All Global articles – Page 132
White papers
Volatility In The New World?
As talk of volatility returns to the market, investors need to make sure that they are truly diversified, says Ian Heslop, Head of Global Equities at Old Mutual Global Investors and Manager of the Old Mutual Arbea Fund.
White papers
Strategic Relative Value: Q2 2018
Even modest upward interest rate adjustments can be disruptive to risk markets when they collide with slowing economic growth, shifting monetary regimes, and geopolitical shocks.
White papers
A strong first year puts Shariah strategy on the front foot
Last month marked the first anniversary of a unique Columbia Threadneedle Investments strategy.
White papers
Asset Allocation Update: Strong earnings prompt US equities upgrade
Amid background noise such as ongoing trade skirmishes involving the US, the evolving Chinese economy and geo-political tensions, we have spent time analysing recent market movements and the implications for risk assets.
White papers
Global Real Estate Summary: Edition 2 2018
The global economic backdrop is supportive of real estate although growth has eased slightly. Central bank policy is diverging as the US leads the way with rate rises. Strong occupier and investor demand has fueled outperformance of industrial property and we expect this to continue into 2019. Some investors looking to alternatives and value-add to boost returns.
White papers
Interview: Investing for Returns Can Support Sustainable Development
Can investing for market-rate returns contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
White papers
ESG: What Institutional Investors Are Saying About Sustainable Investing
At a Neuberger Berman conference, institutional investors discussed current trends in ESG investing.
White papers
“Generation Income” – looking beyond traditional real estate
We describe three alternative real estate asset classes that may cater to investors’ income needs. European hotels are becoming ever more interesting – not least due to rising tourism. US real estate is particularly compelling if one invests outside the major agglomerations. And, finally, global income securities (aka listed real estate) provide a full range of instruments with diverse risk and return characteristics.
White papers
U.S. Pullout of Iran Nuclear Deal: What Next for Oil, Business?
The United States has pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in a move that could have wide-ranging implications for oil markets, trade and the Middle East peace process. Read about the potential impacts.
White papers
Rising Rates Survival Guide
Looking for new sources of income and diversification will be crucial to dealing with the challenges of rising interest rates and inflation.
White papers
Economic Insights: April 2018
What happens after a crisis? A return to normal. The world economic expansion, now two years old, remains intact, albeit with modest deceleration outside the United States.
White papers
Impact investing & the global microfinance sector
According to the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), impact investing is investments made into companies, organisations and funds with the intention to generate measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial return.
White papers
Global Economic Outlook: More of the same for 2018?
2017 was a surprisingly calm year for the global economy. Despite the economic and geopolitical concerns voiced at the beginning of the year, fears over Brexit, Chinese debt, rising populism across Europe and Trump’s legislative agenda had negligible effect on world growth.
White papers
5G in Latin America: A region’s global competitiveness at stake
So far, this series, 5G: The Foundation for a HyperConnected World, has examined the transformational technology that will redefine communications and have lasting impacts on several industries. Most recently we’ve explored 5G’s potential impact in Africa and how the continent could benefit from the technology.
White papers
Monthly FX Report
Keep up with what the market is saying and what’s happening in our marketplace.
White papers
Replicating OTC FX Market Positions with CME FX Futures
Explore the advantages that CME FX futures offer traditional market practitioners in the OTC FX markets, and how CME FX futures can be used to replicate cost-efficient, manageable synthetic exposure to OTC FX spot, forwards, and swaps.
White papers
The Greenwich Perspective: A Bright Future for FX Futures
Greenwich Associates recently published a paper assessing the value and viability of FX futures as a proxy to the OTC FX market.
White papers
Managing currency risk in equity portfolios
This report shows how equity index futures provide a more flexible alternative than cash equity products for managing foreign exchange risks.
White papers
Equity Index Futures vs. ETFs Total Cost Analysis Tool
This tool is designed to analyze the all-in costs of replicating the S&P 500 by trading equity index futures versus exchange-traded funds.