All Asset allocation articles – Page 13

  • Amundi - Amundi Pension Funds Letter n°14
    White papers

    Amundi Pension Funds Letter n°14

    2022-03-23T16:20:00Z By Amundi

    In this latest edition of Amundi Pension Fund Letter we turn our gaze to China. The world’s second largest economy since 2010, China is now emerging from the United States’ shadow and may well become the world’s leading economic power by 2030.

  • PGIM-IAS-Super-Funds-Master-Trusts-image
    White papers

    Super Funds & Master Trusts in a World of Member Switching, Early Release Schemes & Climate Calamities

    2022-03-23T14:03:00Z By PGIM

    As defined contribution (DC) plans have grown and have increasingly become the primary retirement savings vehicle, asset allocators are increasingly interested in incorporating illiquid private assets in these retirement funds to offer participants access to investment portfolios and risk-adjusted returns similar to defined benefit (DB) plans or larger institutional portfolios.

  • Generali-Ukraine war-economic, policy and market implications

    Ukraine war: economic, policy and market implications

    2022-03-17T12:22:00Z By Generali Investments

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sharply altered the global economic and financial outlook. It has increased the stagflation risk, making the life of central banks ever more difficult.

  • NB-Fixed Income Amid Inflation
    White papers

    Fixed Income Amid Inflation

    2022-03-15T15:05:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    What does the current inflationary environment mean for multi-sector fixed income portfolios?

  • NB-Commodities- An Inflation Hedge for All Seasons?

    Commodities: An Inflation Hedge for All Seasons?

    2022-03-08T15:49:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    As we see the effects of inflation taking place globally, investors may be wondering what their next move is in asset allocation. However, the inflationary environment we’re seeing today is unlike what we have seen in forty years. So to no surprise, commodities investments have become top of mind to many investors as it’s considered a traditional inflation hedge. But does that thinking apply to all inflationary environments? And what are the ESG implications behind commodities investing today?

  • NB-The inflation inflection
    White papers

    The Inflation Inflection

    2022-02-25T10:31:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The COVID-19 pandemic, and the range of policies aimed at mitigating its impact, has triggered a return to levels of inflation unseen for 40 years. While inflation is likely to moderate from these very high levels during 2022, we believe it will settle and persist at a rate higher than we have become used to over recent cycles. 

  • Amundi - Market Scenarios and Risks
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - February 2022

    2022-02-03T10:15:00Z By Amundi

    We are marginally adjusting the narrative to take into account the recent economic news flow and the impact of the Omicron variant, but are keeping the probabilities of the scenarios unchanged.

  • Choice Overload participation and asset Allocation in French savings Plans
    White papers

    Choice Overload participation and asset Allocation in French savings Plans

    2022-01-27T10:42:00Z By Amundi

    This paper employs administrative data from one of the largest plan providers in France to investigate the role of plan and default characteristics in affecting whether employees participate in the plan and whether they accept its default investment option. 

  • Asset Allocation Committee Outlook 1Q 2022
    White papers

    Asset Allocation Committee Outlook 1Q 2022

    2022-01-21T14:51:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    As we enter the new year, most of the global economy appears fundamentally in good shape, as demand continues to recover from the pandemic and supply chains are gradually restored.

  • Bolstering Asset Allocation Defenses Against COVID-19
    White papers

    Bolstering Asset Allocation Defenses Against COVID-19

    2022-01-21T14:19:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    The surge of the coronavirus omicron variant has implications not only for broader asset-class allocations but also for macro exposures within asset classes. We believe that modestly capping exposure to certain COVID-19-sensitive assets can enhance risk management.

  • 2022-01-12 All the Credit Ep 23_CDewling_GPeters_LinkedIn

    All the Credit - Episode 23

    2022-01-21T13:37:00Z By PGIM

    Despite the wildly unique ride that was 2021, which saw a boom in economic growth in most countries, a global inflation surge, and COVID’s constant and pervasive presence, the path of the global economy and financial markets may have been more predictable a year ago than they are today.

  • Four insurance portfolio allocatiion themes for 2022
    White papers

    Four insurance portfolio allocation themes for 2022 and beyond

    2022-01-18T10:24:00Z By M&G Investments

    In today’s investment landscape, how can insurers effectively construct investment portfolios to achieve their targets and balance a range of unique requirements? This paper looks at four allocation themes we believe are most relevant to insurance portfolios.

  • Asset allocation – A fat (real) tail in 2022
    White papers

    Asset allocation – A fat (real) tail in 2022

    2022-01-07T14:48:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    2021 was an awkward ’steady state’ year for financial markets: bonds delivered the worst returns in a quarter of a century except for one year (1999), while equities secured top-quartile (or better) returns over the same period.[1] 

  • Market Scenarios and Risks - January 2022
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - January 2022

    2022-01-05T10:56:00Z By Amundi

    We are making no change to the narrative and the probabilities of the scenarios. The central scenario assumes that Covid will become endemic with multiple, albeit manageable waves, that fiscal levers will remain significant and tied to monetary policy, and that growth will come back to potential in 2023. We assume the Omicron variant will temporarily impact the recovery in Europe.

  • Outlook 2022
    White papers

    Outlook 2022

    2022-01-02T12:48:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The heads of our investment platforms welcome the New Year with their views for 2022.

  • Where are the opportunities in private equity?
    White papers

    Where are the opportunities in private equity?

    2021-12-22T11:09:00Z By Schroders

    It’s been a bumper period of performance - across the card - for private equity. Our experts explain why returns been so strong and offer their views on what comes next.

  • Outlook 2022 - Bye-bye beta
    White papers

    Outlook 2022 - Bye-bye beta

    2021-12-16T17:11:00Z By Generali Investments

    Despite a fifth coronavirus wave rising as we enter the third year of the pandemic, there are reasons to be optimistic for the economic recovery, explain the Generali Insurance Asset Management Macro Research Team. In fact, a global 60-40 portfolio would have risen nearly 40% since the lows of March 2020.

  • Global Insights Outlook 2022 - Past The Peak
    White papers

    Global Insights Outlook 2022: Past The Peak

    2021-12-16T17:06:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    Heading into 2022, investors face an entirely new set of challenges than they did at this time last year. Global growth has likely plateaued, central banks are starting to remove stimulative support, and for the first time in nearly three decades, portfolios are facing inflationary pressures brought on by supply shortages.

  • Revisiting the Term Premium Status
    White papers

    Revisiting the Term Premium Status

    2021-12-16T13:37:00Z By PGIM

    After detailing our findings about the persistently positive term-risk premium across developed market yield curves and how it can affect pension plans’ funded status several years ago, we’re revisiting the topic amid the considerable improvement in plans’ funded status and the corresponding implications for their fixed income allocations.

  • Recovery, risks and  relationships
    White papers

    Recovery, risks and relationships

    2021-12-14T15:55:00Z By Nuveen

    While interest rates are likely to creep up in the short term, the long-term structural impacts that have kept rates so low for so long are still in place.