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Global Investment Views - October 2019
Stay Agile Amid High Uncertainty
Over the past few weeks markets have fluctuated between positive news around geopolitics (US-China trade talks, Italy and receding risks of no-deal Brexit) and not so good news around economic data (German recession, US manufacturing and Chinese slowdown). This led to a rebound in equities and a rise in core bond yields. -
White papers
Refining Risk Management for an Uncertain World
Investors are facing a strategic conundrum in a world of vast political, macroeconomic and market risks. In this environment, generating a better risk/return balance requires a deeper understanding of the sources of risk across asset classes and new data analysis techniques.
White papers
Beyond ESG risk integration: Impact investing
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment is taking root within the infrastructure investment community. Infrastructure assets have the potential to bring strong social, environmental and economic benefits to society but they are also particularly exposed to ESG risks. Most investment firms active in the space have by now implemented ESG considerations in their investment process.
White papers
Counting the business cost of deforestation
The risk of brand damage and consumer boycotts from poor environmental corporate practice has never been higher. Some companies are changing their ways, others could do more.
White papers
What are insurance-linked securities and how do they work?
A challenging environment for traditional asset classes means less correlated assets - like insurance-linked securities – are in higher demand. How do they work?
White papers
The global warehouse boom: Industrial investment in the U.S. & EU
The logistics industry is a rapidly growing force in the global economy, driving extraordinary demand for warehouse property. In 2018, global industrial transaction volume climbed to a record high of $154 billion, almost 10% of all investment sales.
White papers
Portfolio Risk Management: A Multidimensional Perspective
Asset allocation, effective portfolio design and dynamic management have always been powerful tools for battling volatile markets, but risk has come into even sharper focus lately. Economic growth is slowing, yields are low and stocks have taken several tumbles. Investors are looking for new ways to tackle risk.
White papers
Your Questions Answered by Hermes Multi Strategy Credit
Your Questions Answered: a quarterly Q&A series featuring the top 10 questions that clients and prospective clients ask our investment teams.
White papers
Cluster Analysis: Managing Risks You Didn’t Know You Had
From anthropology to politics, analysts in many fields have used cluster analysis to help decipher complex relationships for nearly 90 years. But investment firms are only beginning to discover the powerful applications for detecting unknown risks lurking in market behavior patterns.
White papers
How do you invest in the global energy transition
Over the next 30 years, the world’s energy system will shift from one based on fossil fuels to one dominated by renewable electricity. We examine the investment opportunity.
White papers
Q4 Economic Outlook: Learning To Live With Deflation...
In his latest Economic outlook, Neil Williams, Senior Economic Adviser to Hermes Investment Management, argues that Japan-style deflation is becoming an increasing possibility elsewhere. While it may not involve a general downturn in living standards – Japan after all remains a prosperous G3, $5trn economy (almost twice the UK’s) – the main challenge would be the shift in mind-set needed to live with it.
White papers
Trade War Escalation And Impact On World Trade And Economic Growth
Trade tensions re-escalated during the summer. Starting on 1 September, the US Administration introduced new tariffs and China retaliated simultaneously. More tariffs are likely from the US side, including an increase in tariffs already in place from 25% to 30% and new tariffs on the last tranche of imported goods from China. Concerning extra-tariffs measures, in August the temporary licences granted to US companies to operate with Huawei were extended upon their expiration but, so far, with no additional structural guidance.
White papers
Risk Factors, Macroeconomic Context And Forecasts - September 2019
Financial markets have been rattled in the past weeks over escalating trade war between the US and China as both imposed tariffs and counter-tariffs on imports. Idiosyncratic risks stories in countries such as Argentina resurfaced, the UK’s parliament was suspended over Brexit chaos and Italy witnessed a political crisis of its own, although a government seems in sight now.
White papers
Spotlight on the circular economy - Targeting sustainable development by ‘closing the loop’
Since the start of the industrial era, linear economic models have dominated the global economy, with resources typically extracted, used and then disposed of as waste.
White papers
Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund - H1 2019 report
The Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund targets investment outperformance and social and environmental impacts that help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What progress did we achieve through our engagements in the first half of 2019?
Asset Manager News
ECB Easing and Trade Deescalation Boost Markets
The three things you need to know this week: More signs are pointing to U.S.-China trade war de-escalation, ECB launches new stimulus and the PBOC cuts required reserve ratios.
White papers
Flexible credit: strategies for all seasons
A flexible, all-weather approach to credit investing has risen in popularity during the past decade. In the first instalment of a five-part series, we look at how flexibility has helped credit investors capture income in a low-yield world and manage duration risk. In an uncertain and often volatile environment, we consider what a flexible approach can offer investors at this stage of the macroeconomic cycle, and throughout the next.
White papers
Bullish on Tech—Especially Outside the Tech Sector
When thinking about technology, asset managers and asset owners have similar concerns and opportunities—both when investing in it and applying it. We must understand that technology is less about technology stocks and more about the way disruption affects corporate performance. And we must address the implications of technology for our businesses.
White papers
Illiquidity: understanding the premium in fixed-income markets
Years of low interest rates have prompted fixed-income investors to look beyond traditional sources of yield and consider whether illiquid assets can boost returns. But while this illiquidity premium is widely discussed and increasingly sought, it has been inadequately measured and investors lack an understanding of how it operates in different conditions.
White papers
Measuring the market impact of geopolitics
Geopolitical risk is on the rise and investors will increasingly need to take it into account in the coming years. Our analysis looks at how it can impact portfolios and what investors can do about it in terms of strategy.