Outlooks – Page 96

  • Conversations With……Fred Ingham
    White papers

    Conversations With……Fred Ingham

    2020-06-26T13:15:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Reflecting on three years managing the Neuberger Berman Uncorrelated Strategies Fund

  • Vixology
    White papers


    2020-06-26T13:12:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    How VIX history rhymes—and why we believe option writing strategies are still attractive despite the huge equity market rally.

  • 20:20 vision - A clearer path for growth
    White papers

    2020 midyear outlook - 20/20 vision: a clearer path for growth

    2020-06-26T08:38:00Z By Nuveen

    Our 2020 market and investment theme, “20/20 vision: a clearer path for growth,” was thrown for a loop in March. But we think this theme is starting to reemerge as the world recovers from the deepest (and perhaps shortest) recession in history. In the months ahead, we expect market volatility to remain elevated and portfolio construction to be more challenging, but Nuveen’s Global Investment Committee still sees value across asset classes. We remain committed to offering investors of all types and outcomes goals and ideas for how to navigate today’s — and tomorrow’s — markets.

  • Macroeconomic picture - July 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic Picture - July 2020

    2020-06-25T16:10:00Z By Amundi

    United States: while hard data help size the lockdown-induced impact on Q2 activity and production, soft and high-frequency data are showing a gradual pickup. As pent-up demand comes through, activity will rebound in Q3, followed by further improvement in Q4. We expect GDP to drop by 4.5%-6.5% y/y in 2020, followed by a rebound of 3.0- 4.0% y/y in 2021, and to return to its pre-Covid-19 level by mid-2022. Lockdowns have also impacted inflation, which is driven by shifts in demand and has exhibited short-term weaknesses in 2020, with reflating forecast in 2021 on base effects and a pickup in demand.

  • The Trough is in—Let the Healing Begin
    White papers

    The Trough is in—Let the Healing Begin

    2020-06-25T12:07:00Z By Barings

    While there is still a long path to recovery, global June flash PMIs confirmed we have passed the trough as contraction eased. The U.S. Employment report will be released next week, and the pressure is on for Britain and Japan to come up with a deal.

  • How the COVID-19 Crisis Validates Sustainable Investing
    White papers

    How the COVID-19 Crisis Validates Sustainable Investing

    2020-06-25T09:16:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    The economic and market challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have put investors through a trial by fire this year. Yet the crisis has also validated sustainable investing strategies focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

  • Markets scenarios & risks - July 2020
    White papers

    Markets scenarios & risks - July 2020

    2020-06-24T16:21:00Z By Amundi

    We marginally amend the narrative of our central and alternative scenario on the back of recent developments. We also increase
    the probability of our central scenario from 50 to 60% while reducing the likelihood of the upside scenario from 30 to 20%.

  • Spotlight on Sterling credit - Identifying opportunities
    White papers

    Spotlight on Sterling credit - Identifying opportunities

    2020-06-24T16:04:00Z By M&G Investments

    The strong recovery in sterling credit in Q2 can mask some underlying developments within the index, creating both risk and opportunity. Much of the current attractive credit premium at the overall index level may be attributed to a relatively small number of sectors and issuers, while in the current economic climate, even those sectors traditionally considered lower risk, may be more vulnerable than many investors think.

  • Thematics views - July 2020
    White papers

    Thematics views - July 2020

    2020-06-24T16:04:00Z By Amundi

    Covid-19 is a symmetric shock with asymmetric outcomes. Existin imbalances within Europe such as public debt, economic models or vision for the union, turn to cracks and the EU is facing fragmentation risks. However, the EU should be able to get over it as it did with the Global Financial Crisis.

  • Weekly Investment Update – 24 June 2020
    White papers

    Weekly Investment Update – 24 June 2020

    2020-06-24T13:10:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    The number of countries lifting their COVID-19 lockdowns is increasing, and sentiment indicators are picking up. Levels of mobility are accelerating. This should help the real economy to spring back at a faster pace than was originally envisaged. Data appears to be bottoming and markets are expecting it to improve at a stronger pace going forward.

  • “Build Back Better” - COVID-19 Brings the “S” from ESG into Focus
    White papers

    “Build Back Better”: COVID-19 Brings the “S” from ESG into Focus

    2020-06-24T09:33:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Dislocations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic shine a light on ESG issues.

  • The day after #8 - Deglobalisation could improve diversification but also exacerbate financial contagion
    White papers

    The day after #8 - Deglobalisation could improve diversification but also exacerbate financial contagion

    2020-06-23T15:21:00Z By Amundi

    In recent years world trade dynamics have definitely shown an accentuated inversion of the globalisation trend and its robust contribution to global economic performance. The Great Financial Crisis (GFC) marked a historic turning point in the degree of global economic integration. Since 2007/08 global trade has entered a period of increasingly protectionist policies (trade barriers, national subsidies, national champions), decelerating growth in trade-intensive sectors, rising policy uncertainty and more recently, trade tensions.

  • Defined Benefit pensions de-risking - A covenant and investment view
    White papers

    Defined Benefit pensions de-risking: A covenant and investment view

    2020-06-23T15:13:00Z By Aviva Investors

    In the midst of the COVID-19 shock, Felix Mantz from Lincoln Pensions and Joachim Sudre from Aviva Investors explore how defined benefit pension schemes should plan their journey towards an end game and adopt a more holistic approach to risk.

  • Fixed Income - The Fed’s final frontier—negative rates or yield curve control?
    White papers

    Fixed Income: The Fed’s final frontier—negative rates or yield curve control?

    2020-06-23T13:55:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    What’s next for policymakers on supporting the economy? Dr. Sonal Desai offers her take.

  • Global Investment Views – July 2020
    White papers

    Global Investment Views – July 2020

    2020-06-22T16:14:00Z By Amundi

    Covid-19 has triggered a sequence of economic and financial market narratives and is giving way to a new status quo characterised by extreme fiscal and monetary measures, to which markets have responded well, though some volatility has returned in the past few days. In effect, these policy measures are painting a new picture, that of a “day after” renaissance.

  • Market weekly – What to expect after the Great Pandemic of 2020 (podcast)
    White papers

    Market weekly – What to expect after the Great Pandemic of 2020 (podcast)

    2020-06-22T13:06:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    The unprecedented crisis caused by COVID-19 has left asset allocators disorientated. Uncertainty has deepened and the outlook is now for bond and equity returns to be lower for even longer, making the hunt for yield all the more acute for investors.

  • Asset allocation – Dealing with ‘lower for longer’
    White papers

    Asset allocation – Dealing with ‘lower for longer’

    2020-06-22T13:03:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    The unprecedented crisis caused by COVID-19 has left asset allocators disorientated. Uncertainty has deepened and the outlook now is for bond and equity returns to be lower for even longer, making the hunt for yield all the more acute for investors.

  • Emerging Markets Take Technology Leadership
    White papers

    Emerging Markets Take Technology Leadership

    2020-06-22T09:38:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    In the final post of our three-part series, the Franklin Templeton Emerging Markets Equity Team explains how emerging market companies are innovating.

  • The sustainability of sustainability - green finance during the pandemic
    White papers

    The sustainability of sustainability: green finance during the pandemic

    2020-06-19T15:20:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Sustainable finance has been resilient amid the market shock, as a heightened awareness of environmental, social and governance (ESG) behaviours has coincided with a surge of regulatory changes and an uptick in green capital-market activities.

  • (Weekly Pandemic) Market Commentary – Mind the curve
    White papers

    (Weekly Pandemic) Market Commentary – Mind the curve

    2020-06-19T08:47:00Z By Generali Investments

    The virus - galloping, but less deadly. Covid is spreading like never before, the stats say. 19 June saw 177k new Covid cases, the highest ever. The 5-day rolling average, currently at 143k, is 50k higher than in mid-May. Arguably, the numbers today are likely more truthful than in the past, because there is more testing. In a freshly released Focal Point “Covid-19: proprietary models set to monitor pandemic evolution” (online on 22 June), we advocate basing cases estimates on deaths – a measure less affected by testing issues.