All Real Estate articles – Page 45
White papers
Real estate, the value-add way
Investors are living through a period of heightened market volatility. No one quite knows where asset prices are going – be that for listed or private assets. In such an environment, it’s particularly important to be able to generate returns that are independent of broader market moves through active asset management. Real estate offers that possibility.
White papers
An attractive gateway
Secondaries Investor interview on private markets’ democratization
White papers
Sustainability in Focus: Our mission to deliver a better tomorrow
At LaSalle, our mission is to deliver investment performance for a better tomorrow for all our stakeholders, and sustainability and strong climate action are an integral part of delivering both performance and a better tomorrow.
White papers
APAC: Opportunities to counter Western volatility
There is a growing consensus that the Asia Pacific is emerging as a relatively safe harbour in these turbulent times. Price pressures are relatively subdued in most of Asia, which suggests that central banks may not follow Western economies with aggressive rate hikes.
White papers
APAC “Value tracks” and “value traps” in APAC
Population growth and changing lifestyles have increased the propensity to rent amongst urbanites. While the national population of Japan is declining, positive net internal migration has been driving population growth in key cities.
White papers
Retail: Looking behind the headlines, opportunities for the cautious and the brave
The headlines for retail real-estate investors were difficult before the Covid-19 pandemic, worse through it and arguably struggling coming out of the other side. The retail real-estate market remains challenging at a headline level, but the detail is more interesting and opportunities prevail.
White papers
Logistics: Urban Industrial & Logistics will weather the storm better than most
The standard distribution logistics sector proved its resilience at the height of the pandemic. It fulfilled its supply mandate superbly, and is expected to continue its strong performance despite the current challenging economic environment.
White papers
Debt: Targeting the opportunities for alternative lenders
Against the current volatile macroeconomic backdrop, the lending community is likely to be more cautious in 2023, meaning the overall supply of debt finance will be constrained in the short term. Where debt is available, it will reflect the uncertain environment, i.e. lower leverage at a higher cost.
White papers
Data enhances the investment process
The measurement of the world has advanced considerably through digitalisation. This has also increased the demands on the investment management of real estate.
White papers
European Real Estate: Darkest, Then a New Dawn?
The year ahead likely marks the trough in the property cycle, which will have implications for investment outperformance for years to come. The Barings Real Estate team discusses.
Asset Manager News
PATRIZIA’s commitment to smart city investment surpasses EUR 600 million after latest FiberCity® network deal in Wisconsin
PATRIZIA’s Smart Cities Infrastructure Fund (SCIF) surpasses EUR 600 million investment commitment after latest FiberCity® network project deal in the US.
White papers
Monthly Research Report: January 2023
Debt Funding Gap Widens As Lower Collateral Values & Icr Bite
White papers
Ready for net zero?
With the UK government committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, there’s a growing focus on the transition readiness of UK real estate sectors, and the implications for portfolios.
White papers
Affordable housing, for long-term impact and growth
Definitions help investors assess the prospects and risks of real estate on a consistent basis, none more so than with regard to Living real estate. As highlighted elsewhere in our Outlook 2023, we are sure that ‘affordability’ is key to successful Living investment strategies and must be a focus for responsible long-term investors.
White papers
Europe’s living sector is coming of age, and will come out of this cycle strongly
The Living sector has provided stable yields and substantial capital growth for much of the past decade, fuelled by low interest rates, extreme demand/supply imbalances and increased private and institutional investment. As a result, European net initial yields have fallen sharply. But rising inflation and interest rates have brought this cycle to an abrupt end.
White papers
Primonial REIM Germany Perspectives: Investor's view on the German Real Estate Market
Winter is in full swing and even historically cold December weeks have not led to energy shortages or even blackouts in Germany. There is little to suggest that this situation will change in the coming months.
White papers
Lower for longer, no longer.
Changing Yields, Property Valuations, and Investment Opportunities
Asset Manager News
Generali Real Estate doubles down on commercial real estate debt investments with GREDIF II fund launch
Milan – Generali Real Estate S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio is launching its second fund focused on commercial real estate (CRE) debt, denominated ‘Generali Real Estate Debt Investment Fund II’ (GREDIF II), reserved for professional investors.
People News
Ruud Roosen new fund director of ASR Dutch Science Park Fund
Ruud Roosen will join a.s.r. real estate as fund director of the ASR Dutch Science Park Fund on 1 February. This unlisted real estate fund, with 250 million assets under management (including pipeline), invests in commercial properties in the Netherlands’ most attractive science parks, with a strong focus on institutional investors.
Asset Manager News
Edmond De Rothschild Reim Closes £30 Million Subscription For Investment In Affordable Homes
Edmond de Rothschild Real Estate Investment Management, the Real Estate platform of the Edmond de Rothschild Group, announces that it has secured a £30 million commitment from Strathclyde Pension Fund into Funding Affordable Homes, a UK affordable housing fund.