All Asset allocation articles – Page 18

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions Allocation Views
    White papers

    Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions Allocation Views

    2020-11-13T16:28:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    In recent weeks, as uncertainty clouded the economic outlook, we tried to look ahead to what would matter in the following months and through next year. We focused on the need for governments to deliver fiscal stimulus to support and sustain economic recovery. We agreed with the leading central bankers who, as we have noted in Allocation Views throughout this year, have called for greater coordination of fiscal and monetary policy.

  • Write hard and clear about what hurts
    White papers

    Write hard and clear about what hurts

    2020-11-04T11:54:00Z By Amundi

    Economists have frequently used the alphabet to characterize the profile of the recovery. But one letter does not fit all. It is the duration of the epidemic which will ultimately determine the shape of the recovery. The desynchronisation of cycles should open the door to traditional geographic diversification.

  • Market scenarios and risks - November 2020
    White papers

    Market scenarios and risks - November 2020

    2020-11-04T11:45:00Z By Amundi

    This month, we amend the narrative of our central and downside scenario to take into account a larger than expected Covid second wave in Europe and delayed fiscal support in the US. We reduce the probability of our central scenario from 70% to 65% and increase the probability of the downside scenario from 20% to 25%.

  • Macroeconomic picture - November 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - November 2020

    2020-11-04T11:42:00Z By Amundi

    The US economy rebounded in Q3, exceeding our expectations and leading to a further upside revision of our 2020 GDP forecasts. However, given the signs of a progressive deceleration in several economic and behavioural indicators, influenced by the new rise in Covid-19 cases, we are more cautious about the speed at which the economy will enter 2021.

  • Video - Why investors are turning to private assets amid uncertainty
    White papers

    Video: Why investors are turning to private assets amid uncertainty

    2020-11-03T14:59:00Z By Schroders Capital (Real Estate - Homepage)

    In this video Georg Wunderlin and Johanna Kyrklund discuss the key challenges and benefits of using private assets, as identified by Schroders’ Institutional Investor Study.

  • Video- Why investors are turning to private assets amid uncertainty
    White papers

    Video: Why investors are turning to private assets amid uncertainty

    2020-10-28T10:15:00Z By Schroders

    In this video Georg Wunderlin and Johanna Kyrklund discuss the key challenges and benefits of using private assets, as identified by Schroders’ Institutional Investor Study.

  • Positioning for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election - An Update
    White papers

    Positioning for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: An Update

    2020-10-23T11:08:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    Undeniably, 2020 has been an eventful year and the fireworks are likely not yet over. Amidst rising COVID-19 infections and a stuttering economic recovery, investors are preparing for the U.S. Presidential election. While this election may be one of the most contentious in U.S. history, investors should remember that that once the elections pass, much of this noise typically quiets and risk assets are able to resume a trajectory dictated by fundamentals.

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions - Allocation Views
    White papers

    Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions: Allocation Views

    2020-10-20T14:16:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    We are growing more accustomed to the strange new landscape left behind after the COVID-19 recession. The virus threat remains very real, with notable flare-ups in Europe more recently, even as populations get more used to dealing with it. Optimism over an eventual vaccine and improved treatments is balanced by the realization that even on the most optimistic timetable, we remain a long way from a full return to normality.

  • Bracing for Winter, Looking Forward to Spring
    White papers

    Bracing for Winter, Looking Forward to Spring

    2020-10-16T11:57:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    “Anticipation of much lower levels of uncertainty in 12 months’ time—paired with the after-effects of unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, the potential for another fiscal boost to come, and the Federal Reserve’s new, more dovish policy framework—feed into this quarter’s changes to our asset class views.”

  • Markets scenarios & risks - October 2020
    White papers

    Markets scenarios & risks - October 2020

    2020-10-02T16:00:00Z By Amundi

    This month, we do not amend the narrative of our central and alternative scenario. Economic data confirm a slower recovery path in line with our central scenario and Central Banks maintain their accommodative stace. We maintain the probability of our central scenario at 70%, 20% for the downside scenario and 10% for the upside.

  • Macroeconomic picture - October 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - October 2020

    2020-10-02T15:55:00Z By Amundi

    Q3 economic rebound exceeds our expectations on GDP, prompting an upside revision to our August forecasts. Yet, the deceleration in late Q3 of several indicators is keeping us from extrapolating Q3 momentum into Q4. After some softening in 2020 H2, headline inflation will move along a gradual upward trend, stabilising around 2% from mid-2021 with possible temporary overshooting. As November 3 approaches, policymakers’ focus is shifting, with an increased risk that 2020 fiscal policy will become more diluted than expected, and with little visibility on the Phase 4 deal in particular. 

  • Opportunities today in middle market lending
    White papers

    Opportunities today in middle market lending

    2020-09-18T15:04:00Z By Nuveen

    Institutional investors are struggling to deliver yield, drive growth and meet liabilities amid low rates and economic malaise. Private credit can be an effective alternative source of income, while providing true diversification. This paper considers a range of investment factors as we determine how to incorporate these opportunities into an existing asset allocation strategy.

  • Epic Battle or Rope-a-Dope?
    White papers

    Epic Battle or Rope-a-Dope?

    2020-09-15T12:13:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Identifying the winner of the rumble between ‘The Japanifier’ and ‘The Stimulator’ is likely to be the key determinant in successful portfolio construction for years to come.

  • Covid paralysis recedes as political risk rises
    White papers

    Market Perspectives: Covid paralysis recedes as political risk rises

    2020-09-08T09:12:00Z By Generali Investments

    Even after the large risk rally in summer and despite the persistent spreading of Covid-19, equities advanced fast in August (MSCI World up by another 6.6%), helped by recovering data, better-than-expected earnings and vaccine hopes. 

  • An earning season better than expected but the valuation issues has not yet been resolved…
    White papers

    An earning season better than expected but the valuation issues has not yet been resolved…

    2020-09-03T09:12:00Z By Amundi

    There was a substantial decline in Q2 earnings but they turned out to be better than expected; their decline being ultimately less pronounced than during the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008-2009, whereas the current recession is much more severe. 

  • Markets scenarios & risks
    White papers

    Markets scenarios & risks - September 2020

    2020-09-03T09:05:00Z By Amundi

    We marginally amend the narrative of our central and alternative scenario on the back of recent development. Recent data confirm a slower recovery path in line with our central scenario. We therefore increase the probability of our central scenario from 60% to 70% while reducing the likelihood of the upside alternative scenario from 20% to 10%.

  • Macroeconomic picture - September 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - September 2020

    2020-09-03T09:02:00Z By Amundi

    A new Covid-19 outbreak in several states in July and August imposed more caution in reopening the economy, slowing recovery momentum. The labour market remain distressed. In the coming quarters, the US economy is expected to continue along a gradual and progressive recovery path, underpinned by easy monetary policy and a delayed new round of fiscal support.

  • Eurozone government bonds, a supportive mix of remarkable funding progress and ECB QE still to come
    White papers

    Thematics: Eurozone government bonds, a supportive mix of remarkable funding progress and ECB QE still to come

    2020-09-03T08:58:00Z By Amundi

    Funding progress looked quite encouraging at July end for Eurozone government bonds, as roughly 80% of estimated yearly net issuance have been placed, mostly (more than 50%) in just four months, between April and July. Putting remaining supply in perspectives with ECB flows, the technical picture for EZ government bonds looks friendly to the current environment of low core yields and subsequent, persisting search for carry.

  • Thematics - Back to school, back to politics?
    White papers

    Thematics: Back to school, back to politics?

    2020-09-03T08:53:00Z By Amundi

    The macro-economic backdrop has improved, albeit at a slower pace more recently. The European response to the crisis has further strengthened investor sentiment. However, the political picture has changed over the summer in the US and deteriorated in emerging markets.

  • Global Investment Views – September 2020
    White papers

    Global Investment Views – September 2020

    2020-09-02T15:23:00Z By Amundi

    The appetite for risk assets has remained strong over the summer lull. This summer season has seen both the confirmation of existing themes and the emergence of new ones. On the former, the decoupling between the real economy and financial markets has proved persistent.