All Global articles – Page 135
White papers
Are ‘linkers’ the best way to guard against inflation?
With rising UK inflation, questions are increasingly being asked about the best way to protect the real value of investments.
White papers
China-US détente eases investor fears
International investors have greater opportunity to benefit from China’s continued rise.
White papers
The beginning of India’s transformation
Events in 2017 confirm that that India is at a turning point, with Narenda Modi’s reformist BJP party winning a sweeping victory in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
White papers
Argentina: the ‘emerging’ emerging market
Despite not being upgraded to emerging market status this year, the outlook for Argentina remains positive.
White papers
Economic Insights: June 2017
The nine years since the summer of 2007 were anything but normal. There was a nearly constant stream of financial crises: emanating first from the United States, then the Eurozone, and then from China’s stock market meltdown and surprise devaluation.
White papers
Emerging market assets: Zoom out and re-focus
Emerging market assets well placed to outperform their developed world counterparts but too much attention is devoted to the short term.
White papers
The long unwinding road of quantitative easing
The reasons for using QE and its effectiveness have been argued at length and this article aims not to discuss whether or not QE has worked, but to look at the likely next steps of central banks and how these could impact markets.
White papers
What will end the search for yield?
The search for yield appears unstoppable. Global investors’ voracious appetite for income has been a near-constant theme since the end of the financial crisis, propelling bond yields to record lows.
White papers
Go for consistency of returns, not spectacular returns
Colin Moore (Global Chief Investment Officer) discusses where he sees investment opportunities and risks in today’s markets, and why he thinks investors value a consistent approach to investing now more than ever.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: June 2017
Can global trade, which has declined sharply over the past decade, contribute to accelerating growth with consumption, investment and fiscal and tax policies?
White papers
Asset Allocation Monthly: May 2017
We have recently increased our equity rating to favour from neutral on the back of lower political risk and positive earnings developments.
White papers
The emerging markets cloud receding
As US rhetoric on trade protectionism softens, investors are focusing on emerging markets’ fundamental attractions once more as productivity improvements and fast-growing young populations are driving superior economic growth.
White papers
Conversations with Investment Managers - Futures versus ETFs
Aite, an independent research firm, put together an in-depth report on whether to trade futures or ETFs to replicate S&P 500 returns and other U.S. stock market performance.
White papers
Our Convictions: May 2017
We have repeatedly mentioned how financial markets have tended to overestimate the risks of European elections, underestimate the fears of the Brexit and overestimate hopes on Trump’s economic policy.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: May 2017
The purpose of this article is to present the state of affairs on the polls, the priorities of the French and to recall the program of the two candidates as well as the major issues: to obtain a parliamentary majority for E. Macron, to obtain a parliamentary majority and to clarify her position on Europe for Marine Le Pen.
White papers
Economic Insights: April 2017
The free trade negotiations of the late 1980s and 90s that lowered world trade barriers plus the opening up of countries of the former Soviet Union in 1989 led to a massive, positive, global labor supply shock.
White papers
Technology and retirement: Shifting opportunities
Technology has made it possible for us to live better, longer, more meaningful lives. And that’s cause for great optimism and positivity.
White papers
Technology, emerging markets, and the path to financial security
Just like the developed world, emerging markets populations are aging and looking for a secure retirement.