All Emerging Market articles – Page 34
White papers
5G Dis-Connectivity
Geopolitical and trade tensions may fragment the 5G supply chain, but while that could make the theme more complex to navigate, it is unlikely to diminish its importance.
White papers
Market Commentary – Financial repression and the sovereign carry trade
Chinese data on Monday may vindicate hopes of a V-shape recovery. Yet we warn against extrapolating 1/ an early bounce driven by pent-up demand and 2/ Chinese trends to the broader economy. The ‘swoosh’ scenario for the global economy remains very credible.
White papers
Will Europe Waste The Crisis?
Investors should be rooting for EU leaders as they attempt reforms that do more than just ease the immediate pain.
White papers
Crisis and resilience – Navigating a sustainable recovery
When we emerge from the pandemic, an important issue will be whether the collaboration and focus can be maintained and harnessed to address the climate crisis or other global issues.
White papers
No Liftoff on the Horizon
The Fed Funds rate is set to remain at its zero-lower bound for several years, while the BOE and BOJ assess current policy next week, and more trade deals appear on the horizon.
White papers
Weekly investment update – 10 June 2020
Hot spots in Latin America, India and the Middle East / Brazil charts its own course / will the US see a second wave / caution: US jobs data / more stimulus from the ECB and a German package
White papers
Cinderella science?
Why portfolio construction holds the key to resilient investment outcomes
White papers
Responsibility Report 2020
Welcome to our inaugural Responsibility Report – an annual publication that provides clear information about our responsible business practices, our approach to responsible investing and our firm-wide advocacy activities.
White papers
Covid-19 and the climate: whither carbon pricing?
After a long spell of low carbon prices within the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), times seemed to be changing over the past year, with carbon prices having become a material, near-term consideration for many investors and companies. This has particularly been the case for some industrial sectors in Europe.
Asset Manager News
Responsible Investment Quarterly - Q1 2020
Back in 1964 the German writer and historian Leopold Schwarzschild posed the question “What price freedom?” in an analysis of what is required from society in support of a more socialist political agenda. At the heart of the article, Schwarzschild remarked in particular the extent to which individual civil liberties must necessarily be brought into conflict with delivery of the wider interest. The question left hanging was, how much of a discrepancy in expectations and policy might society be willing to bear under the circumstances?
White papers
Market weekly – Consumer innovators in the post-pandemic world (podcast)
The rise of millennials, digital consumption and shifting demographics are among the big trends reshaping the consumer sector. How does the 2020 pandemic affect them? In this week’s podcast, Pamela Woo, head of US Equities and manager of the Consumer Innovators strategy, talks to Daniel Morris, senior market strategist, about the impact of the pandemic on consumer trends and themes.
White papers
The EM Default Picture: More Nuanced Than Headlines Imply
The coronavirus pandemic is creating short-term and long-term challenges for emerging markets (EMs). But not all sovereign and corporate issuers can be painted with the same broad brush, and placing too much weight on overly dire forecasts may result in missed opportunities.
White papers
Climate change and infectious diseases
As we manage our way through the coronavirus pandemic, we must not lose sight of the systemic risk posed by the climate crisis. In the second of our series, Nick Spooner explores how climate breakdown will exacerbate infectious diseases, and the steps that companies, investors and governments need to take to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis and future pandemics.
Asset Manager News
Federated Hermes marks World Environment Day
Over the past year, there has been a notable shift in awareness of two environmental challenges: the burgeoning climate emergency, and our troubled relationship with nature and biodiversity. The wide-reaching impact of the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the urgent need to prepare and protect against future global threats, and it is imperative that policymakers, companies and individuals take heed and come together to tackle both the climate crisis and our exploitation of the critical ecosystem ‘services’ we rely so heavily on.
White papers
Why Aren’t Markets Tanking?
There’s a list of reasons that might make an investor squirm, but there may be change afoot they should watch closely.
White papers
Weekly investment update – 3 June 2020
Easing the curbs in Europe; hotspot now Latin America / South Korea: an uptick in cases after lockdown / Europe’s answer to the blow / expect more stimulus and central bank pump priming
White papers
Multi Asset: a solid total portfolio approach for a complex world
An increasing number of institutional investors have adopted a total portfolio approach (TPA) as a response to the weaknesses of more traditional strategic asset allocation (SAA)-based methodologies. We believe the current crisis will reinforce this trend, as it is probably marking a paradigm shift in financial markets. This shift could be as important as the change in US monetary policy brought in by Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker at the beginning of the 1980s, which led to a long period of disinflation, lower interest rates and high asset returns.
White papers
The Coronavirus and ESG Investing, the emergence of the social pillar
Amundi’s Quantitative Research team has been studying the evolution of ESG investing across asset classes and geographies for the past several years. With the coronavirus pandemic, we have carefully examined these Responsible Investing trends and have identified some interesting findings:
White papers
The day after #5 - New Frontiers for Central Banks
Central Banks (CBs) are by nature more flexible than governments. Thus, they have been the most proactive in this crisis, reintroducing large-scale asset-purchase programmes financed by money creation (QE policies). With this pandemic, a spectacular change in economic policy has taken place in just a few months: fiscal and monetary policies have become intertwined, and this is probably not reversible. While governments have become the buyers of last resort, CBs are playing their role as lenders of last resort. How far can they go? We argue here that CBs are still far from being out of ammunition. Financial repression and fiscal dominance are here to stay. CBs will maintain low bond yields for an extended period of time to alleviate the burden on the most leveraged agents.