All Developed Market articles – Page 6

  • Macroeconomic picture - November 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - November 2020

    2020-11-04T11:42:00Z By Amundi

    The US economy rebounded in Q3, exceeding our expectations and leading to a further upside revision of our 2020 GDP forecasts. However, given the signs of a progressive deceleration in several economic and behavioural indicators, influenced by the new rise in Covid-19 cases, we are more cautious about the speed at which the economy will enter 2021.

  • Macroeconomic picture - October 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - October 2020

    2020-10-02T15:55:00Z By Amundi

    Q3 economic rebound exceeds our expectations on GDP, prompting an upside revision to our August forecasts. Yet, the deceleration in late Q3 of several indicators is keeping us from extrapolating Q3 momentum into Q4. After some softening in 2020 H2, headline inflation will move along a gradual upward trend, stabilising around 2% from mid-2021 with possible temporary overshooting. As November 3 approaches, policymakers’ focus is shifting, with an increased risk that 2020 fiscal policy will become more diluted than expected, and with little visibility on the Phase 4 deal in particular. 

  • Brexit Update
    White papers

    Brexit Update

    2020-09-04T16:27:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    Brexit occurred on January 31, 2020, and we are now in the transition period until December 31. Therefore, rules and regulations in the UK are still aligned with those in the European Union, but the United Kingdom is no longer a member state, hence talk of the EU-27 rather than the EU-28.

  • Macroeconomic picture - September 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - September 2020

    2020-09-03T09:02:00Z By Amundi

    A new Covid-19 outbreak in several states in July and August imposed more caution in reopening the economy, slowing recovery momentum. The labour market remain distressed. In the coming quarters, the US economy is expected to continue along a gradual and progressive recovery path, underpinned by easy monetary policy and a delayed new round of fiscal support.

  • Positioning for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
    White papers

    Positioning for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

    2020-08-28T07:53:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    For investors and markets still reeling from the global pandemic—and facing a protracted, volatile economic recovery—a new source of uncertainty is fast approaching: the U.S. presidential election in November. Historically, equity markets have posted below-average total returns during an election year.

  • Emerging market equities – Assessing the regional prospects
    White papers

    Emerging market equities – Assessing the regional prospects

    2020-07-09T08:48:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Even if we expect emerging market equities to outperform their developed market peers, country and sector differences, as always, will be significant.

  • Why farmland now?
    White papers

    Why farmland now?

    2020-07-02T09:30:00Z By Nuveen Real Estate (Homepage)

    Amidst unprecedented market volatility, Westchester Group Investment Management, an investment specialist of Nuveen, explains why they believe farmland is a durable and consistent investment.

  • Macroeconomic picture - July 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic Picture - July 2020

    2020-06-25T16:10:00Z By Amundi

    United States: while hard data help size the lockdown-induced impact on Q2 activity and production, soft and high-frequency data are showing a gradual pickup. As pent-up demand comes through, activity will rebound in Q3, followed by further improvement in Q4. We expect GDP to drop by 4.5%-6.5% y/y in 2020, followed by a rebound of 3.0- 4.0% y/y in 2021, and to return to its pre-Covid-19 level by mid-2022. Lockdowns have also impacted inflation, which is driven by shifts in demand and has exhibited short-term weaknesses in 2020, with reflating forecast in 2021 on base effects and a pickup in demand.

  • Macroeconomic picture – June 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture – June 2020

    2020-05-27T14:26:00Z By Amundi

    The coronavirus crisis has pushed the U.S. economy into a sharp downturn, with severe disruptions of businesses and mass layoffs. Unemployment has surged into double-digit territory (14.7%); confidence on both the consumer and business sides has plummeted; and consumer inflation has started to reflect the consequences of the lockdowns, with headline CPI falling to 0.3% YoY (1.5% prior). The timing and profile of the recovery are still highly uncertain, but we expect GDP to contract between 4.5% and 6.5% YoY, with inflation remaining significantly subdued, with significant risks of moving into negative territory during the year

  • India in 2020 - Active Perspectives on India’s Evolution
    White papers

    India in 2020: Active Perspectives on India’s Evolution

    2020-05-27T13:49:00Z By William Blair Investment Management

    In India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan detailed how India could become a developed country and one of the world’s four largest economies by 2020. Here, our team shares their thoughts about India’s potential.

  • Market weekly – Fixed income - Deflation, not inflation, is the main risk now
    White papers

    Market weekly – Fixed income: Deflation, not inflation, is the main risk now

    2020-05-04T08:56:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    After a rollercoaster ride in April, senior investment strategist Daniel Morris and Dominick DeAlto, chief investment officer fixed income, discuss what will matter next for developed bond markets.  

  • The Widening Emerging-Developed Market Gap
    White papers

    The Widening Emerging-Developed Market Gap

    2020-04-30T15:36:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    In our previous paper on the impact of rapidly growing budget deficits in Japan, Western Europe and the US, we examined the relationship between debt levels and the short and long-term interest rates over time for 12 developed economies.  

  • Public Engagement Report Q1 2020
    White papers

    Public Engagement Report Q1 2020

    2020-04-30T15:30:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The Public Engagement Report highlights some of the stewardship activities undertaken by EOS at Federated Hermes on behalf of its clients over Q1 2020.

  • Coronavirus Crisis - Impacts And Implications For Emerging Markets
    White papers

    Coronavirus Crisis: Impacts And Implications For Emerging Markets

    2020-04-17T14:13:00Z By Amundi

    After the first wave of the Covid-19 outbreak in China and East Asia, and the second wave in Western Europe and North America, a third wave now looks to be building in several EM and frontier countries. EM and frontier countries may be able to benefit from the experiences and best practices then put in place in countries affected by the pandemic earlier.

  • J30075_Grasping the Intangible_Nov 2019_EMEA.PDF
    White papers

    Grasping The Intangible - How Intangible Assets Reveal Latent Value

    2020-02-28T15:59:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    It has long been accepted practice to account for intangible assets (“intangibles”) when valuing companies. Over time, and given changes in the economy, this has increased in importance. But valuation methods vary and there are big differences in how investors approach the subject. There is also great debate on the adequacy of existing accounting methods for successfully valuing intangibles. Accounting standards developed during the industrial era were designed for companies primarily engaged in manufacturing.

  • Investment Outlook 2020 - Hotel California - No Leaving Qe
    White papers

    Investment Outlook 2020 - Hotel California: No Leaving QE

    2020-01-10T11:54:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Central bank policy is moving backwards now instead of forward, with three rate cuts reversed so far in the US and the European Central Bank (ECB) relaunching quantitative easing (QE). ‘Lower-for-longer’ risks are becoming a permanent state of affairs, with major significant implications for fixed income markets and investors. ...

  • A class apart -emerging Asia's fixed income market
    White papers

    A class apart: emerging Asia’s fixed income market

    2019-12-16T17:16:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Why investors seeking a stable and attractive source of return within a diversified bond portfolio should head to emerging Asia.

  • 2020 Investment Outlook - Be Agile To Cope With Diverging Scenarios
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - December 2019

    2019-12-12T15:17:00Z By Amundi

    In recent weeks equities rallied along with bond yields as investors reacted to the prospect of a US-China ‘phase one deal’ and fading global recession fears. The value of negative yielding bonds continued to fall, from US$17 trillion over the summer to the current US$12.5 trillion. While equities were previously overshadowed by the excessive gloominess on the global economy and earnings, markets rebounded after corporate results in the US and Europe met or exceeded low expectations, and as economic data did not show any material worsening. The mantra now seems to be ‘not so bad is the new good’.

  • Continued Support For Asset Returns
    White papers

    Continued Support For Asset Returns

    2019-12-10T09:54:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Our capital market expectations (CME) are designed to provide annualized return expectation over a longer-term horizon, typically viewed as being five to 10 years.

  • Buybacks – A Multi-Perspective Review And Thoughts On Best Practices For Company Buyback Policies
    White papers

    Buybacks – A Multi-Perspective Review And Thoughts On Best Practices For Company Buyback Policies

    2019-10-29T11:10:00Z By Amundi

    US share buybacks are near record levels in absolute dollar terms and incrementally the discussion has shifted from academic finance journals to political stump speeches.