Outlooks – Page 118

  • Real Estate Outlook Asia Pacific – Edition 4, 2019
    White papers

    Real Estate Outlook Asia Pacific – Edition 4, 2019

    2019-12-19T15:00:00Z By UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd (Asia)

    Rise in yield spreads to spur investment interest

  • Real Estate Outlook - Global overview – Edition 4, 2019
    White papers

    Real Estate Outlook - Global overview – Edition 4, 2019

    2019-12-19T14:51:00Z By UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd (North America)

    Returns slowing but rate cuts supportive of sector

  • 2020 Outlook For The Us 10-Year Treasury Bond
    White papers

    2020 Outlook For The Us 10-Year Treasury Bond

    2019-12-17T16:02:00Z By Amundi

    In 2019, 10-year US Treasury bonds traded in a range of 1.46-2.78%, the fourth-widest range since 2010.

  • 2020 Investment Outlook - Be Agile To Cope With Diverging Scenarios
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - December 2019

    2019-12-12T15:17:00Z By Amundi

    In recent weeks equities rallied along with bond yields as investors reacted to the prospect of a US-China ‘phase one deal’ and fading global recession fears. The value of negative yielding bonds continued to fall, from US$17 trillion over the summer to the current US$12.5 trillion. While equities were previously overshadowed by the excessive gloominess on the global economy and earnings, markets rebounded after corporate results in the US and Europe met or exceeded low expectations, and as economic data did not show any material worsening. The mantra now seems to be ‘not so bad is the new good’.

  • Global economies in 2020 and beyond
    White papers

    Global economies in 2020 and beyond

    2019-12-11T11:37:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Over the past decade, major economies have more than recouped the GDP lost during the financial crisis. Yet governments, companies and households have spent more time repairing their balance sheets than spending, while central banks have reverted to the tools that failed them in the past.

  • 2020 - Risks, Opportunities & Predictions (Part 1:2)
    White papers

    2020: Risks, Opportunities & Predictions (Part 1/2)

    2019-12-06T11:54:00Z By Barings

    In Part 1 of our 2-part series, Barings’ investment professionals touch on topics from politics to trade wars to economic growth⁠—and offer their perspectives on why EM currencies, international equities and EM local debt might outperform in 2020.

  • 2020 - An Inflection Point for EM Currencies?
    White papers

    2020: An Inflection Point for EM Currencies?

    2019-12-05T13:25:00Z By Barings

    With the financial crisis more than a decade behind us, the global financial system seems poised to begin re-leveraging. This process, which would likely take years to play out, would provide a source of funding for EM currencies, and represent a significant tailwind.

  • Barings - Ten Crises We Avoided This Year
    White papers

    Ten Crises We Avoided This Year

    2019-12-05T11:19:00Z By Barings

    It turns out that we are not entirely hostage to immutable economic cycles or raging political intrigue. Sometimes people make good decisions in spite of our expectations. Sometimes, to be honest, we are just plain lucky and the dice land well.

  • The Continued Democratization of Private Equity
    White papers

    The Continued Democratization of Private Equity

    2019-12-04T14:39:00Z By Barings

    Private equity is an asset class that has traditionally been available only to very large, sophisticated institutional investors. But this is changing rapidly—a trend we expect to accelerate in 2020.

  • Coping With A Changing Market Landscape
    White papers

    Coping With A Changing Market Landscape

    2019-12-04T11:33:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Our CIOs’ Global Investment Outlook stresses it’s important to be selective and not too complacent in 2020.

  • 2020- The Road Ahead
    White papers

    2020: The Road Ahead

    2019-12-03T14:58:00Z By Barings

    From fixed income and equities to real estate and alternatives, Barings’ teams share their predictions for 2020 and views on where the biggest risks and most compelling opportunities may lie.

  • Barings -2020 - Bold Predictions
    White papers

    2020: Bold Predictions

    2019-12-03T11:48:00Z By Barings

    Will 2020 bring with it the democratization of private equity? A wave of downgrades from investment grade to high yield? Barings’ experts share their bold predictions for the year ahead.

  • Solving for 2020; the key themes we anticipate will guide investment decisions in 2020
    White papers

    Solving for 2020; the key themes we anticipate will guide investment decisions in 2020

    2019-11-27T13:40:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The heads of our investment platforms identified the key themes they anticipate will guide investment decisions in 2020.

  • Global Environmental Opportunities: transforming sustainable investment
    White papers

    Global Environmental Opportunities: transforming sustainable investment

    2019-11-27T11:19:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Kanpur in northern India is known as the Manchester of the East. Located on the banks of the Ganges river, it is home to various heavy industries, including leather, chemicals and fertilisers. But, unlike its English twin, the Indian city’s economic heft brings enormous side-effects.

  • Sustainable investing is here to stay
    White papers

    Sustainable investing is here to stay

    2019-11-27T11:12:00Z By BlackRock

    Sustainable investing was once viewed as a trade-off between value and ‘values’. Yet today, it’s something investors can no longer afford to ignore. What has changed? More granular data, more sophisticated analysis and shifting societal understanding of sustainability, as well as growing awareness that certain factors – often characterised as environmental, social and governance (ESG) – can be tied to a company’s long-term growth potential.

  • Stay agile amid diverging scenarios
    White papers

    Stay agile amid diverging scenarios

    2019-11-27T10:57:00Z By Amundi

    After enjoying stellar performance this year, investors will increasingly question whether the global economy will proceed towards a trade war-engineered recession moving into 2020, thereby ending the longest ever bull market. Or, if growth stabilizes at a low level, and potentially rebounds, the cycle could extend even further.

  • White papers

    2020 Investment Outlook - Be Agile To Cope With Diverging Scenarios

    2019-11-22T15:11:00Z By Amundi

    After enjoying stellar performance this year, moving into 2020, investors will increasingly ask whether the global economy will proceed towards a trade war-engineered recession or whether growth will stabilise at a low level and potentially rebound, meaning the cycle could extend even further. In our view, the retreat in global trade is causing a major change in the structure of growth, but does not point to a full-blown recession, especially at a time when cumulative loose policies are gearing up and a partial deal between the US and China is in sight. Monetary and fiscal policy combination, a prominent theme going forward, may extend the current cycle further. While the noise on trade-related issues will be high, a material escalation is unlikely given the upcoming US elections in 2020. However, the path for investors will not be linear. In the short term, market expectations for policy actions have gone too far and need to be adjusted.

  • The euro zone - a blueprint for a brighter future
    White papers

    The euro zone: a blueprint for a brighter future

    2019-11-20T16:34:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    The euro zone’s new stimulus package could deliver the biggest monetary and fiscal boost since 2008. And it’s also a sign that the region is putting firmer foundations in place.

  • Looking into 2020 with Hermes
    White papers

    Looking into 2020 with Hermes

    2019-11-20T10:46:00Z By Federated Hermes

    2020 will be another uncertain year. Brexit will rumble on, bringing further volatility and polarising the UK political dialogue; China and US relations will remain tense and concern markets, despite a possible partial trade deal being secured before the end of 2019; and the US presidential race will likely unsettle world markets.

  • Barometer - The gloom lifts a little
    White papers

    Barometer: The gloom lifts a little

    2019-11-12T16:08:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Central banks are opening the liquidity taps again, easing concerns over growth and corporate profits. Prospects for emerging market assets look better as a result.