Outlooks – Page 121

  • Economic Outlook - Japanification
    White papers

    Economic Outlook: Japanification

    2019-07-01T12:32:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Political risk is ‘trumping’ economics, with populism, disparate prosperity, and stirrings that globalisation needs to reverse all offering a paradigm shift that may prove as forceful as the fall of communism in 1989, and even the New World Order after 1945.

  • Global Investment Views - July 2019
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - July 2019

    2019-06-26T13:22:00Z By Amundi

    The journey from market complacency to awareness of fragilities is in full swing, and the market correction in May is part of that, as is the recent recovery fuelled by dovish Central Banks (CB). Aware investors should recognise that the late cycle phase and mature market trends require improving fundamentals and positive political events to deliver sustainable uptrends in risk assets.

  • Investing in China: Tapping into Long-Term Opportunities
    White papers

    Investing in China: Tapping into Long-Term Opportunities

    2019-06-19T10:07:00Z By Barings

    Ghadir Cooper, Global Head of Equities, recently joined a round table with Pensions & Investments to discuss the opportunity set in China. Despite slowed growth and trade concerns, she believes there are several reasons why investors should remain optimistic.

  • Where the Dry Powder Goes Next
    White papers

    Where the Dry Powder Goes Next

    2019-06-18T09:56:00Z By Barings

    Stuart Mathieson and Bryan High, portfolio managers for the Global Special Situations strategy, discuss the outlook for distressed debt investing—and explain how they’re finding opportunities throughout the cycle.

  • European elections: not a game changer, opportunities from divergences
    White papers

    European elections: not a game changer, opportunities from divergences

    2019-05-28T14:59:00Z By Amundi

    The results are broadly in line with what opinion polls had indicated, although with a slight “pro-institution” surprise. Key takeaways are, first, a decline in the votes for the two large political groups which are the social-democrats and the Christian-democrats or moderate right; these two parties had, since 1979, commanded a combined majority in the European Parliament, and this is now over.

  • SDG Taxonomy
    White papers

    SDG Taxonomy

    2019-05-21T12:35:00Z By Federated Hermes

    We believe that companies which contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are capable of creating positive social and environmental impacts – and are also exposed to the drivers of future growth. We created the Hermes SDG Taxonomy to find investment opportunities directly connected to the goals by identifying impactful businesses poised to be the growth champions of tomorrow.

  • Automation For The People: Fintech In The Real World
    White papers

    Automation For The People: Fintech In The Real World

    2019-05-10T14:33:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    How are demographics and technological advances changing financial services?

  • Spain: Forming A Coalition Will Take Time, But The Picture Looks Benign For Investors
    White papers

    Spain: Forming A Coalition Will Take Time, But The Picture Looks Benign For Investors

    2019-05-01T16:12:00Z By Amundi

    The outcome: The ruling Socialist Party of Pedro Sánchez came first, however without an absolute majority in Parliament. The new, far-right, VOX party also entered Parliament.

  • ostrum may 2019
    White papers

    Rethinking the Fed’s policy framework

    2019-05-01T14:44:00Z By Ostrum Asset Management

    The dovish turn in March 2019 is unprecedented and inconsistent with the Fed’s remit.

  • Is Inflation Definitely Dead Or Simply Dormant? Consequences For Central Banks
    White papers

    Is Inflation Definitely Dead Or Simply Dormant? Consequences For Central Banks

    2019-04-30T16:06:00Z By Amundi

    Inflation never disappears completely. In history, there have been periods when it was dormant, but revivals have always been painful. What is striking at present is the inability of some countries to boost inflation despite low rates, liquidity injection programs… The BoJ and the ECB have made the bet (losing for the moment) that a ultra-accommodative monetary policy would quickly translate into a rise in inflation rates, while the Fed has opted for a “friendly” normalization of its monetary policy, helped in this, it must be said, by a fiscal and tax policy that has never been as pro-cyclical as in recent years (the Trump years). 

  • Global Investment Views - May 2019
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - May 2019

    2019-04-25T09:48:00Z By Amundi

    Equity markets have remained buoyant in recent weeks: the S&P 500 is trending towards an all-time high, the European equity market (STOXX 600) is close to last year’s peak and the performances of emerging markets have also been very strong.

  • Italy: no short-term confrontation with the EU, but uncertainty in the mid-term.
    White papers

    Italy: no short-term confrontation with the EU, but uncertainty in the mid-term.

    2019-04-24T09:25:00Z By Amundi

    In the new forecasts for the 2020 budget and beyond from the Italian government (from the latest economic blueprint, of 9 April: “The Stability and Growth Path, SGP”), its economic projections come much closer to consensus than previous ones, pointing to weaker GDP growth.

  • Political Brinkmanship
    White papers

    Political Brinkmanship

    2019-04-08T09:24:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    Could U.S. political brinkmanship cause a government shutdown and technical debt default, putting the economy at risk in the fourth quarter?

  • FX Leadership
    White papers

    FX Leadership

    2019-04-01T08:59:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    Can the U.S. dollar maintain its leadership of global currencies amid a decelerating economy and the China trade war elevating risk in the United States?

  • Global Investment Views: A sweet spot, but keep a sharp eye on the macro side
    White papers

    Global Investment Views: A sweet spot, but keep a sharp eye on the macro side

    2019-03-25T15:24:00Z By Amundi

    Risky assets have been in a very strong uptrend since the beginning of the year. The key question now is, where do we go from here? There are two main driving forces to focus on in the current context.

  • Debt Ceiling Back in Play
    White papers

    Debt Ceiling Back in Play

    2019-03-25T08:48:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    The twin threat of a technical debt default and potential government shutdown could resurface later this year, likely affecting equities and Treasuries.

  • Valuations, BBBs And Policy Change - European Investment Grade Outlook | March 2019
    White papers

    Valuations, BBBs And Policy Change - European Investment Grade Outlook | March 2019

    2019-03-20T11:00:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Companies in most developed market economies have enjoyed years of super-low borrowing costs The European IG market has increased in size from a face value of around €800 billion in 2005 to more than €2.1 trillion by the end of January But what might happen to companies were borrowing ...

  • amundi cross asset investment strategy march 2019
    White papers

    Cross Asset Investment Strategy - March 2019

    2019-03-13T12:42:00Z By Amundi

    If an investor had woken up today after three months and looked at the markets, he/she could reasonably say that not much had changed. The year started on strong footing and risk assets experienced a massive rebound in the first weeks of 2019, erasing most of the losses experienced in one of the most awful Decembers in history. As a result some valuation gaps have been closed somewhat, though not exhausted. Markets switched rapidly from a “fear” to a “greed” mood. Catalysts of the renewed optimism have included the dovish shift in the Federal Reserve’s strategy, and increasing signs of progress in the trade negotiations between the US and China.

  • amundi emerging markets
    White papers

    H1 2019 - Emerging Markets Charts & Views: Seek opportunities, but be aware of short-term volatility

    2019-03-13T12:35:00Z By Amundi

    Emerging markets (EM) started 2019 on a strong footing and, as a result, some excessive valuation gaps have been partially closed. Yet, we continue to see opportunities in all EM segments (equity, bonds in hard currency and in local currency) with a medium to long-term view.

  • 2017 long term capital market expectations
    White papers

    2019 long-term capital market expectations

    2019-03-11T11:42:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    We believe the global growth outlook is improving, supported by fiscal stimulus around the world, the pro-growth policies of the incoming US administration and stabilized growth in China. We also see inflation hovering in the moderate zone for the next five to 10 years.