Net Zero Investment Portfolios - Part 2. The Core-Satellite Approach

This article is the second part of a research project on net-zero investment. While the previous publication was dedicated to the integrated approach, this one focuses on the core-satellite approach. As explained in the first part, net-zero policies need to address two dimensions: decarbonizing the portfolio and financing the transition. 

Net Zero Investment Portfolios - Part 2. The Core-Satellite Approach

The integrated approach combines these two dimensions in an allocation process that considers both carbon intensity for the decarbonisation dimension and green intensity for the financing dimension. However, we have found that carbon intensity and green intensity are currently positively correlated. Therefore, we propose a second approach to better identify the contribution of the two net-zero dimensions. In the core-satellite strategy, the decarbonization dimension is managed within the core portfolio, while the objective of the satellite strategy is to finance the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The choice of the decarbonization policy is an important step in the design of the core portfolio. At least, three issues need to be considered: the magnitude of the decarbonization pathway, the sequence of decarbonization, and the selfdecarbonization property of the core portfolio. Moreover, a decarbonization pathway is not neutral if we refer to a strategic asset allocation process. 

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