All Global articles – Page 126
White papers
The five practical issues of incorporating ESG into multi-asset portfolios
We discuss the five practical issues asset owners need to address when implementing a sustainability budget for environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in multi-asset portfolios.
White papers
Sink or swim: buoy portfolio returns with illiquid assets
With public equity markets trading close to all-time highs and low yields available from bonds, interest in private assets like infrastructure and private equity has risen.
White papers
Investing for Impact: Our Take
In early 2019, Stephanie Braming, CFA, partner, global head of William Blair Investment Management, participated in The Economist’s Investing for Impact conference in New York City. We later sat down with her to discuss sustainability, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, and the changing demands of the industry.
White papers
Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q2 - 2019
This document includes the perspective of Amundi on asset returns used to build reference portfolios for our institutional clients. A publication issued annually in February covers the major macro and financial foundations of our views, while this one provides a quarterly update of our medium and long-term expected returns by asset class.
White papers
Global Emerging Markets Equities: Where Do We Stand?
In this Q&A, William Palmer and Michael Levy, Co-Heads for Emerging and Frontier Equities, discuss their approach to accessing the asset class, current trends, and why recent headwinds may be becoming tailwinds.
White papers
Gold/Silver Options Skews: Upside Risk Ahead?
U.S. monetary policy exerts a strong influence on the skewness of currency, gold and silver options. In a normal monetary environment where short-term interest rates are well above zero, investors tend to be more concerned about gold and silver prices rising abruptly than falling.
White papers
Generali’s Multi-Boutique Platform - Where specialization meets experience
One of the mainstays of the strategy announced by Generali Group is asset management enhancement, with the goal to integrate and strengthen its existing skills with new investment philosophies and cutting-edge strategies, thus making Generali Group a leader in both insurance and asset management.
White papers
Will ECB Change Course to End Negative Rates?
Negative rates aimed at boosting European bank lending instead had the opposite effect. Will the ECB end this policy and raise rates in 2019?
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy - May 2019
Equity markets have remained buoyant in recent weeks: the S&P 500 is trending towards an all-time high, the European equity market (STOXX 600) is close to last year’s peak and the performances of emerging markets have also been very strong.
White papers
Who Will Lead The World Economy?
When we talk about leadership, we also talk about rivalry… and 2018 was undoubtedly a particularly emblematic year of rivalry, especially between the United States and China, and to some extent, between the United States and Europe.
White papers
Managing fixed income late in the credit cycle: navigating the path forward
While we are clearly in the late stage of the credit cycle, we don’t think a recession is imminent and believe investors should feel comfortable investing in credit markets throughout the rest of 2019.
White papers
360 – Fixed Income report, Q2 2019
A reveille has been sounded in markets that are now experiencing feverish activity as half a decade of torpor gives way to volatility. Glib explanations for the panicked stampede of the recent sell-off – and subsequent rebound – mask the importance of properly calibrated defensive and flexible portfolio strategies.
White papers
Is Inflation Definitely Dead Or Simply Dormant? Consequences For Central Banks
Inflation never disappears completely. In history, there have been periods when it was dormant, but revivals have always been painful. What is striking at present is the inability of some countries to boost inflation despite low rates, liquidity injection programs… The BoJ and the ECB have made the bet (losing for the moment) that a ultra-accommodative monetary policy would quickly translate into a rise in inflation rates, while the Fed has opted for a “friendly” normalization of its monetary policy, helped in this, it must be said, by a fiscal and tax policy that has never been as pro-cyclical as in recent years (the Trump years).
White papers
Energy Options Skews: Beyond Supply Shocks
The U.S. shale oil revolution has given out-of-the-money put options a persistently negative skew over the past decade, overshadowing likely supply woes.
White papers
Emerging Market Green Bonds - Report 2018
In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) urged the world to intensify its efforts to combat climate change by meeting the goal of the 2016 Paris Agreement to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
White papers
Global Asset Class Spotlights - Top Down Quarterly Assessment
Growth, monetary policies and geopolitics remain the key drivers of market returns and investment decisions, with their relative influence changing over time. The YTD revival of risk assets has translated into rosier expectations on growth. We remain cautious; we confirm the late cycle environment with extra dovish central banks and growth stabilisation ahead, as our economists are predicting. However, we also look towards the reporting season to confirm the solidity of corporates’ fundamentals and we expect a rerating in the face of European elections.
White papers
The Short and Long of Oil
Short-term forces centered on supply constraints are driving the oil market higher but increasing fuel efficiency could temper prices over the long term.
White papers
High Yield: A Swift Rebound
High yield bonds and loans posted a strong Q1 following the technically induced Q4 sell-off. With defaults still near historical lows, current spreads provide attractive risk-adjusted return potential.
White papers
Impact Report, Q1 2019
Plastic is a versatile, ubiquitous material in today’s fast-moving economy. But it is also one (big) example of the challenges we face when trying to transition to a circular economy.
White papers
Global Investment Views - May 2019
Equity markets have remained buoyant in recent weeks: the S&P 500 is trending towards an all-time high, the European equity market (STOXX 600) is close to last year’s peak and the performances of emerging markets have also been very strong.