All Water/Waste articles – Page 2
White papers
Green News & Views: REPM Multi-Manager Infrastructure’s 5 pillars for responsible investing
Infrastructure and ESG: two sides of the same coin
White papers
Invest in the world you want to live in
Climate change investing is about identifying companies that improve our lives, minimise our footprint, and perform well financially.
White papers
Can the UK Infrastructure Bank unleash the power of private capital?
Now that the details have emerged on the remit and tools available to the UK Infrastructure Bank, meaningful engagement with industry should be the priority, argues Darryl Murphy.
White papers
The latest on the carbon trading market and a keen appetite for offshore wind assets
Carbon pricing in the EU Emissions Trading System, or ETS market, is entering a new phase, signalling that decarbonisation is well under way in the energy sector and that reducing industrial CO2 emissions will be next, as the EU moves towards its net zero emissions target for 2050.
Asset Manager News
Farming for the future? - Green News & Views - Growing a greener world with farmland
Sustainable farmland practices play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as conserving energy and water. It can also help to meet global demand for food, while encouraging sustainable practices benefiting the environment over the long-term.
White papers
Water: a pervasive resource and a portfolio staple
The transition of many economies from a depletive to a sustainable model with better social and environmental outcomes creates a wide range of investment opportunities in many areas including water, a resource that is fundamental to not only life, but also across end-markets from the consumer to industrial businesses.
White papers
Global Equities case study: Kurita Water
Our Global Equities strategies hold a diverse range of companies with attractive combinations of long-term fundamentals and good or improving ESG characteristics.
White papers
Generali Global Infrastructure at IPE Conference and Award 2020
Supporting the recovery through resilient and positive impact infrastructure investments
White papers
Is sustainable infrastructure the best way to tackle climate change and emerging market poverty?
The emerging market need for huge amounts of infrastructure spending must be met sustainably for the planet’s sake - and that’s good news for investors.
White papers
How ocean states can benefit from a ‘blue recovery’ from COVID-19
Investing in ocean health offers coastal countries the means to recover from the pandemic in a sustainable and economically efficient manner.
White papers
2020 GRESB Infrastructure Assessment results
REPM demonstrates market leading performances across the board in the 2020 GRESB Infrastructure Assessments despite a more competitive peer group environment. 100% of REPM’s submitted infrastructure funds achieved 5-star status, the highest recognition available reflecting top quintile performance.
White papers
Managing the carbon footpath
Whether transport, energy or utilities, Europe’s infrastructure is set to play an essential part in the transition to a greener environment and better society. Just as new “green” infrastructure is being built, so too old “dirty” infrastructure providing essential services must be decarbonised.
White papers
From Management to Usage: Innovations Are Shaking up Real Estate
Increasing focus on ESG criteria, new technologies, innovative services: opportunities to improve the performance of real estate assets abound. Today, financial advantages and cost savings go hand in hand with new experiences in terms of use and comfort for occupants. These are very real opportunities, which Amundi Real Estate leverages fully; nonetheless, their proliferation calls for rigorous selection and screening processes, according to Jean-Marc Coly, CEO of Amundi Real Estate.
White papers
Real Assets Study
Our Real Assets Study provides insight into European institutional investors’ appetite for real estate, infrastructure, private corporate debt and structured finance. It highlights the need to address ESG issues, looks at whether supply can meet demand, as well as gauging the potential impact of global challenges such as trade wars.
White papers
Connections and communities
Today, a handful of urban centres are pulling away from their rivals – creating more innovation, more growth and more jobs. Those changes have deep implications; understanding them and what they mean for local communities takes joined-up thinking.
White papers
Re-imagining partnerships in infrastructure finance
While the shape of the UK’s future relationship with its European neighbours is still unclear, the question of how to finance infrastructure fit for the 21st century is equally pressing, argues Darryl Murphy.
Asset Manager News
Waste: getting a clearer picture
PATRIZIA is optimising waste management across its German portfolio to improve sustainability and reduce costs
White papers
Responsible Property in action: Centropolis Towers
The Centropolis case study highlights a large APAC deal which reflects high environmental standards, including innovative use of geothermal heat pumps. The 134,399 sq m mixed-use development has been awarded LEED Gold certification and provides one of most highly specified prime office buildings in Seoul, South Korea.
White papers
ESG and real assets: A matter of balance
Assessing ESG risks within real asset investments is far from straightforward. Mark Versey and Stanley Kwong use five case studies to illustrate the balance of ESG risk factors that affects investment decision-making, beyond simply trying to be ‘green’.
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