All ESG articles – Page 9
White papers
Reconsidering the banks sector
Banks have been held widely in the credit side of our sustainable strategies, and selectively on the equity side, for the entirety of their history, reflecting the role that products such as mortgages, current accounts and savings play in society.
White papers
The ‘blue economy’: ensuring the sustainable management of our marine and freshwater environment
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) expert My-Linh Ngo, BlueBay Head of ESG Investment & Portfolio Manager, RBC BlueBay Asset Management discusses the importance of the blue economy in building a sustainable future through public debt markets.
White papers
Combining sustainability and outperformance with credit factor investing
What is the ex-ante impact of different sustainable investment approaches on the alpha of a credit portfolio? And what can investors do who want both outperformance and sustainable credit investments? Credit factor investing provides a solution to both questions.
White papers
Investing in the sustainable transition
As we move into ESG 3.0, investors will need to look further to find investment opportunities. An area of interest is companies in a process of sustainable transition.
White papers
Future mobility – investing for impact and sustainable change
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), transport has the highest reliance on fossil fuels of any sector, and accounted for 37% of global carbon dioxide emissions from end-use sectors in 2021. The replacement of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) powered vehicles with electric vehicles (EV) is therefore a core component of the transition to a more sustainable future.
The True Meaning of Sustainable Investing
Interest in sustainable investing has significantly increased in the past decade. Morningstar estimates the number of sustainable open-ended mutual funds and exchange-traded funds nearly tripled between 2014 and 2019.
White papers
BMW case study
Following concern about the company’s lack of targets for its electric vehicle strategy, plus its misaligned lobbying with the Paris Agreement, it has demonstrated noticeable and ambitious improvements.
White papers
Data centers: The growing importance of sustainability
As the emphasis on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations continues to grow, so does the scrutiny on market segments that are significant contributors to emissions due to high energy use.
White papers
Investor engagement to tackle corporate lobbying is critical to addressing diet-related diseases
Delivering legislation, regulation and standards that foster sustainable and a more equitable development is central to tackling sustainability issues. One impediment is corporate lobbying designed to mitigate or even thwart effective policy changes. We urge other investors to join us in ramping up engagement with companies on this important topic.
White papers
AXA IM Stewardship Report 2022
Against a tumultuous backdrop that has seen misgivings emerge about the case for environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing in certain parts of the world, we believe it is now more important than ever to positively influence company behaviour through effective and robust stewardship.
White papers
Net-zero infrastructure – setting the standard
How can we measure the emissions performance of infrastructure investments? Read more about net-zero standards.
White papers
It’s time to take a chance on Europe
For the Sustainable Europe team, strategies that only follow the market rarely outperform the market. With such unjustified pessimism on the region from investors, we think it’s time to take a chance on Europe.
White papers
Trending themes in real estate securities and carbon reduction
This paper explores the intersection of investments in real estate securities and carbon reduction policy and why now can be compelling from both an environmental and an economic standpoint.
White papers
Water Scarcity: Sustainable Investors Address a Growing Scourge
Water scarcity is no longer just a problem for developing countries in desert climes. As demand for water solutions grows, equity investors will find opportunities in companies that help quench the thirst of parched communities around the world with innovative solutions.
White papers
De-Risking? Mind the Carbon!
Shifting a portfolio from stocks to bonds reduces investment risk, but it can also increase the portfolio’s carbon footprint. Read about a carbon-aware approach to reduce that impact and benefit the portfolio overall.
Meet the Manager: Martin Todd
In the first of our new ‘Meet the Manager’ Q&A series, Martin Todd, Portfolio Manager, offers a peek behind his investment style and the strategy’s raison d’être; the key attributes he looks for in an investment, the secret behind the team’s strong dynamic, and how he got started in his career.
White papers
2023 Agribusiness sustainability report
Since its founding 10 years ago, AGR Partners has been dedicated to providing investors with attractive risk-adjusted returns by partnering with companies that are committed to sustaining the world’s food and agriculture value chain.
Asset Manager News
KGAL and Lafarge sign 15-year power purchase agreements for two wind farms in Poland
KGAL Investment Management has signed long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Lafarge Cement Polska for the Krasin and Rywald onshore wind farms, which belong to the KGAL ESPF 4 renewable energy fund.
White papers
Shifting the natural cost curve: The role of investors in protecting biodiversity
The damage caused by climate change to the planet, society and economic activity is becoming increasingly obvious every year. Floods and droughts, extreme temperatures and destructive storms all bring with them tangible impacts on people’s lives and livelihoods.
White papers
DSM and a.s.r. accelerate growth of world-leading bioscience ecosystem in the Netherlands
DSM and ASR Dutch Science Park Fund team up to further develop the Biotech Campus Delft (BCD) to world-leader in bioscience. They will engage in a long-term collaboration to grow the bioscience ecosystem in Delft, the Netherlands, into a unique, world-leading campus for biosciences that will fuel the Dutch knowledge sector, sustainable food innovations and the bio-based economy.