All Risk Management articles – Page 10
White papers
Adopting an LDI approach throughout the investment chain: Lesson learnt from European insurers
The insurance business model is fundamentally based on underwriting and managing risks: insurance companies are contractually bound to meet specific obligations and as such structurally driven by liabilities.
White papers
Risk Parity: Does One Size Fit All?
Investors worried about the next market downturn are searching for unique ways to diversify their portfolios, and risk parity, a risk-based multi-asset strategy, continues to be an area of interest.
White papers
Inflation: the good, the bad and the ugly
Global inflation is heating up. According to the International Monetary Fund, the global consumer price index (CPI) is expected to rise from its recent 2015 low of 2.8% to 3.5% in 2017 and then hover around this level for the next five years.
White papers
Seeking sustainable income in a low rate environment
“Today income investors should explore opportunities across a broader range of asset classes in an effort to avoid the low yield trap”
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: September 2017
Find the latest edition of Amundi Research team’s monthly publication.
White papers
Why investors need a multi-layered approach to risk
The experiences of the 21st century have sent investors in different directions. Low equity returns since the turn of the millennium have prompted a search for new sources of risk, yet the traumatic experience of the 2008-2009 financial crash have also exposed the limitations of traditional measures.
White papers
Technology and retirement: Shifting opportunities
Technology has made it possible for us to live better, longer, more meaningful lives. And that’s cause for great optimism and positivity.
White papers
Floating Rate Notes can help prepare for a hike in interest rates
In a fast changing environment, FRNs are an increasingly attractive asset class, as they allow investors to reduce the sensitivity to interest rates fluctuations and to capture some potential yield.
White papers
Using factor investing to navigate choppy, low-return markets
Describing factors and how to implement them in portfolio construction
White papers
The High-Tech Lever: Examining Technology’s Influence on the Economy
The physical limitations of our strength, our endurance, and our finite life span have actually been a catalyst to the success of our species. Human beings have used their creativity and ingenuity to continually transcend those confines.
White papers
Generating returns and managing volatility: the absolute return approach to convertible bonds (October 2015)
The past months have been characterised by an unprecedented low rate environment coupled with unprecedented monetary easing policies. The continuous search for yield has pushed institutional investors out of their comfort zone, having to further diversify, to rethink their investment approach and risk budgets within a context of asset allocation ...
White papers
Pension Risk Transfer Gains Momentum in a Low Interest-Rate Environment
The pension risk transfer space continues to proliferate, with plan sponsors from an array of market sectors, firm sizes and geographical locations proactively transferring pension risk to insurance companies.
White papers
Is now the right time to de-risk?
The authors explain why companies with well-funded plans should take bold steps to de-risk now.
White papers
Now Trending: A Lower Risk Future
Records are breaking in the UK and the pension risk transfer market is more flexible and more global than ever.
White papers
A Lower Risk Future: Developments in the Pension Risk Transfer Market
The international pension risk transfer marketplace is experiencing remarkable growth, with more than $240 billion in transactions completed since 2007. In the United Kingdom, United States and Canada, hundreds of companies have transferred pension risk to insurers and reinsurers, with at least 35 pension funds executing transactions over $1 billion.
White papers
An attractive way of gaining exposure to equity markets while limiting risk
Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management offers clients an Equity Low Vol solution. What needs does it address?
White papers
Flexible, dynamic solutions for portfolio risk management
Overlay Management is basically a quantitative, disciplined and dynamic solution to risk management with one, simple goal: giving stability to client portfolios.