All Pensions articles – Page 5
White papers
Amundi Pension Fund Letter N 10
Today, investors have a unique opportunity to observe the spreading of a real virus alongside the viral nature of financial markets and the real economy. As Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Shiller points out in his book, “Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events”, stories and images are created around new economic events1. In some cases, these stories are memories of the past and their spreading can have major implications regarding performances of economies and financial markets.
White papers
Creating Resilient Pension Portfolios Post Covid-19
Covid-19 is a ‘once in a hundred years’ cataclysmic event. Superlatives that do it justice are hard to find.
White papers
The client lens: An interview with Faith Ward
Brunel Pension Partnership’s chief responsible investment officer discusses climate change, greenwashing and the urgent need to repair flaws in the financial system.
White papers
Cash flow matching through a crisis
As defined benefit pension funds mature, their need for cash-generating investments only increases.
White papers
The Covid-19 crisis: two sides of the same coin for pension funds
From a long-term investment perspective, the unprecedented global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic brings along both challenges and opportunities, which constitute two sides of the same coin for institutional investors such as pension funds.
White papers
Just what the doctor ordered
When you’ve got a sore knee, you don’t go see a brain surgeon.
White papers
Defined Benefit pensions de-risking: A covenant and investment view
In the midst of the COVID-19 shock, Felix Mantz from Lincoln Pensions and Joachim Sudre from Aviva Investors explore how defined benefit pension schemes should plan their journey towards an end game and adopt a more holistic approach to risk.
White papers
Webinar: Climate change challenge: How can the TCFD help pension schemes?
How can pension schemes start actively assessing, managing and reporting their exposure to climate change?
White papers
Aviva Investors and Lincoln Pensions DB De-Risking Webcast
DB pension schemes are slowly but surely heading towards their endgame. The uncertain cost of pensions continues to put pressure on sponsor companies, while trustees must adapt to ever-changing regulations and challenges.
White papers
Opportunity exists for US, UK and Canadian pension funds who are prepared to de-risk
We recently witnessed the end of a very important moment, when US, UK and Canadian pension funds were simultaneously at the best funded status they had experienced in ten years. At the same time, all three markets had new entrants in pension insurance and reinsurance with ample insurer capacity, vibrant price competition and attractive buy-in and buy-out pricing. Additionally, seven years of lower than expected longevity improvements meant the lowest liability pricing from insurers and reinsurers in over ten years.
White papers
Spotlight on listed infrastructure - The attractions to pension schemes
Infrastructure typically gives investors access to regular, reliable and secure cashflows that grow over time and thus provide some protection from inflation generated from real, physical assets.
White papers
Spotlight on listed infrastructure - The attractions to pension schemes
Infrastructure forms the backbone of any economy, providing essential services to individual communities and the country at large. For some time, the sectors and businesses that are considered to be infrastructure have been expanding and evolving, beyond what are regarded to be traditional areas.
White papers
Quantitative Easing: The End Of The Road For Pension Investors?
Has central banks’ Quantitative Easing (QE) been a blessing or a curse for investors?
White papers
French Pension Reform (An Update)
At the time we were writing the Thematic Paper entitled “French Pension Reform: A Trojan Horse for Better Control of the State Budget?”1, the financial sustainability of the French pension system looked certain. Since then, the government has set a new savings goal, with the aim of achieving financial equilibrium by 2025, and in doing so has prematurely ejected from its Trojan horse… This adds a whole new challenge to an already high-risk reform.
White papers
How long will you live and what does it mean for your investments?
Latest life expectancy data shows that your money will need to last a lot longer than you might be thinking.
White papers
Five charts that will make you think differently about retirement
Retiring at 60 is a relatively new concept, and possibly a short-lived one in our history. As populations age – and age better – people are looking at a host of ways to stay in work and sustain their retirement income. We present five charts that sum up the changing landscape.
White papers
How Global Investment Grade Can Help Pension Schemes Deliver Their Promises
With many defined pension schemes in negative cashflow, interest in cashflow-driven investing (CDI) is increasing. We believe the $11.3 trillion global investment grade credit universe offers the best means of maximising potential returns from a core CDI strategy. Moreover, advances in technology allow us to build portfolios more quickly, optimising returns and limiting risk.
White papers
Self-sufficiency for pension schemes: Keep on running?
Boris Mikhailov and Matthew Graham look at the benefits and risks for pension schemes targeting self-sufficiency.
White papers
The future of retirement
The idea that in one’s sixties it might be time to step out of work and retire into a life of leisure is relatively recent. But with more people living longer, expectations of retirement are being reshaped.
White papers
Rocky Road For The European Union: Pension Plans' Response
Cyclical recovery or secular healing?