All Fixed Income articles – Page 96

  • Blog - Emerging market fixed income – the outlook
    White papers

    Blog: Emerging market fixed income – the outlook

    2020-01-14T16:06:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Despite a sometimes challenging environment, emerging market debt generated strong returns in 2019. All four principal emerging market debt categories generated double-digit returns in 2019, led by hard currency emerging market debt.

  • On My Mind - Will The Us Economy Survive The Politics In 2020?
    White papers

    On My Mind: Will The US Economy Survive The Politics In 2020?

    2020-01-14T13:41:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    What might investors worry about? Dr. Sonal Desai, our Fixed Income CIO, covers her expectations for 2020.

  • Investing for tomorrow – applying ESG principles to emerging market debt
    White papers

    Blog: Investing for tomorrow – applying ESG principles to emerging market debt

    2020-01-10T11:38:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    In the past, investors often balked at the idea of applying environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria when investing in emerging markets. We believe such an attitude is based on outdated associations of low income with political, social or economic disadvantages. Many EM countries have undergone significant progress and now have middle-income status.

  • China themes for 2020 – growth and policy
    White papers

    Blog: China themes for 2020 – growth and policy (2/2)

    2020-01-10T11:02:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    What to expect economically from superpower China in 2020? In the final part of this two-part series, senior economist Chi Lo discusses the outlook for inflation, growth and central bank policy.

  • Credit selectivity at the fore in European high yield bond and senior loan investing
    White papers

    Credit selectivity at the fore in European high yield bond and senior loan investing

    2020-01-09T13:04:00Z By Oaktree Capital Management

    The European leveraged finance market is recognised for its potential to offer a compelling income advantage versus other, more traditional fixed income asset classes. Current market factors such as low default rates for speculative-grade debt and further stimulus from the European Central Bank are expected to continue to lend support to this asset class, which has enjoyed strong performance in 2019. Still, a prudent perspective would view the market as standing on relatively fragile ground in a period of low yields, lackluster economic activity and weakening growth outlook.

  • Fixed Income Outlook - Keep an Eye on Systemic Risks in 2020
    White papers

    Fixed Income Outlook: Keep an Eye on Systemic Risks in 2020

    2020-01-09T10:55:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    From a fraught geopolitical landscape to a global slowdown, the major systemic risks in today’s investment landscape are impossible to ignore. We expect such risks to contribute to persistently low and negative yields as well as to bouts of volatility in 2020. With bond yields near historic lows, can fixed-income markets generate solid returns without forcing investors to take too much risk?

  • A supportive environment for investment grade credit
    White papers

    A supportive environment for investment grade credit

    2020-01-02T13:08:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    The macro environment we face is one of low economic growth, low inflation, and loose monetary policy. That can be considered something of a sweet spot for investment grade credit. Corporate earnings are strong enough for the moderate leverage in the asset class, and investors’ search for high-quality yield supports bond prices.

  • Emerging market debt rally set to moderate
    White papers

    Emerging market debt rally set to moderate

    2020-01-02T12:01:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Emerging market (EM) debt started 2019 at attractive valuations. This followed a nine-month slide as the US Federal Reserve moved to normalise monetary policy and raise interest rates, which naturally strengthened the dollar and increased EMs’ funding costs.

  • Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence
    White papers

    Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence

    2020-01-02T11:58:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    In almost whatever country you care to mention, climate change and social inequality are exploding into the public consciousness. Extinction Rebellion in the UK or the Gilets Jaune in Paris are just two of the more high-profile signs. Yet in the financial markets, too, green, social and sustainability bonds are growing in number and sophistication.

  • Quality is key in a slow economy
    White papers

    Quality is key in a slow economy

    2020-01-02T11:53:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    The outlook for Europe’s high yield market was getting darker as we moved into 2019. Third quarter earnings reports at the end of 2018 had mostly missed expectations, industrial activity was slowing and world markets had just suffered a sharp sell-off. Like most others, we were expecting returns for 2019 to be only moderately positive or even flat.

  • Impact investing in public fixed income markets
    White papers

    Impact investing in public fixed income markets

    2020-01-01T13:28:00Z By Nuveen

    Across Nuveen, our commitment to responsible investing (RI) is based on three core principles:(1) integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment processes and decision-making; (2) proactive engagement with issuers and other industry stakeholders on a variety of ESG-related topics; and(3) impact, the ability of our investment practices to deliver competitive financial performance and document the intended environmental and social outcomes.

  • Fixed Expense Investing
    White papers

    Fixed Expense Investing

    2019-12-20T16:05:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Low and even negative yields have turned some fixed income investing into “fixed expense” investing—but there are still good reasons to hold negative-yielding bonds.

  • December Macro Dashboard
    White papers

    December Macro Dashboard

    2019-12-19T10:31:00Z By Barings

    The announced Phase One trade deal between the U.S. and China, as well as the Conservatives increasing their majority in the U.K. election, has tempered two of the biggest political risks hanging over the global economy. At least temporarily, sentiment is turning optimistic.

  • 2020 Outlook For The Us 10-Year Treasury Bond
    White papers

    2020 Outlook For The Us 10-Year Treasury Bond

    2019-12-17T16:02:00Z By Amundi

    In 2019, 10-year US Treasury bonds traded in a range of 1.46-2.78%, the fourth-widest range since 2010.

  • A class apart -emerging Asia's fixed income market
    White papers

    A class apart: emerging Asia’s fixed income market

    2019-12-16T17:16:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Why investors seeking a stable and attractive source of return within a diversified bond portfolio should head to emerging Asia.

  • Fixed Income - Back To Core - Charts And Views
    White papers

    Fixed Income: Back To Core - Charts And Views

    2019-12-16T15:50:00Z By Amundi

    The ongoing slowdown in global trade will weaken global GDP growth further in 2020 – especially in advanced economies skewed towards the manufacturing sector – but a full-blown recession is unlikely, in our view. This situation will encourage policymakers to finally add fiscal stimulus to the policy mix, possibly extending the economic and credit cycles. Monetary policy is unlikely to become much more accommodative and market expectations will have to adjust, likely driving bond volatility higher with a possible bottoming out of core bond yields.

  • Mitigating Inflation Risk at Lower Opportunity Cost
    White papers

    Mitigating Inflation Risk at Lower Opportunity Cost

    2019-12-11T16:28:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Inflation-mitigating allocations can drag on returns when inflation is subdued: diversifying and tactical allocation can help.

  • Seeking protection in mispriced miners
    White papers

    Seeking protection in mispriced miners

    2019-12-10T11:05:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The copper price – a gauge for the wellbeing of the global economy – has defied supply disruptions and remained broadly flat for the past year. Despite this, the credit spreads of several large mining firms are trading at their lowest levels in 12 months, indicating subdued risk. We think that credit markets have failed to account for several risks that miners face – from a weak macroeconomic outlook to environmental, social and governance issues – and we have sought defensive positions within the sector.

  • Screen The Euro Fixed Income Market In The Era Of Three ‘Lows’
    White papers

    Screen The Euro Fixed Income Market In The Era Of Three ‘Lows’

    2019-12-09T15:40:00Z By Amundi

    As 2020 approaches, the uncertainty in the market has receded but there are still risks ahead involving macroeconomic, political and technical factors. Under such a scenario and with central banks being accommodative, we do not envisage a major increase in European core bond yields from their current levels given the limited growth potential and the scarcity of tools left in the ECB’s toolkit to stimulate the economy. Should the economic situation deteriorate, there could be room for yields to fall, but probably not to the lows reached in late August/early September.

  • 2020 - Risks, Opportunities & Predictions (Part 1:2)
    White papers

    2020: Risks, Opportunities & Predictions (Part 1/2)

    2019-12-06T11:54:00Z By Barings

    In Part 1 of our 2-part series, Barings’ investment professionals touch on topics from politics to trade wars to economic growth⁠—and offer their perspectives on why EM currencies, international equities and EM local debt might outperform in 2020.