All Commodities articles – Page 8
White papers
Is the spike in commodity prices sustainable?
For a glimpse of just how volatile commodities currently are, look at nickel markets. Prices doubled in early March. Then they plunged. Then the London Metals Exchange halted trading. This week, the market for nickel — a key component in electric vehicle batteries and stainless steel products — reopened but with strict trading limits.
White papers
War, Inflation, and Markets
Investors appear to be refocusing on pre-war concerns about economic fundamentals—but finding that this horrific conflict has exacerbated them.
White papers
At a tipping point
Renewable energy from wind and solar may be clean and cheap, but they are also intermittent and unpredictable. Traditionally, thermal generation such as coal, gas or nuclear are used to offset the limitations of renewables, especially during hours that are not windy or sunny.
White papers
Strategies to navigate soaring inflation and rising rates
As central banks try to tame inflation without triggering a global recession, pockets of opportunity can still be found.
White papers
Fed Ready to Tighten the Screws on Inflation
The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points this week. The central bank also signaled that it’s likely to keep raising rates at every meeting well into the second half of the year, and made it clear that it will start paring its balance sheet soon.
White papers
A Time to Tighten
The military and economic responses to Russia’s war in Ukraine continue to garner attention, as ongoing disruptions in oil and agriculture flows will add to inflation pressures in much of the world.
White papers
Economic Scenarios in the Midst of War
Numbing economic sanctions on Russia, the delivery of arms to the government of Ukraine to stiffen resistance, and the remilitarization of Europe mean there is no turning back. The world has now changed and it is a difficult task to sketch with any certainty the economic impact.
White papers
China’s GDP Target: When Lower Means (Much) Higher
The unprecedented nature of the pandemic lockdowns has stretched the ability of standard macroeconomic statistics to properly reflect real-time economic trends.
Introduction to the Neuberger Berman Commodities Fund
In this short video, Hakan Kaya introduces the Neuberger Berman Commodities Fund and gives an overview of the role commodities could play within portfolios.
White papers
A Thematic Approach to the Fog of War and Hawkish Central Banks
Our outlook heading into 2022 focused on the strength of global growth, especially in the developed world. In the U.S. and Euro area (EA), we projected above-trend growth of 3.6% and 4.3%, respectively.
White papers
The Long View: Russia-Ukraine War Has Lasting Implications for Investing
When Russian president Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine, he unraveled decades of efforts to cement peace in Europe after the Cold War. For investors, the new world order has shaken up broad issues that shape our analysis of asset classes and securities.
White papers
Seven Predictions Amid the Rising Unpredictability
As the Ukraine War spirals toward broader geopolitical conflict, some elements of the outlook are already coming into view.
White papers
A measured approach to volatile markets
Despite the uncertainty caused by the conflict in Ukraine, markets are still trading in an orderly, albeit volatile, manner with support and tentative buying at cheaper levels.
White papers
Russia-Ukraine: a lot of bad news already priced in, but the outlook is deteriorating
The second week of conflict in the Ukraine was marked by additional market volatility. Equities are down across the board. The demand for safe-haven assets temporarily pushed the 10-year Treasury down to 1.7% before it retraced to 1.9% amid rising inflationary pressures. Meanwhile, gold has remained well supported, briefly moving above $2000/ounce.
White papers
Back to Basics: Commodities and Radical Uncertainty
When facing uncertainty in the markets, we find it helpful to frame our thinking within the four quadrants made popular by U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns, and unknown unknowns.
White papers
Central Banks on Deck to Fight Inflation
The ECB was owlish—carefully hawkish. It further reduced asset purchases for Q2 below the €40 billion previously announced and left completely open the pace of asset purchases for Q3. This leaves room for great flexibility: the ability to hike or not in Q4.
White papers
Months When Decades Happen
Europe enters this dangerous period on solid footing. Unemployment is at record lows. Wage growth remains subdued. Russia’s war in Ukraine adds a strong inflation headwind to the ongoing expansion.
White papers
In support of Ukraine
All of us at Federated Hermes have been disturbed by the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia. As shocking images of bombs demolishing buildings in Ukraine’s major cities and harrowing tales of refugees – including orphans – seeking safety beyond the borders of their homeland flood our televisions and social media feeds, we stand with the Ukrainian people on the side of freedom, independence and democracy and condemn the Russian government’s aggression.
Commodities: An Inflation Hedge for All Seasons?
As we see the effects of inflation taking place globally, investors may be wondering what their next move is in asset allocation. However, the inflationary environment we’re seeing today is unlike what we have seen in forty years. So to no surprise, commodities investments have become top of mind to many investors as it’s considered a traditional inflation hedge. But does that thinking apply to all inflationary environments? And what are the ESG implications behind commodities investing today?
White papers
Russia-Ukraine: an uncertain outcome calls for higher focus on liquidity
At the core of the crisis, Russian assets have become almost un-investible, with dramatic price action as the market attempts to grapple with uncertainty. European equities have suffered, anticipating the negative consequences of the war on corporate earnings, while also commodities trended higher with double digit rise across many commodities. A flight to safety move has benefited government bonds, with the US treasury yield and the Bund yield trending lower.