Outlooks – Page 111

  • How microfinance can help investors keep calm and carry on
    White papers

    How microfinance can help investors keep calm and carry on

    2020-04-08T09:00:00Z By Schroders

    Coronavirus has rocked traditional asset classes, but microfinance has historically been resilient in times of crisis. What’s next?

  • ESG matters - now more than ever
    White papers

    ESG matters - now more than ever

    2020-04-08T08:46:00Z By Federated Hermes

    At the international business of Federated Hermes, we believe that investing responsibly is the best way to sustain long-term outperformance and help deliver beneficial outcomes for investors, companies, society and the environment. 

  • Alternative investments - managed futures
    White papers

    Alternative investments: managed futures

    2020-04-07T16:21:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    Many high net-worth investors and institutions, such as pension funds, endowments, and foundations have increased allocations to managed futures in recent years.

  • Do Banks Have a Liquidity Problem?
    White papers

    Do Banks Have a Liquidity Problem?

    2020-04-07T09:27:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Many Institutions are in strong financial shape, while recent issuance reflects prudence in the face of crisis.

  • Sharpe Thinking - reflecting on four weeks of lockdown
    White papers

    Sharpe Thinking: reflecting on four weeks of lockdown

    2020-04-07T08:43:00Z By Federated Hermes

    What’s moving the investment landscape? In these turbulent markets, we bring you views from our portfolio managers, analysts and economists, delivered by our Investment Office – an independent body ensuring that our investment teams perform in the best interest of clients.

  • Credit Dynamics
    White papers

    Credit Dynamics

    2020-04-06T16:07:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Senior credit professionals Ashok Bhatia, Deputy CIO in Fixed Income, David Brown, Co-Head of Global Investment Grade Fixed Income, Susan Kasser, Co-Head of Private Credit and Joseph Lynch, Global Co-Head of Non-Investment Grade Credit discuss the market implications and potential opportunities arising from the recent unusual market dynamics.

  • How the Pandemic Could Reshape Consumer and Business Behavior
    White papers

    How the Pandemic Could Reshape Consumer and Business Behavior

    2020-04-06T15:22:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    What will the economic and social landscape look like in a post-pandemic world? Will the behavior of individuals as consumers and that of companies change once we leap past the consequences of Covid-19 and begin the process of restoration?

  • Market weekly – Sustainability and resilience in volatile markets
    White papers

    Market weekly – Sustainability and resilience in volatile markets

    2020-04-06T14:09:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    At the end of the third week of lockdown across much of Europe, Daniel Morris, senior investment strategist, and Mark Lewis, global head of sustainability research, discuss the situation in financial markets and why we do not think this is the time to sell risky assets. Mark also considers the benefits of sustainable investing in the current environment and how the crisis could advance sustainability’s place on the policy agenda.

  • Contagion - Asset Allocation Committee Outlook 2Q 2020
    White papers

    Contagion - Asset Allocation Committee Outlook 2Q 2020

    2020-04-06T10:53:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    As the COVID-19 virus spread around the world, sending markets into turmoil, our Asset Allocation Committee (“the AAC” or “the Committee”) met by video conference because governments were telling citizens not to leave their homes. These are extraordinary circumstances, and they make asset allocation decisions extraordinarily challenging and consequential.

  • EM Debt - When Prices Decouple from Fundamentals
    White papers

    EM Debt: When Prices Decouple from Fundamentals

    2020-04-03T13:14:00Z By Barings

    Dr. Ricardo Adrogué discusses how the global pandemic has impacted emerging markets, including implications for sovereign and corporate debt markets, as well as interest rates and currencies.

  • A test of character for Europe
    White papers

    A test of character for Europe

    2020-04-03T08:06:00Z By Generali Investments

    The contagion of the corona virus continues, but at a slower pace. In the first days of April the total number of recorded cases, now well over one million globally, was rising by about 8.5% a day, vs. 12% around 25 March.

  • Economic and Real Estate Outlook in Context of Covid-19 #2
    White papers

    Economic and Real Estate Outlook in Context of Covid-19 #2

    2020-04-02T16:34:00Z By Principal Real Estate (Europe)

    Yesterday was April Fools’ Day, but unfortunately there is not much humor to share in the world as the global novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to devastate countries globally. As of April 1, the number of COVID-19 infections surpassed 900,000 globally with the U.S. now leading the rate of infections.

  • Markets Scenarios & Risks - April 2020
    White papers

    Markets Scenarios & Risks - April 2020

    2020-04-02T16:28:00Z By Amundi

    Covid-19 progressively moving global in March was a game changer for the global economy and financial markets. As policies responses to contain the damages of the virus became bolder, we re-assessed the narrative of our base and alternative scenarios. We changed the probability in favour of the upsides scenario to 30% from 15%, while the downside scenario moved from a probability of 30% down to 20% and the central scenario from a probability of 55% to 50%.

  • Uncorrelated Strategies Market Update
    White papers

    Uncorrelated Strategies Market Update

    2020-04-02T09:59:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    In this short video, Portfolio Manager, Fred Ingham provides an update on current conditions across uncorrelated strategies, offering his thoughts on both the short and longer-term impacts of COVID-19 on asset markets. He also updates on the positioning of Neuberger Berman’s portfolios.

  • Coronavirus - the long-term impacts on emerging markets
    White papers

    Coronavirus: the long-term impacts on emerging markets

    2020-04-02T08:37:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Beyond the shockwaves, immense uncertainty and eventual recovery, each economic crisis changes the way society and corporations operate, leaving scars but also spurring innovation.

  • Viral volatility - how Covid-19 is infecting sentiment
    White papers

    Viral volatility: how Covid-19 is infecting sentiment

    2020-04-02T08:34:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The stock markets are characterised by long stretches of calm punctuated by times of crisis – the most recent of which is the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Amid the rapid global spread of Covid-19, worries about economic growth have intensified and equity markets have suffered steep pullbacks.

  • Pandemic panic - making sense of investor behaviour
    White papers

    Pandemic panic: making sense of investor behaviour

    2020-04-02T08:27:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The current market shakeout has caused extreme reactions among both consumers and investors. But are we wrong to suggest that investors are behaving irrationally in response to this coronavirus crisis? In this piece, we look at the market moves over the past month and consider how investors can use an active approach to confront their internal biases.

  • Markets Scenarios & Risks - April 2020
    White papers

    Thematics Views - The Eurozone’s Quantum Leap: On The Road To Debt Mutualisation

    2020-04-02T06:35:00Z By Amundi

    The Eurozone’s architecture does not allow it to contain all the risks arising from the current shock. Recourse to an European Stability Mechanism (ESM) credit line without strong conditionality is a de facto first step towards debt mutualisation. Looking ahead, this could pave the way to a European budget and a common debt.

  • Central Banks Are Entering A New Regime: Unlimited Support
    White papers

    Central Banks Are Entering A New Regime: Unlimited Support

    2020-04-02T06:30:00Z By Amundi

    Coordinated actions by central banks and governments have a clear objective to prevent a sharp rise in bankruptcies. We are confident in central banks’ ability to address the liquidity crisis as central banks have entered a new regime: unlimited support. However, we have no strong convictions on the depth of the coming solvability crisis.

  • Coronavirus – Weekly update – 01:04:2020
    White papers

    Coronavirus – Weekly update – 01/04/2020

    2020-04-01T14:05:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    This blog is the first of a regular update on our COVID-19 strategy: our assessment of the virus itself and the public health approach for containing it; the economic cost of dealing with the pandemic and the policy responses to mitigate the damage; and ultimately the implications for financial markets and investment strategy.