All Global articles – Page 124
White papers
Delta: positive returns from returners
What advice would you give to somebody returning to work after parental leave, or seeking a better work-life balance as a financial professional? How has caring for your children positively impacted your family and the company you work for?
White papers
Core Matter: A Deeper Look into Financial Vulnerabilities
Almost ten years of record low interest rates have raised leverage in the non-financial sector as well as investors’ tolerance for riskier and less liquid instruments. As a result, the average quality of corporate debt has worsened. Credit risk has shifted away from banks to asset managers. Mutual funds’ ...
White papers
Factor Investing In Currency Markets: Does It Make Sense?
The concept of factor investing emerged at the end of the 2000s and has completely changed the landscape of equity investing. Today, institutional investors structure their strategic asset allocation around five risk factors: size, value, low beta, momentum and quality.
White papers
Banning Huawei: an act of economic war
As long-term investors in Chinese companies, we ask ourselves: is the US’s blacklisting of Huawei a tactic in ongoing trade tensions, or a move instigating an economic war?
White papers
Turning Big Data into Big Investment Insights
What do airline ticket prices, car sales and thousands of corporate filings have in common? In each of these areas, we applied advanced big data techniques to tackle an equity investing conundrum that couldn’t be solved by human researchers alone.
White papers
The case for a core allocation to emerging market debt
A commonly held, but misplaced, belief that emerging market debt is an obscure and risky outpost of the fixed income universe has resulted in its under-representation in many portfolios.
White papers
Amplified: ESG investing and Stewardship
The world is at a tipping point; responsible investment, ESG and stewardship, once seen as the preserve of niche green investors is now mainstream, challenging accepted investment fundamentals, as well as investors, asset owners and companies to do better.
White papers
How Machine Learning Can Help Bond Investors
When a group of graduate students asked Warren Buffett about the best way to prepare for an investing career, he held up a stack of Securities and Exchange Commission filings. “Read 500 pages like this every day,” he told them. “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up like compound interest.”
White papers
Where the Dry Powder Goes Next
Stuart Mathieson and Bryan High, portfolio managers for the Global Special Situations strategy, discuss the outlook for distressed debt investing—and explain how they’re finding opportunities throughout the cycle.
White papers
What to look for when investing in global cities
Hugo Machin, Co-Head of Global Real Estate Solutions, explains what makes a successful global city investment and why London is so highly rated.
White papers
Pricing Individual Stock Options Using Both Stock And Market Index Information
When it comes to individual stock option pricing, most applications consider a univariate framework. From a theoretical point of view this is unsatisfactory as we know that the expected return of any asset is closely related to the exposure to the market risk factors.
White papers
Responsible Property Investing - 2018
We have been benchmarking the RPI performance of our funds for many years, with our involvement in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) survey growing over that time.
White papers
Variance Premium, Downside Risk, And Expected Stock Returns
We decompose total variance into its bad and good components and measure the premia associated with their fluctuations using stock and option data from a large cross-section of firms. The total variance risk premium (VRP) represents the premium paid to insure against fluctuations in bad variance (called bad VRP), net of the premium received to compensate for fluctuations in good variance (called good VRP).
White papers
Four Reasons Security Matters Right Now
Amid the late stages of an elongated credit cycle, Martin Horne, Barings’ Head of Global High Yield, discusses four reasons why global senior secured bonds—a lesser known and perhaps underappreciated subset of high yield—could be an attractive option in the event of defaults.
White papers
The Road Back To The 70s: Implications For Investors
History shows that the economy and financial markets are dominated by long-term regimes that at some point come to a break point, where one regime gives way to a new one. This shift may not be easy to detect. Trapped in their comfort zones, with a short-term perspective, few may see it coming.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy - June 2019
After weeks of relative stability, the threat of a trade war has returned, shaking investor confidence and awakening markets from complacency. However, while there is still a significant optimism in the market that a deal can be struck, we believe that the risk of disappointment leading to another wave of volatility remains significant.
Asset Manager News
Amplified: There’s more than one side to any investment story
We are now in the tail end of the second quarter of an already eventful year, with investors facing a range of stark choices.
White papers
The 2020 US Presidential Election: Another Close Race?
President Donald Trump’s performance on the US economy gives him a significant advantage over his Democratic rivals heading into the 2020 election. However, Trump has consistently polled poorly with voters on character issues including leadership, temperament and management skills. The potential fallout from the Mueller report and ongoing House ...
White papers
Q&A with Damien Buchet - June 2019
What is the main objective of Finisterre’s EMD Total Return strategy?