All Equities articles – Page 75

  • Trade War Escalation And Impact On World Trade And Economic Growth
    White papers

    Trade War Escalation And Impact On World Trade And Economic Growth

    2019-09-18T15:21:00Z By Amundi

    Trade tensions re-escalated during the summer. Starting on 1 September, the US Administration introduced new tariffs and China retaliated simultaneously. More tariffs are likely from the US side, including an increase in tariffs already in place from 25% to 30% and new tariffs on the last tranche of imported goods from China. Concerning extra-tariffs measures, in August the temporary licences granted to US companies to operate with Huawei were extended upon their expiration but, so far, with no additional structural guidance.

  • Risk Factors, Macroeconomic Context And Forecasts - September 2019
    White papers

    Risk Factors, Macroeconomic Context And Forecasts - September 2019

    2019-09-18T15:14:00Z By Amundi

    Financial markets have been rattled in the past weeks over escalating trade war between the US and China as both imposed tariffs and counter-tariffs on imports. Idiosyncratic risks stories in countries such as Argentina resurfaced, the UK’s parliament was suspended over Brexit chaos and Italy witnessed a political crisis of its own, although a government seems in sight now.

  • View on Italy: beyond the short term
    White papers

    View on Italy: beyond the short term

    2019-09-18T12:12:00Z By Amundi

    The end of the political crisis and next steps for the new government: The new pro-European government looks to be willing to move in a different direction vs the previous one, with an agenda focused on green and socially inclusive policies. It is difficult to project how long this new coalition will last, but it will certainly have to address the next budget law. We expect to see some expansionary measures (lower labour costs plus investment spending), but without putting public finances at risk. However, the available room for manoeuvre is narrow.

  • Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund - H1 2019 report
    White papers

    Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund - H1 2019 report

    2019-09-17T15:38:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund targets investment outperformance and social and environmental impacts that help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What progress did we achieve through our engagements in the first half of 2019?

  • Britain’s Most Likely Destination
    White papers

    Britain’s Most Likely Destination

    2019-09-13T13:19:00Z By Barings

    It Won’t Become Some Sort of Hermit Kingdom in the North Sea.

  • Bullish on Tech—Especially Outside the Tech Sector
    White papers

    Bullish on Tech—Especially Outside the Tech Sector

    2019-09-10T11:57:00Z By William Blair Investment Management

    When thinking about technology, asset managers and asset owners have similar concerns and opportunities—both when investing in it and applying it. We must understand that technology is less about technology stocks and more about the way disruption affects corporate performance. And we must address the implications of technology for our businesses. 

  • Annual Impact Report, 2018
    White papers

    Annual Impact Report, 2018

    2019-09-03T13:48:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In December 2017, we launched the Hermes Impact Opportunities Fund – a high-conviction global equity strategy with a bold objective. It aims to generate long-term outperformance by investing in companies succeeding in their core purpose: to generate value by creating positive and sustainable change that addresses the underserved needs of society and the environment.

  • How will global disruption affect small cap stocks?
    White papers

    How will global disruption affect small cap stocks?

    2019-09-02T13:19:00Z By Schroders

    Investors are increasingly being drawn to smaller companies due to their ability to navigate the growing theme of disruption.

  • is short term noise masking a long term opportunity in em equities
    White papers

    Is short-term noise masking a long-term opportunity in EM Equities?

    2019-09-01T09:23:00Z By Barings

    Emerging markets (EMs) are in the headlines on a regular basis—both with positive and negative news flow—but rarely do we hear the whole story.

  • domestic focus to exploit emerging markets equity opportunities
    White papers

    Domestic focus to exploit Emerging Markets equity opportunities

    2019-09-01T09:12:00Z By Amundi

    The emerging markets (EM) universe has experienced significant changes in the last decade with the further addition of investible countries (i.e. China A shares in 2018).

  • Will electric cars create shocking losses or supercharge profits?
    White papers

    Will electric cars create shocking losses or supercharge profits?

    2019-08-28T10:30:00Z By Schroders

    Many investors are worried that the switch to electric could hurt the profits of car-makers. Few have considered how the industry may stand to benefit.

  • asset class return forecasts q3 2019
    White papers

    Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q3 - 2019

    2019-08-23T13:11:00Z By Amundi

    We expect economic growth to evolve around potential for most developed economies in 2020. It could subsequently decrease below potential in 2021 driven by a deteriorating cyclical environment and still anaemic global trade. Nevertheless, growth should stay in positive territory. 

  • emerging markets charts and views q3 2019
    White papers

    Emerging Markets Charts & Views - Q3 2019

    2019-08-23T13:05:00Z By Amundi

    The recent dovishness from the Fed, a benign inflation environment and the easing in global financial conditions continue to support a goldilocks environment for Emerging Markets (EM) assets. On the risks side, trade disputes appear to be softening as we approach the US presidential campaign. But the existing tariffs are weighing on the corporate earnings, with mixed prospects across regions as some countries are also benefitting from a restructuring of the global supply chain.

  • Three Ways to Manage Liquidity Risk in Bond Markets
    White papers

    Three Ways to Manage Liquidity Risk in Bond Markets

    2019-08-23T10:24:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    Liquidity risk has grabbed headlines recently after several high-profile funds imploded. The hunt is on to find ways to manage liquidity risk and protect portfolios against further setbacks—but not all investors will be up to the task.

  • European Smaller Companies: An Evergreen Growth Opportunity
    White papers

    European Smaller Companies: An Evergreen Growth Opportunity

    2019-08-20T12:57:00Z By Barings

    In this Q&A, Nick Williams, Barings’ Head of Small Cap Equities, discusses the opportunities his team is seeing in the current environment, and explains why an active approach, combined with rigorous, bottom-up stock selection, is key to identifying high-quality companies.

  • Salesforce - investing in a low-carbon future
    White papers

    Salesforce: investing in a low-carbon future

    2019-08-20T10:17:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Salesforce has cut its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero and delivered a carbon-neutral cloud. The company has attractive fundamentals and looks well placed to retain its position as one of the leading cloud-computing platforms.

  • 2019 midyear outlook - Expect a tougher climb
    White papers

    2019 midyear outlook - Expect a tougher climb

    2019-08-16T09:16:00Z By Nuveen

    Trade and other geopolitical issues are heating up. Economic growth is looking more uncertain and market volatility rising. Expect a tougher climb in 2019.

  • Russian ecommerce - a moonshot moment?
    White papers

    Russian ecommerce: a moonshot moment?

    2019-08-12T10:56:00Z By Federated Hermes

    During a recent research trip to Russia, we confirmed our view that the nation’s ecommerce industry is a rare gem within the troubled wider economy. As Russia’s economic growth flags and protests become more frequent, we consider whether President Vladimir Putin’s ambitious “National Projects” spending program will manage to boost innovation – particularly in digitisation – and inject life into the Russian economy.

  • Trade Tensions Flare: Where Do We Go from Here
    White papers

    Trade Tensions Flare: Where Do We Go from Here?

    2019-08-09T13:17:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Central bank actions and new trade tensions have created more questions than answers.

  • Will trade tensions reshape the world order?
    White papers

    Will trade tensions reshape the world order?

    2019-08-08T08:53:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The protectionist wave will almost certainly have a chilling effect on the global economy. But trade growth was slowing well before the US-China spat. In the latest Ahead of the Curve, we assess whether the tariff war is disruptive or merely accelerating trends already underway. And will we find opportunities in this fragmented global system, or only challenges?