All Fixed Income articles – Page 49

  • Amundi-Global-Investment-Views
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - August 2022

    2022-07-29T09:57:00Z By Amundi

    The first sequence of the double bear markets (in equities and long-term bonds) adjusting to the end of easy money and rising inflation is almost complete. Now, the narrative has changed, with a shift in focus to deceleration of growth vs fears of inflation.

  • July 26-27 FOMC Review- Maintaining a Hawkish Course
    White papers

    July 26-27 FOMC Review: Maintaining a Hawkish Course

    2022-07-29T09:54:00Z By Amundi

    The Federal Reserve hiked the fed funds rate by 75bp to 2.25-2.50%, the second consecutive 75bp rate hike. The Fed rate decision was widely expected. With today’s rate hike, the fed funds rate is within the 2 to 3% range of estimates of the long-term “neutral” rate. However, as Chair Powell reminded us during his press conference, policy needs to go beyond neutral into restrictive territory this year in order to reduce inflation.

  • High Yield- When Technicals Create Opportunity
    White papers

    High Yield: When Technicals Create Opportunity

    2022-07-27T14:01:00Z By Barings

    Challenging technical conditions have caused high yield spreads to widen beyond what fundamentals would suggest, potentially setting the stage for strong performance in loans and senior secured bonds, in particular.

  • IG Credit- Valuations More Attractive, But Uncertainties Loom
    White papers

    IG Credit: Valuations More Attractive, But Uncertainties Loom

    2022-07-27T13:53:00Z By Barings

    Despite the prevailing uncertainty, IG corporate fundamentals appear solid and yields are approaching potentially attractive levels relative to history.

  • Three Reasons to Consider CLOs
    White papers

    Three Reasons to Consider CLOs

    2022-07-27T13:51:00Z By Barings

    The combination of wider spreads, strong structural protections and low interest-rate sensitivity presents a potentially compelling case for CLOs.

  • Compass - Mind the lag- recession fears flare too fast
    White papers

    Compass - Mind the lag: recession fears flare too fast

    2022-07-27T11:35:00Z By Amundi

    Investors expect central banks will tame inflation whatever the cost, even triggering recession if necessary. This may indeed be policymakers’ approach in the short term as they seek to re-establish their credibility. The European Central Bank’s decision to raise rates by 50 bps is a case in point. 

  • On my mind- Are we there yet?
    White papers

    On my mind: Are we there yet?

    2022-07-27T10:49:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Are we there yet? Fed Chairman Jerome Powell hedged himself carefully at the July press conference; markets heard it as confirming expectations that we are closing in on the terminal rate and that the Fed will likely start cutting again as early as March of next year. Our Fixed Income CIO Sonal Desai is not so sure—here are her thoughts:

  • Towards a new set of fiscal rules in Europe- an investor view
    White papers

    Towards a new set of fiscal rules in Europe: an investor view

    2022-07-25T11:31:00Z By Amundi

    In the current high-inflation regime, the use of fiscal space must: (1) be rule-based; and (2) preserve the possibility of a cooperative game between monetary and budgetary policies. This use of fiscal space should also help manage investors’ expectations, in order to minimise the risk of ‘sunspot equilibria’, where investors’ beliefs cause prices to diverge from fundamentals.

  • Towards new fiscal rules in Europe
    White papers

    Towards new fiscal rules in Europe

    2022-07-25T11:25:00Z By Amundi

    After years of dormant peripheral risk, the recent resurgence of fragmentation issues in Europe, amid rising stagflationary risks at a time of Central Banks committing to tame inflation, puts the delicate fiscal and monetary equilibrium under the spotlight. When facing a higher inflationary regime, we call for a new set of fiscal rules designed to overcome the limits of the old overly rigid one size-fits-all framework.

  • Inflation is Hot—and Could Stay Hot
    White papers

    Inflation is Hot—and Could Stay Hot

    2022-07-24T15:22:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Autumn and winter should bring respite from the northern hemisphere’s punishing summer heatwave, but we don’t think they will ease the inflation temperature.

  • Fixed Income Investment Outlook 3Q 2022
    White papers

    Fixed Income Investment Outlook: 3Q 2022

    2022-07-22T16:07:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Central bank monetary tightening has arrived, with a resulting shift upward in market interest rates and widened credit spreads. Although there is risk to the upside, we believe that inflation will ease from peak levels but remain elevated above targets until well into next year. In this environment we are seeing opportunities across credit sectors. Continued macro volatility will keep spreads “two-way,” while positive underlying fundamentals across a range of sectors should provide support.

  • cover ecb-1256738548
    White papers

    ECB meeting: larger-than-expected rate hike, with new fragmentation tool outlined

    2022-07-22T10:02:00Z By Amundi

    What is your take on the July ECB meeting and what could the next steps be?

  • Whiplash!
    White papers


    2022-07-20T13:41:00Z By Barings

    Hard economic data has remained strong, but recession risks are on the rise. Combined with limited forward guidance from Central Banks, this has left markets to have to decipher what each data print will mean for monetary policy and the path of rates.

  • Unwavering Resolve
    White papers

    Unwavering Resolve

    2022-07-19T14:46:00Z By Barings

    Central banks are increasingly worried they might be losing an inflation battle that could now be generational, so expect them to get much more aggressive to catch up.

  • Midyear Strategic Investment Outlook- What Does the Market Move Mean for Strategic Investors?
    White papers

    Midyear Strategic Investment Outlook: What Does the Market Move Mean for Strategic Investors?

    2022-07-18T10:34:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    Many people say they like to be long-term investors. It’s a laudable ambition, but often the short term gets in the way. Our notes typically focus on the strategic horizon, but when the S&P 500 falls by 20%, 10-year Treasury yields rise by 140 basis points and Bitcoin is down by 60% since the start of 2022, strategic investors need to respond. 

  • Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 11.48.05
    White papers

    Midyear outlook: Income arrives in many shapes and sizes

    2022-07-15T10:53:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    The first half of 2022 has been challenging for investors across asset classes, and the uncertainties plaguing markets remain—particularly with regard to inflation, interest rates and the possibility of recession. As we look toward the second half of the year, our investment management teams gathered to discuss where income-seeking investors may find opportunities. Below are highlights of our discussions. 

  • Screenshot 2022-07-29 at 10.18.42
    White papers

    When short term pain can bring long term gains

    2022-07-15T09:19:00Z By Capital Group

    2022 has not been a great time for bonds. The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index and Bloomberg US Treasury Index both hit historical lows, returning -13.9% and -9.1%, respectively, in the first 6 months of 20221 . Meanwhile, risky asset classes also sold off significantly, which has led to many investors questioning the role of bonds as a diversifier to equities.

  • Amundi-marketscenarios
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - July/August 2022

    2022-07-11T13:26:00Z By Amundi

    We keep the probabilities of our central and alternative scenarios unchanged vs. last month. The new wave of Covid-19 and stagnation in the Eurozone are adding growth uncertainty over the short-term.

  • Amundi - Macroeconomic April 2022
    White papers

    Macroeconomic Picture - July/August 2022

    2022-07-11T13:21:00Z By Amundi

    United States: signs of decelerating growth are increasing as high inflation bites into consumers’ disposable income and companies’ margins. While we do not see activity contracting in Q2, risks to our projections remain on the downside. We do expect the US economy to grow below potential between now and yearend and to remain on a similar sub-par growth trajectory into 2023, as tighter monetary policy impacts the most interestrate-sensitive sectors of the economy.

  • The ECB’s ability to raise rates will depend on the strength of the antifragmentation tool
    White papers

    The ECB’s ability to raise rates will depend on the strength of the antifragmentation tool

    2022-07-11T13:17:00Z By Amundi

    The ECB is determined to tighten its monetary policy in the face of record high inflation levels. However, it is addressing that risk by cooling inflation down or pushing the economy into recession or triggering a spike in peripheral debt borrowing costs, as in 2012.