All Asset allocation articles – Page 12

  • Why it is essential that we close the SDG data gap, and how it can be done
    White papers

    Why it is essential that we close the SDG data gap, and how it can be done

    2022-06-13T16:25:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    As sustainable finance evolves from ESG ratings and risk management, investors are increasingly asking for tools to help align their investments with actual sustainable outcomes. Now, Danish fintech Matter and BNP Paribas Asset Management have developed a dataset that provides a detailed, conservative analysis of how the revenues of more than 53 000 companies align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Market Scenarios and Risks - June 2022
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - June 2022

    2022-06-03T21:26:00Z By Amundi

    We keep the probabilities of our central and alternative scenario unchanged versus last month but amend the narrative to take into account the evolving geopolitical situation (see Ukraine crisis tree).The new wave of Covid-19 in China and stagnation in the Euro-area are adding growth uncertainty over the short-term.

  • All the Credit_Host Platform Art_720x405px

    All the Credit, Ep. 27

    2022-05-23T13:39:00Z By PGIM

    Although the traditional asset allocation portfolio mix of 60% stocks and 40% bonds has been a widely adopted investment approach that has spanned decades, a lower interest rate environment coupled with the underperformance of equities and bonds, has investors questioning the validity of the 60-40 asset allocation model. While we also see this portfolio structure as flawed, it’s not for the reasons that others have suggested.

  • Market Perspectives- The hour of the hawks
    White papers

    Market Perspectives: The hour of the hawks

    2022-05-20T09:27:00Z By Generali Investments

    Generali Insurance Asset Management

  • Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q1 2022
    White papers

    Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q2 2022

    2022-05-16T09:36:00Z By Amundi

    The continuing surging inflation due to the supply shocks and the Ukrainian conflict have dominated headlines compounding to the possible repercussions surrounding climate change, further affecting economic and financial indicators in the medium term and beyond. 

  • Allocation Views
    White papers

    Allocation Views - May 2022

    2022-05-10T10:47:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Our Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions team suggest broader supply disruptions that continue to hold consumer price inflation at extremely elevated levels, are key factors fueling aggressive rate hike cycles across developed markets.

  • Are pension funds set to flex their financial muscle in climate fight?
    White papers

    Are pension funds set to flex their financial muscle in climate fight?

    2022-05-10T10:22:00Z By Schroders

    Pension allocations to climate funds - including in the private assets sphere - are likely to increase dramatically, with potentially vital consequences in the real world.

  • Shifts & Narratives #17 - Keeping up with climate change in setting long-term asset class views
    White papers

    Shifts & Narratives #17 - Keeping up with climate change in setting long-term asset class views

    2022-05-09T11:40:00Z By Amundi

    Today climate change is arguably the most critical long-term challenge that humanity is facing. “Climate action failure” is not only the top longterm threat in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report for 2022, but is also a key element for investors to factor in when building long-term assumptions on the economy and markets. 

  • Amundi-marketscenarios
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - May 2022

    2022-05-05T14:55:00Z By Amundi

    We keep the narratives and the probabilities of our central and alternative scenario unchanged versus last month. However, the war in Ukraine could evolve in several ways (see Ukraine crisis tree) with significant implications on economic and financial markets. The new wave of Covid-19 in China is another source of uncertainty over the short-term.

  • Setting your investment objectives- institutional asset allocation practice
    White papers

    Setting your investment objectives: institutional asset allocation practice

    2022-05-05T14:45:00Z By Amundi

    Most institutional investors already have an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that defines the objectives, investment limits, investment universe and governance of their portfolios. These parameters are not set in stone and must be reviewed periodically given changes in investors’ circumstances, philosophy, long-term expectations and regulations.

  • Cross Asset Investment Strategy - May 2022
    White papers

    Cross Asset Investment Strategy - May 2022

    2022-05-04T14:49:00Z By Amundi

    We are witnessing significant divergences in the economic outlook (we have revised down the EU and Chinese economic outlooks vs. the more resilient US economy) and in market performances. 

  • Integrating Climate Risk Into Strategic Asset Allocation
    White papers

    Integrating Climate Risk Into Strategic Asset Allocation

    2022-05-03T13:38:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Is your strategic asset allocation process missing climate risks—and foregoing climate opportunities?

  • Asset Allocation Committee Outlook
    White papers

    Asset Allocation Committee Outlook - 2Q 2022

    2022-04-12T13:07:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Against a background of structurally higher inflation and declining growth, exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Asset Allocation Committee’s (“AAC”) views have become more risk-averse. 

  • Allocation Views
    White papers

    Allocation Views: Simplify the problem—A tighter focus

    2022-04-08T13:07:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    It has been an eventful start to the year. A significant rotation in equity market leadership in the early part of 2022’s first quarter saw the prospects for growth stocks derailed. This was followed by the shocking outbreak of war in Ukraine, adding new complexity to established geopolitical uncertainties—and all set against a backdrop of slowing economic activity, as well as inflation that was both persistent and troublesome.

  • Amundi Asset Management - Equity Convexity and Unconventional Monetary Policy
    White papers

    Monitoring Narratives: an Application to the Equity Market

    2022-04-07T14:00:00Z By Amundi

    In this research, we show that variables from the Global Database of Events, Language and Tone (GDELT) convey significant informational content that can improve on a purely macroeconomic approach when modeling the US equity market.

  • Ukraine - Where do we stand
    White papers

    Ukraine: where do we stand?

    2022-04-05T10:40:00Z By Amundi

    By calling the war in Ukraine a «tectonic shift in European history», European leaders are giving an indication of the regime changes this war could lead to in the medium term.

  • Amundi-marketscenarios
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - April 2022

    2022-04-05T10:04:00Z By Amundi

    We keep the narratives and the probabilities of our central and alternative scenario unchanged versus last month. The war in Ukraine could evolve in several ways over the coming weeks (see Ukraine crisis tree) with significant implications on economic and financial markets.

  • Amundi -Cross Asset Investment Strategy - April 2022
    White papers

    Cross Asset Investment Strategy - April 2022

    2022-04-04T10:01:00Z By Amundi

    The first month of the Russia-Ukraine war has driven volatility up across the board, though with some recent signs of stabilisation in equity markets. Europe is the area most exposed to the war – in particular, through the effects of higher energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and geographic proximity, but the commodity squeeze goes far beyond energy to include agricultural commodities and metals.

  • AB_BalanceIstheWatchwordWithCommoditiesExposure-767x365
    White papers

    Balance Is the Watchword with Commodities Exposure

    2022-03-31T09:40:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    The highest inflation in 40 years has spurred more investors to search for assets that can help offset its bite. Commodities exposure, designed carefully, can provide effective inflation defense and portfolio diversification. But after many years of being mostly overlooked by investors, commodities have only recently re-entered the conversation—we think for the right reasons.

  • Amundi-Keeping up with climate change
    White papers

    Asset Classes Views: Keeping up with climate change

    2022-03-25T17:30:00Z By Amundi

    The third year of the Covid crisis began with renewed concerns over the interplay between surging inflation and an economic recovery contingent on concerns over policy tightening, a trend further accelerated by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.