All Global articles – Page 118
White papers
The trouble with bonds
Why bond investors should consider making an allocation to absolute return fixed income strategies.
White papers
Recession Angst vs. Recession Realities
Global growth has been at the centre of investor worries, but in some geographies, this is currently more a function of anticipation than hard data. Looking into the fourth quarter of 2019, we would break the world into two groups. Europe and some major emerging markets are seeing weak growth that feels like recession, while the U.S. and other major countries are more at risk of confidence shocks that could overwhelm reasonably strong fundamentals. With our continued overall expectation of a global soft landing, we provide details on our investment views below.
White papers
Total Portfolio Impact
The investment management industry is experiencing a fundamental change as two long-running trends converge: first, a belief that material environmental, social and governance (ESG) characteristics can be a driver of better long-term investment performance, and second, a demand from clients to understand the social and environmental impact of their portfolio alongside investment performance.
White papers
Beneath the Surface
This quarter, Neuberger Berman’s Asset Allocation Committee Outlook focuses on how surfaces can hide complexity and opportunity. As the S&P 500 Index breaks new records even as U.S. Treasury yields fall in anticipation of rate cuts, we believe it is time to be more cautious in overall stock and bond allocations.
White papers
Global Emerging Markets: ESG Materiality, Q2 2019
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Hermes Global Emerging Markets’ ESG Materiality commentary – a quarterly publication that will demonstrate our engagement activity with portfolio companies and showcase holdings that are creating positive impact aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we will explore an environmental, social and governance theme and its implications for the asset class.
White papers
The Good (Consumer), The Bad (Global Outlook) & The Ugly (Trade)
The IMF downgrades its global growth outlook, the Fed’s Beige Book notes household spending remains positive and a Brexit deal is on the table.
White papers
How The Dollar Explains the State of the World
The global economy may be changing more slowly than you might think. How the dollar continues to serve as the global currency standard and what it tells is about the economy and the world.
White papers
Trending: Slowbalization, Big Tech, Political Pendulums
Patrick Foulis, business affairs editor for The Economist, discusses the top global economic trends to watch and gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of the 176-year-old publication. See how the sausage gets made, including the importance of hiring intellectual rebels and writing good puns.
Asset Manager News
PATRIZIA strategically partners with WiredScore
PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces that it has made a strategic investment in WiredScore, the global rating scheme for digital connectivity across commercial and residential real estate.
White papers
Five factor investing mistakes - and how to navigate them
It’s not been plain sailing for factor investing in recent years, but we’ve identified some ways to improve the chances of its success.
White papers
Coming of age: 15 years of stewardship services with Hermes EOS
In the 15 years since Hermes EOS was launched, stewardship has travelled from the fringes to the mainstream, with the benefits of engaging with companies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities now more widely recognised by investors and regulators.
White papers
AI: brave new worlds
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we live and work. But while AI has the potential to create efficiencies and boost economic output, it also poses ethical and legal challenges. If the sustainability issues surrounding AI are scrutinised and addressed, we think the technology has the potential to serve both business and humankind – and create investment opportunities along the way.
White papers
Disruption from climate change is only just beginning for investors
We are just at the beginning of a very long period in which climate change will have a significant, and increasing, effect on markets. New research suggests investors are not ready.
White papers
Sustainable infrastructure: it’s not just about clean energy
Decarbonising existing infrastructure will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reinforce investment returns
White papers
Is oil’s relationship with energy stocks slipping?
Our chart of the month shows that the link between energy stocks and oil appears to be on the slide. What’s happening?
White papers
The Federal Reserve Doesn't Want You To Call It QE
The three things you need to know this week: the Fed’s balance sheet is set to grow, FOMC participants are split on the forward path and keep an eye out on parameters for ECB purchases next.
White papers
It’s Technology (Not Trade), Stupid!
Why disruptive innovation drives populism more than globalization. Policymakers and investors need to think long and hard about the coming challenges from technology.
White papers
Webinar: objective danger in the investment environment
Markets may have reached record peaks earlier this year, but the geopolitical environment is fraught and central-bank oxygen may not prop up asset prices for much longer. We expect more outbursts of pent-up volatility going forward as investors face up to the growing risks in this high-altitude market.
White papers
High Yield: Rates, Recessions and Relative Value
While there is no shortage of risks to consider in today’s high yield markets—from ESG to the end of the credit cycle—Barings’ Martin Horne describes how taking a contrarian approach can help investors uncover pockets of value
White papers
Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt: Does Active Management Pay?
The performance of Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt can—and does—vary widely from country to country. In this piece, Barings’ Cem Karacadag explores how an active approach can be key to selecting the most attractive opportunities, while also avoiding the bad apples.