papers
ECB enters era of informal yield curve and spread control
The ECB is expanding its pro-growth and pro-inflation asset purchases and allowing the buying programme to run for longer. The objective is to safeguard favourable financial conditions as the eurozone grapples with the economic fallout of the COVID crisis. In effect, the ECB is encouraging investors to search for yield, particularly in those markets for risk assets where the ECB is active.
White papers
Investment View - The New Age of Financial Repression
Given the surge in government and corporate debt, policy will inevitably focus on making this load sustainable: financial repression, spearheaded by central banks, is set to reach a whole new level.
White papers
Fed’s policy shift may spell long-term trouble for bonds
Bond markets have taken the recent shift in the Federal Reserve’s policy framework in their stride, partly because interest rates are now expected to stay lower for even longer. But they look vulnerable if the Fed can revive inflation.
White papers
Thematics: Eurozone government bonds, a supportive mix of remarkable funding progress and ECB QE still to come
Funding progress looked quite encouraging at July end for Eurozone government bonds, as roughly 80% of estimated yearly net issuance have been placed, mostly (more than 50%) in just four months, between April and July. Putting remaining supply in perspectives with ECB flows, the technical picture for EZ government bonds looks friendly to the current environment of low core yields and subsequent, persisting search for carry.
White papers
Italy’s Bank Tax: It’s Hard to Please Everyone All of the Time
The Italian government’s unexpected announcement raises doubts in investors’ minds about their market friendliness and about Italian banks’ vulnerability to future political meddling.
White papers
Separating the wheat from the chaff in fixed income
Like most things in life, investing has its ups and downs. Prudent investors, especially those worried about losing money, but also people who prefer stability to volatility, often choose to invest in bonds – lending money to companies, governments and other entities for, hopefully, a consistent return.
White papers
Why farmland now?
Amidst unprecedented market volatility, Westchester Group Investment Management, an investment specialist of Nuveen, explains why they believe farmland is a durable and consistent investment.
White papers
Have traditional safe havens lost their edge?
COVID-19 has reminded investors of the importance of defensive positions within portfolios during times of stress. But are the ‘safe havens’ of the past still up to the task?
White papers
Four Benefits of Senior Secured Bonds in an Uncertain Environment
Times of volatility can also yield opportunity if navigated carefully—and in the event of widespread defaults, senior secured bonds can offer some particularly compelling benefits.
White papers
The 20-Year Bond in a Brave New World
The US Government has responded to COVID-19 in unprecedented ways to produce a huge and rapid fiscal policy response. To fund this policy, the Treasury announced that it will issue over $800 billion in Treasury securities over the next three months. Including issuance completed in April, the issuance number rises to over $1 trillion. That is a massive issuance schedule. Here is what is upcoming.
Asset Manager News
Investment grade: how cheap are credit spreads?
Between the middle of February and late March there was one of the most severe periods of poor performance from risk markets in general, and from investment grade credit in particular. This was in response to the Covid-19 crisis and was marked by both the speed and extent of the spread widening
Asset Manager News
European equities – the best option for resilient income
With bond markets offering little in the way of income, the continent’s highest quality equities offer an attractive and defensive yield
White papers
Are ECB Bond Purchases Legal?
Investors breathed a sigh of relief after the German Constitutional Court found the ECB has not been engaged in monetary financing, but the details sent ripples through the markets as the ruling raised questions about potential constraints on European monetary policy.
White papers
The outlook for eurozone inflation-linked bonds
A V-shape economic recovery in the eurozone looks unlikely, while member states continue their marathon search for a compromise on how to fund the reconstruction. The poor outlook for the economy and inflation, and the ECB’s asset purchases, should keep eurozone government bond yields low and cap the risk premiums on ‘peripheral’ bonds.
White papers
Municipal Bond Market Update
James Iselin, Neuberger Berman’s Head of Municipal Fixed Income, discusses the potential for a rise in delinquencies and defaults across the municipal bond market.
White papers
What Plunging Oil Prices Mean for Energy Bonds
On April 20, the price of oil skidded into negative territory for the first time in history, with the May futures contract on West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude hitting a low of –US$37.63 per barrel before recovering to positive levels.
White papers
Why farmland now? Amidst unprecedented market volatility, a durable and consistent investment with compelling upside
Considered a safe haven investment, farmland has proven to be a reliable store of value through times of economic tumult – exhibiting durable valuations and attractive levels of income, both of which are uncorrelated to competing assets.