Content (1036)

  • Indian bonds go global

    White papers

    Indian bonds go global


    Indian government bonds have gained attention recently due to their inclusion in a leading emerging markets bond index starting from 28 June. This key milestone has sparked renewed interest from global investors.

  • How can human-robot interactions benefit financial decision-making?

    White papers

    How can human-robot interactions benefit financial decision-making?


    “Our research showed that after using the robo-advisor, individuals were more inclined to invest in equities and follow the robo’s recommendations in rebalancing their portfolios towards their target allocations. These enhanced choices led to higher risk-adjusted returns.”

  • ESG Thema #16 - Investing in India’s energy future- a just transition challenge

    White papers

    ESG Thema #16 - Investing in India’s energy future: a just transition challenge


    India is currently experiencing an era of unparalleled growth, marked by significant shifts in various domains. These include the transition from physical currency to digital payments, a move from traditional fuels to renewable energy sources, a shift from an informal to a more formal economy, and a transition from underserved communities to ensuring inclusion even at the last mile. These landmark changes are shaping a new landscape of development.

  • French markets amid snap elections

    White papers

    French markets amid snap elections


    “Political uncertainty can amplify short term market movements. However, markets tend to recover once the political situation clarifies and the focus comes back to corporate earnings.”

  • US inflation is moderating

    White papers

    US inflation is moderating


    “Falling price pressures should be supportive of US government bonds and investors could also explore other quality fixed income assets in developed as well as emerging markets.”

  • EU election results and French politics

    White papers

    EU election results and French politics


    The 2024 European Parliament elections took place between 6 and 9 June 2024. The results indicate that the centrist parties should be able to form a working coalition. The European People’s Party (EPP) increased its parliamentary seats. At the same time, parties such as Identity and Democracy (ID) and European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) with far-right credentials also gained seats.  

  • About SDGs, reading the manual with NLP

    White papers

    About SDGs, reading the manual with NLP


    In recent years, asset management has embraced the Net-Zero paradigm for portfolio construction and the formation of mid- and long-term views. However, delays in climate transition go along with poor achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With only a few years remaining to reach the objectives set for 2030, this paper aims to examine the SDGs’ framework and question its implementation by companies. 

  • Will Productivity turn global growth around?

    White papers

    Will Productivity turn global growth around?


    “If these trends continue, global growth over the next decade would likely be sub-3%, compared to just under 4% in the two decades before the pandemic.”

  • The ECB initiates rate cuts after a long gap

    White papers

    The ECB initiates rate cuts after a long gap


    “The ECB avoided any surprises for the markets as it reduced policy rates amid decelerating inflation, which could boost appetite for European fixed income.”

  • Bond investing when Central Banks are in motion

    White papers

    Bond investing when Central Banks are in motion


    2024 is establishing a new market dynamic for bond investors. After the great repricing of 2022 and 2023 when market attention was mainly tilted towards inflation, 2024 is increasingly seeing a more balanced focus towards both inflation and growth. Moving ahead, the slowdown in inflation should continue, although reaching the 2% target may take longer than initially expected by the market, and the route is going to be bumpy as inflation remains sticky.

  • A core allocation to CTAs might be as wise as going tactical

    White papers

    A core allocation to CTAs might be as wise as going tactical


    Timing CTAs is notoriously challenging. We review the pros and cons of several allocation methods to CTAs.

  • India's election outcome and its economic implications

    White papers

    India’s election outcome and its economic implications


    India has recently concluded a national election, one which has taken place over the past six weeks and has seen nearly 650 million people flock to the polls to elect India’s political leadership over the next five years. The country officially announced its elections results on 4 June, the turnout was quite high with 66.3% of voters participating.