All Pension Fund Management articles – Page 3
White papers
Whitepaper: A Great Time to Be Agnostic?
CME Group recently collaborated with Pensions & Investments (P&I) to survey the attitudes and allocation preferences of today’s institutional investors, given the current market environment and the use of alternative investment strategies.
White papers
French Pension Reform (An Update)
At the time we were writing the Thematic Paper entitled “French Pension Reform: A Trojan Horse for Better Control of the State Budget?”1, the financial sustainability of the French pension system looked certain. Since then, the government has set a new savings goal, with the aim of achieving financial equilibrium by 2025, and in doing so has prematurely ejected from its Trojan horse… This adds a whole new challenge to an already high-risk reform.
White papers
How long will you live and what does it mean for your investments?
Latest life expectancy data shows that your money will need to last a lot longer than you might be thinking.
White papers
Five charts that will make you think differently about retirement
Retiring at 60 is a relatively new concept, and possibly a short-lived one in our history. As populations age – and age better – people are looking at a host of ways to stay in work and sustain their retirement income. We present five charts that sum up the changing landscape.
White papers
How Global Investment Grade Can Help Pension Schemes Deliver Their Promises
With many defined pension schemes in negative cashflow, interest in cashflow-driven investing (CDI) is increasing. We believe the $11.3 trillion global investment grade credit universe offers the best means of maximising potential returns from a core CDI strategy. Moreover, advances in technology allow us to build portfolios more quickly, optimising returns and limiting risk.
White papers
Self-sufficiency for pension schemes: Keep on running?
Boris Mikhailov and Matthew Graham look at the benefits and risks for pension schemes targeting self-sufficiency.
White papers
Rocky Road For The European Union: Pension Plans' Response
Cyclical recovery or secular healing?
White papers
Journey’s end: route options for DB pension schemes
Pension schemes will confront a different set of challenges as they mature, not least around cashflows.
White papers
Monthly FX Report
Keep up with what the market is saying and what’s happening in our marketplace.
White papers
Replicating OTC FX Market Positions with CME FX Futures
Explore the advantages that CME FX futures offer traditional market practitioners in the OTC FX markets, and how CME FX futures can be used to replicate cost-efficient, manageable synthetic exposure to OTC FX spot, forwards, and swaps.
White papers
The Greenwich Perspective: A Bright Future for FX Futures
Greenwich Associates recently published a paper assessing the value and viability of FX futures as a proxy to the OTC FX market.
White papers
Managing currency risk in equity portfolios
This report shows how equity index futures provide a more flexible alternative than cash equity products for managing foreign exchange risks.
White papers
Equity Index Futures vs. ETFs Total Cost Analysis Tool
This tool is designed to analyze the all-in costs of replicating the S&P 500 by trading equity index futures versus exchange-traded funds.
White papers
The Big Picture: A Cost Comparison of Futures and ETFs
Analyse the potential cost advantages of E-mini S&P futures as they pertain to your specific investment scenarios.
White papers
Floaters in Alternative Credit will help keep portfolios buoyant
The future is looking less certain for investors, also in fixed income. After a bull run lasting more than three decades, the prospect of western economies winding down quantitative easing and normalising their monetary policies creates the prospect of a more challenging, rising rate environment.
White papers
Conversations with Investment Managers - Futures versus ETFs
Aite, an independent research firm, put together an in-depth report on whether to trade futures or ETFs to replicate S&P 500 returns and other U.S. stock market performance.
White papers
Asia’s markets appear set to withstand US rate rises
Bond and currency markets have strong fundamentals and look ready to ride the US interest rate cycle comfortably.
White papers
French elections: what to expect should Le Pen prevail
Mark Burgess looks at what a Le Pen presidency could mean for France, Europe and the broader global landscape and argues that the immediate reaction of markets is likely to be a spike in volatility for French assets due to the uncertainty of what is to come.
White papers
Tackling the ‘unknown unknowns’: how active managers manage unforeseen risks
The best active managers never resort to blaming events seemingly outside of their control for poor performance. Rather, they work harder to overcome such hurdles, listening to a wide range of views, inviting challenge and working closely with others to refine their process so as to retain that all-important edge.
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