All Risk Management articles – Page 11
White papers
Now Trending: A Lower Risk Future
Records are breaking in the UK and the pension risk transfer market is more flexible and more global than ever.
White papers
A Lower Risk Future: Developments in the Pension Risk Transfer Market
The international pension risk transfer marketplace is experiencing remarkable growth, with more than $240 billion in transactions completed since 2007. In the United Kingdom, United States and Canada, hundreds of companies have transferred pension risk to insurers and reinsurers, with at least 35 pension funds executing transactions over $1 billion.
White papers
An attractive way of gaining exposure to equity markets while limiting risk
Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management offers clients an Equity Low Vol solution. What needs does it address?
White papers
Flexible, dynamic solutions for portfolio risk management
Overlay Management is basically a quantitative, disciplined and dynamic solution to risk management with one, simple goal: giving stability to client portfolios.
White papers
Research Affiliates - Financial engineers and the factor bubble
Is there a factor bubble? Tabulating papers in the top finance journals, nearly 250 factors appear to provide excess returns.
White papers
Russell Indexes - Smart beta implementation strategies
Insights into how smart beta is being implemented, focusing on the survey responses of over 50 asset owners that currently have smart beta allocations
White papers
TOBAM - Make diversification your beta
Yves Choueifaty, President and Founder of TOBAM, explains why concepts such as “smart beta” or “neutral portfolio” require clear definitions and how the Maximum Diversification® approach answers the need for beta.
White papers
PanAgora - Efficient smart beta analysis
There is increasing interest in “smart beta” strategies as investors seek new ways in which to capture risk premia more efficiently and inexpensively. However, the term “smart beta” means different things to different people.
White papers
Some smart beta approaches are smarter than others
The ‘low-risk anomaly’ has been around since at least 1926. Empirical evidence first found over 40 years ago shows that low-volatility investment portfolios tend to produce higher returns than riskier portfolios
White papers
Smart beta: Not new, not beta, still awesome
Let’s be blunt. Smart Beta is mostly re-packaged, re-branded quantitative management. That’s not to say we don’t like it or think it’s not good for investors.
White papers
Active or passive? That's the wrong question
The debate over active versus passive investment has been raging for 50 years now – for much of that time, unproductively.
White papers
The Free Lunch Effect: The Value of Decoupling Diversification and Risk
In this piece, we will discuss why thinking about diversification and risk independently may help investors to build more efficient portfolios. In particular, we introduce a way to think about the diversification potential of portfolios, or the Free Lunch Effect.