All Global articles – Page 122

  • Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence
    White papers

    Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence

    2020-01-02T11:58:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    In almost whatever country you care to mention, climate change and social inequality are exploding into the public consciousness. Extinction Rebellion in the UK or the Gilets Jaune in Paris are just two of the more high-profile signs. Yet in the financial markets, too, green, social and sustainability bonds are growing in number and sophistication.

  • Improving outlook for risk assets
    White papers

    Improving outlook for risk assets

    2020-01-02T11:40:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    The downturn in industrial output is bottoming out and corporate earnings – powered by rate cuts in the US and Europe – are about to accelerate.

  • Demand grows for high-quality ESG analytics
    White papers

    Demand grows for high-quality ESG analytics

    2020-01-02T11:28:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    After the buzz comes the reality. As we look towards 2020, the key responsible investment (RI) themes are already evident. Technology, regulatory changes, enhanced analytics, active use of voting rights and thematic issues (eg, climate change or the sustainable development goals) are key elements of this and are set to be the focus in the RI field.

  • Low Yield High regulation enviornment
    White papers

    Adapting to a low-yield, high-regulation environment

    2020-01-02T11:16:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Global insurance markets are a tale of two halves. The European and US markets are mature, with assets under management likely to remain flat for the foreseeable future. Asia is different: the market is boasting strong, sometimes double-digit growth. Insurance companies are injecting a lot of the expertise from their European or US businesses into growth areas, thus achieving higher valuation multiples, because a fast-growing business is more attractive from an M&A point of view.

  • Impact investing in public fixed income markets
    White papers

    Impact investing in public fixed income markets

    2020-01-01T13:28:00Z By Nuveen

    Across Nuveen, our commitment to responsible investing (RI) is based on three core principles:(1) integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment processes and decision-making; (2) proactive engagement with issuers and other industry stakeholders on a variety of ESG-related topics; and(3) impact, the ability of our investment practices to deliver competitive financial performance and document the intended environmental and social outcomes.

  • Global Investment Views - January 2020
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - January 2020

    2019-12-30T16:55:00Z By Amundi

    As we approach the year-end, a look back over the past 12 months reminds us how unconventional this year of records has been. On the upside, equities rallied to historical highs in December and fixed income returns were also strong as bond yields fell. The combination of these trends enabled a traditional 50 bond/50 equity balanced portfolio for European to investors generate 15.5%1, the best annual performance in the last two decades.

  • Trade war clouds the outlook
    White papers

    Trade war clouds the outlook

    2019-12-27T11:10:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    The effects of the US’s multiple confrontations with allies and adversaries over its terms of trade with the rest of the world have overshadowed commodity markets throughout 2019. At the beginning of this year we anticipated relatively swift progress towards a trade deal between the US and China. But as the year progressed it became clear that this confrontation would last much longer than we had initially expected. We now believe it will continue beyond the US presidential election late next year, irrespective of which candidate wins.

  • Outlook 2020 - The Beauty of Symmetry
    White papers

    Outlook 2020: The Beauty of Symmetry

    2019-12-20T11:33:00Z By Generali Investments

    − Global growth is finding its feet, but a powerful upswing is not around the corner: risks such a Hard Brexit (still!) and the US elections are impediments to a meaningful capex recovery.
    − 2019 was in many ways similar to 2016; but 2020 will not be a repeat of 2017. We expect equity gains to continue, but in a far more muted fashion.
    − Central banks engineered a stunning risk rally in 2019; they will be less active in 2020. But nascent efforts to make inflation targets more symmetrical will remain a risk-friendly force.

  • Our convictions for emerging markets in 2020
    White papers

    Our convictions for emerging markets in 2020

    2019-12-19T17:26:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    GDP growth should be stronger across many emerging markets in 2020 as Anjeza Kadilli explains.

  • Real Estate Outlook - Global overview – Edition 4, 2019
    White papers

    Real Estate Outlook - Global overview – Edition 4, 2019

    2019-12-19T14:51:00Z By UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd (North America)

    Returns slowing but rate cuts supportive of sector

  • Core Matters - Where has inflation gone?
    White papers

    Core Matters: Where has inflation gone?

    2019-12-19T11:27:00Z By Generali Investments

    Over the past decades global inflation has been trending down. It averaged 8% yoy in the 1980s but stands at just 2.7% yoy in the current decade. Inflation is much lower in developed economies. Since 2011 it has hovered around 1.8% and 1.3% yoy in the US and euro area respectively, but only at about 0.3% yoy in Japan (excluding the sales tax hike in 2014).

  • December Macro Dashboard
    White papers

    December Macro Dashboard

    2019-12-19T10:31:00Z By Barings

    The announced Phase One trade deal between the U.S. and China, as well as the Conservatives increasing their majority in the U.K. election, has tempered two of the biggest political risks hanging over the global economy. At least temporarily, sentiment is turning optimistic.

  • Thematic equities - their use in a diversified portfolio
    White papers

    Thematic equities: their use in a diversified portfolio

    2019-12-17T17:19:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Investors can make an allocation to thematic equities whichever portfolio construction approach they use.

  • Trends For 2020
    White papers

    Trends For 2020


    Global Real Estate Trends Set to Shape the Next 12 Months

  • Trends For 2020
    White papers

    Trends For 2020

    2019-12-17T09:54:00Z By PGIM Real Estate [Homepage]

    Global Real Estate Trends Set to Shape the Next 12 Months

  • Raising the Bar – Impact Investing in a Changing World
    White papers

    Raising the Bar – Impact Investing in a Changing World

    2019-12-16T13:55:00Z By Nuveen

    Today we are witnessing an unprecedented wave of capital that seeks to make a difference for people and the planet. Investors, for their part, increasingly strive to generate both financial and social returns. Not that long ago, a $100 contribution to a microfinance fund was viewed as a philanthropic donation.

  • Hermes - Global Emerging Markets - ESG Materiality, Q3 2019
    White papers

    Global Emerging Markets: ESG Materiality, Q3 2019

    2019-12-16T11:56:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Welcome to the Hermes Global Emerging Markets’ ESG Materiality commentary – a quarterly publication that demonstrates our engagement activity with portfolio companies and showcases holdings that are creating positive impact aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we explore an environmental, social and governance theme and its implications for the asset class.

  • The Changing Investment Climate Around Climate Change
    White papers

    The Changing Investment Climate Around Climate Change

    2019-12-13T15:37:00Z By Barings

    Investors need to pay attention regardless of the uncertainties (and the politics). The changing climate is already changing a lengthening list of prices, which is changing the climate for investments.

  • 2020 appears tilted to the downside
    White papers

    2020 appears tilted to the downside

    2019-12-13T11:58:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    The themes we discuss at our Annual Investment Symposium guide our research process. Over a longer-term horizon, we believe global stocks have greater performance potential than global bonds, supported by continued growth and moderate inflation. With government bond term-premia remaining below historical averages, we see a lower performance potential from government bonds.

  • AI applications in financial services
    White papers

    AI applications in financial services

    2019-12-13T11:43:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In this paper, we examine the pros and cons of applying artificial intelligence (AI) in three areas of financial services: asset management, banking and insurance.