All Global articles – Page 131
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy Special Edition: Outlook 2019
With late cycle features continuing to materialise and a higher level of vulnerability developing due to the uncertain geopolitical backdrop, 2019 will require investors to embrace a more prudent approach, despite the benign global economic outlook.
White papers
Real Estate Summary: Edition 4 2018
Real estate capitalization rates and yields are levelling off and rents are growing in most markets. There are multiple risks, including the steady escalation of the US-China trade war. We expect advanced economies to slow in 2019 but still remain in growth mode. New government policies increase the risk of error as central banks withdraw stimulus.
White papers
Global Trade War: Where Do we Stand Now? What Impacts?
A few days before the important meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, it is important to have a clear view on the trade dispute between the two countries and on the potential impacts of a trade war.
White papers
Asset Allocation Update: The three tensions grabbing investor attention
Much of October was a brutal month for financial assets.
White papers
3 views on coping with market volatility
With swift and sudden market volatility, investors are looking for context and insight. Our economists and portfolio managers react to recent turbulence, giving you thoughts on how to understand and react to market moves.
White papers
Enhancing Your Portfolio with Real Estate
A “back to basics” approach can produce better risk-adjusted returns
White papers
SICAV (GIS) SRI Ageing Population Celebrating 3 years of success!
What have been the most important lessons learned in terms of the performance to be obtained from this investment theme, SRI approach (Socially Responsible Investment), and stock-picking strategy, since GIS SRI Ageing Population (the Fund) was launched three years ago?
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: September 2018
Italian budget discussions are going to intensify as the 27th of September approaches, date of publication of the document outlining the new budget law and when there should be more clarity on the key economic projections and deficit targets.
White papers
Did Quantitative Easing Help Spur Growth?
As economies were struck down by the 2008 financial crisis, central banks resorted to quantitative easing to spur growth. Did the strategy succeed?
White papers
Global Investment Views: September 2018
The year began with a synchronised global recovery as most economies benefited from a buoyant environment. The risk of inflation and CB mistakes dominated investors’ fears.
White papers
Core Matters: How do assets perform in a maturing business cycle?
The record long expansion in US real GDP (37 quarters so far) and the gradual pickup in inflation have started raising concerns about the beginning of the end of the current cyclical upswing.
White papers
Real Estate Summary: Edition 3 2018
Despite the current fundamental backdrop for real estate investment remaining supportive, risk is on the rise.
White papers
Asset Class Return Forecasts: Q3 2018
The current global expansion is set to run until 2020, with above potential growth in most countries in 2018 and 2019. However, the global GDP growth has started to decelerate and we expect it to slow further in 2020.
White papers
Global Investment Views: August 2018
Concerns about trade continue to take centre stage. While US assets have so far been resilient amid escalating protectionist rhetoric, markets targeted by tariffs are under pressure.
White papers
Economic Insights: June 2018
Stock market outlook: It may be a long, hot summer. Defensive stocks outperformed in June; investors may be starting to worry. We believe the robust U.S. and world economy should bring higher stock prices later this year.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: July 2018
Since the beginning of the year, emerging market risky assets have become more volatile.
White papers
Political Event Risk Raises Stakes for Sudden Price Moves
Major political event risk, ranging from elections in Mexico, Brazil and the U.S., to Brexit and NAFTA negotiations, could swing equity, bond, FX and ags markets.
White papers
Volatility In The New World?
As talk of volatility returns to the market, investors need to make sure that they are truly diversified, says Ian Heslop, Head of Global Equities at Old Mutual Global Investors and Manager of the Old Mutual Arbea Fund.
White papers
Strategic Relative Value: Q2 2018
Even modest upward interest rate adjustments can be disruptive to risk markets when they collide with slowing economic growth, shifting monetary regimes, and geopolitical shocks.
White papers
A strong first year puts Shariah strategy on the front foot
Last month marked the first anniversary of a unique Columbia Threadneedle Investments strategy.