All Inflation articles – Page 54

  • Lots of Stimulus, Not Much Inflation
    White papers

    Lots of Stimulus, Not Much Inflation

    2021-02-17T10:27:00Z By Barings

    Weak U.S. jobs data fuels debate for further fiscal stimulus but some worry inflation may overshoot the Fed’s target this year. In China, the PBOC is tapering monetary stimulus. In Europe, the Q4 contraction was less severe than initially thought, but the recovery looks delayed.

  • What do the unprecedented monetary and fiscal measures mean for inflation?
    White papers

    What do the unprecedented monetary and fiscal measures mean for inflation?

    2021-02-16T11:49:00Z By Capital Group

    As the largest vaccination programme in history commences, risk markets appear to be ignoring the logistical challenges or near-term downside growth risks from tighter lockdowns imposed after infection rates in Northern Hemisphere countries soared over the winter.

  • Fixed income outlook – From despair to hope
    White papers

    *Fixed income outlook – From despair to hope*

    2021-02-11T12:41:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    In the US, reflation on the back of fiscal stimulus and the exit from lockdowns should lead to modestly higher inflation expectations and nominal bond yields. 

  • On My Mind - Investment Strategies For A Booster-Shot Recovery
    White papers

    On My Mind: Investment Strategies For A Booster-Shot Recovery

    2021-02-10T16:27:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Dr. Sonal Desai shares her investment views and strategies for the post-pandemic recovery.

  • Taper or not taper - a key issue for markets
    White papers

    Taper or not taper: a key issue for markets

    2021-02-02T15:39:00Z By Amundi

    The Fed is committed to maintaining very accommodative monetary conditions and unchanged interest rates until the economy has returned to full employment and inflation has stabilised above its 2.0% target. But the Fed has so far been vague on what determines the pace of its asset purchases. It is clear that these will have to decline long before it raises its key rates. But when and on what basis? 

  • Fixed Income Investment Outlook 1Q 2021
    White papers

    Fixed Income Investment Outlook 1Q 2021

    2021-01-29T14:08:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    After a year of profound economic and market turbulence, we anticipate improving global growth in 2021. Accelerated vaccine distribution should allow for wider reopening, while the release of pent-up demand and ongoing monetary support will likely help drive renewed expansion. 

  • Don’t Mistake Growth for Quality
    White papers

    Don’t Mistake Growth for Quality

    2021-01-29T13:25:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    As investors adjust for a potential style rotation, we urge them not to abandon their portfolios’ “quality compounders” and “transition winners.”

  • U.S. Consumers - Don’t Worry, They’re Here to Stay
    White papers

    U.S. Consumers: Don’t Worry, They’re Here to Stay

    2021-01-28T15:55:00Z By Barings

    Worsening U.S. consumer confidence data shows the labor market is expected to remain fragile, though spending should improve due to greater fiscal support. Eurozone inflation will likely accelerate slightly, and strong trade data from Asia shows global demand’s resiliency.

  • Income and inflation - Play to your strengths
    White papers

    Income and inflation: Play to your strengths

    2021-01-27T16:07:00Z By Nuveen

    For years, investors of all stripes, from the world’s largest institutions investors to individuals, have focused on the risk of persistently low interest rates and the struggle to achieve income. But there’s another potential risk on the horizon, with similarly damaging effects, that also demands focus: prospects for rising inflation and the erosion of purchasing power.

  • Global Investment Views - February 2021
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - February 2021

    2021-01-27T09:20:00Z By Amundi

    Markets closed 2020 on strong footing and the recent Democratic sweep in the US makes a greater fiscal push more likely, leading us to lift our 2021 GDP growth forecast for the US to 5.2-5.7%, 1% above previous estimates. This marks a great divergence between the US and the rest of DM, where we have been lowering our forecasts.

  • Italy - ECB’s Umbrella To Protect Bond Market, Despite Uncertain Political Situation
    White papers

    Italy: ECB’s Umbrella To Protect Bond Market, Despite Uncertain Political Situation

    2021-01-15T17:40:00Z By Amundi

    On 13 January, Italia Viva – a minor coalition partner led by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi – pulled out of the ruling coalition, leaving the government short of a majority in the Senate. However, we believe that snap elections are unlikely for now.

  • 2021 global outlook reassessed
    White papers

    2021 global outlook reassessed

    2021-01-12T16:05:00Z By Amundi

    As the Q420 is now closed, we confirm the “financial recovery regime” as our central scenario for 2021 with a higher conviction than in Q320. We expect better corporate fundamentals at a global level going forward. The rebound of EPS growth will eventually validate current asset price levels in the context of low interest rates. This explains our cautious optimism for the coming quarters.

  • 10 predictions for 2021 - The world improves, but do markets already know?
    White papers

    10 predictions for 2021: The world improves, but do markets already know?

    2021-01-05T15:43:00Z By Nuveen

    At the start of the year, we expected economic growth to pick up modestly and were encouraged by seemingly diminishing macro risks, such as trade policy. Conversely, we were concerned by relatively full stock valuations and thought that market gains could be limited following a strong 2019.

  • How Will Central Banks Impact The Equity Markets In The Post-Covid World?
    White papers

    The Day After #13 - How Will Central Banks Impact The Equity Markets In The Post-Covid World?

    2020-12-15T17:17:00Z By Amundi

    Interest rates are at an all-time low, and even if inflation eventually picks up, it could take some time. Central banks, the first pillar of the investment cycle, are adjusting and are resolutely accompanying governments in this final battle against deflationary threats, at the risk of losing some of their independence.

  • ECB enters era of informal yield curve and spread control
    White papers

    ECB enters era of informal yield curve and spread control

    2020-12-11T13:30:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    The ECB is expanding its pro-growth and pro-inflation asset purchases and allowing the buying programme to run for longer. The objective is to safeguard favourable financial conditions as the eurozone grapples with the economic fallout of the COVID crisis. In effect, the ECB is encouraging investors to search for yield, particularly in those markets for risk assets where the ECB is active.

  • Central Banks - leading the path towards Impact Investing
    White papers

    Central Banks: leading the path towards Impact Investing

    2020-12-07T17:37:00Z By CPR Asset Management

    Central Banks are right now accelerating a tectonic shift. This summer at Jackson Hole, Fed Chairman, Mr. Powell has set-up the new objectives of the FED: inclusive employment is now key. As stated, “Inflation that is persistently too low can pose serious risks to the economy”1 and an inclusive employment2 is one way to solve it; it leads the FED to “a focus on inequality”3 with an attention paid on education as “people who don’t have advanced skills now have less ability to profit from the technology that is everywhere in our economy”4.

  • Why it’s so Hard to go Bankrupt… And Why That Will Change
    White papers

    Why it’s so Hard to go Bankrupt… And Why That Will Change

    2020-12-04T14:55:00Z By Barings

    Massive policy response has firms awash in liquidity, but 2021 will bring solvency challenges that investors need to watch closely.

  • 2021 outlook - Dark tunnel. Bright light
    White papers

    2021 outlook: Dark tunnel. Bright light

    2020-12-04T14:43:00Z By Nuveen

    Macro risks associated with the coronavirus have loomed over global markets and economies for nearly a year, and will continue for at least several months. But beyond this dark tunnel, we see a more normalised environment driven by fundamentals. Nuveen’s Global Investment Committee explores

  • Macroeconomic picture - December 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - December 2020

    2020-12-01T09:48:00Z By Amundi

    United States: after a record contraction in Q2, and an extraordinary rebound in Q3, we expect a significant deceleration in Q4, influenced by the new rise in Covid-19 cases and given the signs of a progressive deceleration in several economic and behavioral indicators. Next year’s growth outlook remains supported by the supportive mix of monetary and fiscal policy. 

  • Ad4__piggy_box_400x320
    White papers

    How might monetary policy evolve in a post-pandemic world?

    2020-10-12T10:48:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Are central banks running out of ammunition to combat the next recession? In a word: no. In two words: no, but…