All Emerging Market articles – Page 38

  • The EM Default Picture - More Nuanced Than Headlines Imply
    White papers

    The EM Default Picture: More Nuanced Than Headlines Imply

    2020-06-08T09:46:00Z By Barings

    The coronavirus pandemic is creating short-term and long-term challenges for emerging markets (EMs). But not all sovereign and corporate issuers can be painted with the same broad brush, and placing too much weight on overly dire forecasts may result in missed opportunities.

  • Climate change and infectious diseases
    White papers

    Climate change and infectious diseases

    2020-06-05T10:38:00Z By Federated Hermes

    As we manage our way through the coronavirus pandemic, we must not lose sight of the systemic risk posed by the climate crisis. In the second of our series, Nick Spooner explores how climate breakdown will exacerbate infectious diseases, and the steps that companies, investors and governments need to take to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis and future pandemics.

  • Federated Hermes marks World Environment Day
    Asset Manager News

    Federated Hermes marks World Environment Day

    2020-06-05T10:32:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Over the past year, there has been a notable shift in awareness of two environmental challenges: the burgeoning climate emergency, and our troubled relationship with nature and biodiversity. The wide-reaching impact of the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the urgent need to prepare and protect against future global threats, and it is imperative that policymakers, companies and individuals take heed and come together to tackle both the climate crisis and our exploitation of the critical ecosystem ‘services’ we rely so heavily on.

  • Why Aren’t Markets Tanking?
    White papers

    Why Aren’t Markets Tanking?

    2020-06-05T10:24:00Z By Barings

    There’s a list of reasons that might make an investor squirm, but there may be change afoot they should watch closely.

  • Fixed Income - If you open it, they will come
    White papers

    Fixed Income: If you open it, they will come

    2020-06-04T11:30:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    When will the global economy return to a sense of normalcy? Dr. Sonal Desai offers her take.

  • Weekly investment update – 3 June 2020
    White papers

    Weekly investment update – 3 June 2020

    2020-06-03T11:21:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Easing the curbs in Europe; hotspot now Latin America / South Korea: an uptick in cases after lockdown / Europe’s answer to the blow / expect more stimulus and central bank pump priming

  • From the EU, with Love
    White papers

    From the EU, with Love

    2020-06-03T09:50:00Z By Barings

    The EC Proposal for EU Recovery Funding.

  • Multi Asset - a solid total portfolio approach for a complex world
    White papers

    Multi Asset: a solid total portfolio approach for a complex world

    2020-06-03T08:27:00Z By Amundi

    An increasing number of institutional investors have adopted a total portfolio approach (TPA) as a response to the weaknesses of more traditional strategic asset allocation (SAA)-based methodologies. We believe the current crisis will reinforce this trend, as it is probably marking a paradigm shift in financial markets. This shift could be as important as the change in US monetary policy brought in by Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker at the beginning of the 1980s, which led to a long period of disinflation, lower interest rates and high asset returns. 

  • The Coronavirus and ESG Investing, the emergence of the social pillar
    White papers

    The Coronavirus and ESG Investing, the emergence of the social pillar

    2020-06-02T16:01:00Z By Amundi

    Amundi’s Quantitative Research team has been studying the evolution of ESG investing across asset classes and geographies for the past several years. With the coronavirus pandemic, we have carefully examined these Responsible Investing trends and have identified some interesting findings:

  • The day after #5 - New Frontiers for Central Banks
    White papers

    The day after #5 - New Frontiers for Central Banks

    2020-06-02T13:55:00Z By Amundi

    Central Banks (CBs) are by nature more flexible than governments. Thus, they have been the most proactive in this crisis, reintroducing large-scale asset-purchase programmes financed by money creation (QE policies). With this pandemic, a spectacular change in economic policy has taken place in just a few months: fiscal and monetary policies have become intertwined, and this is probably not reversible. While governments have become the buyers of last resort, CBs are playing their role as lenders of last resort. How far can they go? We argue here that CBs are still far from being out of ammunition. Financial repression and fiscal dominance are here to stay. CBs will maintain low bond yields for an extended period of time to alleviate the burden on the most leveraged agents.

  • The World’s Factory Reopens
    White papers

    “The World’s Factory” Reopens

    2020-06-02T13:43:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Just as Chinese manufacturers are coming back online, the rest of the global economy is still struggling to contain the outbreak. With overseas demand for Chinese manufactured goods weakening, where does demand come from? How might this affect China’s economy?

  • A New Cold War?
    White papers

    A New Cold War?

    2020-06-02T13:17:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    U.S.-China relations have been tested over the course of the pandemic. There are rising concerns that a potential decoupling of the two countries could usher in a new cold war, which may bring negative impacts to the overall global economy. How might this affect China? 

  • SDG Engagement Equity commentary - Huhtamaki
    White papers

    SDG Engagement Equity commentary: Huhtamaki

    2020-06-02T10:19:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The SDG Engagement Equity strategy focuses on attractive companies with the potential – through engagement aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – to generate outcomes that benefit people, the planet and investors. Here we demonstrate how we are engaging with current holding Huhtamaki to create positive impacts on society.

  • How to protect an equity portfolio with an overlay strategy in a market downturn
    White papers

    How to protect an equity portfolio with an overlay strategy in a market downturn

    2020-06-01T11:14:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Dynamic risk management strategies (risk overlays) can be useful for investors. They are a means of reconciling their two main objectives: capturing the risk premia of risky assets to meet their long-term strategic goals, while still meeting short-term objectives such as limits on drawdowns or requirements for regulatory capital.[1] 

  • Market weekly – Do you have the equity protection you need? (podcast)
    White papers

    Market weekly – Do you have the equity protection you need? (podcast)

    2020-06-01T11:09:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Equity bull markets run out of steam eventually, plunging investors into periods of volatility. The end of the rally that ran from 2009 to 2019 is no exception. Institutional investors are now negotiating choppy waters with instable markets, a health crisis and a global recession. They face the challenge of investing in equities to achieve their return objectives while respecting risk constraints and managing downside risk from the bouts of volatility that regularly affect markets.

  • Cobalt mining in the DRC – reflections from the ground
    White papers

    Cobalt mining in the DRC – reflections from the ground

    2020-06-01T10:26:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Dangerous working conditions and human rights violations are among the risks faced by cobalt miners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Late last year, engager Marcus Wilert joined an OECD delegation to the DRC to see the conditions first-hand. Here he reflects on some of the challenges.

  • A Moment of Solidarity for Europe
    White papers

    A Moment of Solidarity for Europe

    2020-05-31T13:12:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    There is still much work to do, but the Franco-German-led EU Recovery Fund is potentially a very big deal for Europe.

  • Past Performance is Not a Guarantee of Future Results
    White papers

    Past Performance is Not a Guarantee of Future Results

    2020-05-29T13:17:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    When the world is changing so rapidly and profoundly, how can we trust the underlying data used in our investment models?

  • GCC:MENA Bond Market Update
    White papers

    GCC/MENA Bond Market Update

    2020-05-29T10:33:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Investment Market update from the local region.

  • Why June May Be The Most Important Month Of The Year
    White papers

    Why June May Be The Most Important Month Of The Year

    2020-05-29T09:31:00Z By Barings

    We’ll have a substantially better picture of how quickly global demand may recover.