Latest Manager Research – Page 269

  • Your Questions Answered by Impact Opportunities
    White papers

    Your Questions Answered by Impact Opportunities

    2020-12-02T15:13:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Your Questions Answered: a quarterly Q&A series featuring the top 10 questions that clients and prospective clients ask our investment teams.

  • Electric vehicles - reaching a tipping point
    White papers

    Electric vehicles: reaching a tipping point

    2020-12-02T15:11:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Automakers were placed under considerable pressure this year by global lockdowns that brought the industry to a standstill. Yet even amid the coronavirus-induced turmoil, firms have continued to spend considerable amounts on electric vehicle (EV) technology. Why is this, and how are automakers positioning themselves for an all-electric future?

  • Pandemic scrutiny brings purpose to the fore
    White papers

    Pandemic scrutiny brings purpose to the fore

    2020-12-02T14:52:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Government support for companies during the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated why all businesses need to maintain a social licence to operate underpinned by a corporate purpose.

  • Getting Smarter Around Disruption
    White papers

    Getting Smarter Around Disruption

    2020-12-02T14:38:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    With innovation continuing to pave the way through the digital revolution of today, consumers and investors alike have wanted to know what could become the “next big thing” across industry sectors. As more and more groundbreaking business concepts continue to enter the market, one might wonder what is it about an idea or concept that makes it truly disruptive? And what is the thought process behind it?

  • Green News & Views - Sustained strong results for REPM in the 2020 GRESB Assessments
    White papers

    Green News & Views: Sustained strong results for REPM in the 2020 GRESB Assessments

    2020-12-02T12:29:00Z By UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd (North America)

    Following on from previous years’ strong results, REPM’s sustainability efforts continue to be recognized by the industry, with strong performances across the globe in the 2020 GRESB Real Estate and Infrastructure Assessments despite a new baseline for scoring and a more competitive peer group environment.

  • Darker Tunnel, Brighter Light
    White papers

    Darker Tunnel, Brighter Light

    2020-12-01T16:00:00Z By Barings

    The broad flow of economic data has been stronger than expected across Europe and the United States, even as much of Asia continues to recover.

  • Looking ahead - Top 10 real estate questions for 2021
    White papers

    Looking ahead - Top 10 real estate questions for 2021

    2020-12-01T15:51:00Z By UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd (North America)

    When we looked ahead to 2020, back in early December 2019, we have to confess that we did not even mention COVID-19, let alone foresee the massive impact that this new virus would have on the world. However, some of the predictions we made then have proved prescient. In our latest Top 10 real estate questions, we explore how the year developed and provide our predictions on real estate for 2021.

  • Cautiously optimistic on US high yield
    White papers

    Cautiously optimistic on US high yield

    2020-12-01T15:06:00Z By Federated Hermes

    After a volatile year, Mark Durbiano CFA®, Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager from the Federated Hermes Inc. office in Pittsburgh, remains hopeful for a better 2021.

  • Cash Negative
    White papers

    Cash Negative

    2020-12-01T13:25:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The central bank pandemic response has left all major short-dated interest rates pricing near or below zero for years into the future: How can cash portfolio managers meet this challenge?

  • Non-IG News - U.S. Elections and Implications for the Energy Sector
    White papers

    Non-IG News: U.S. Elections and Implications for the Energy Sector

    2020-12-01T13:21:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The Biden administration represents a significant shift in Energy policy from the prior administration. Robert Gephardt, Energy Sector Team Lead & Senior Analyst, discusses his views on how this could impact the Energy sector and what it means for Non-Investment Grade Energy, in particular. 

  • A few reasons why the Covid crisis may lead to less deglobalisation than thought
    White papers

    A few reasons why the Covid crisis may lead to less deglobalisation than thought

    2020-12-01T10:30:00Z By Amundi

    It is a widespread view that the Covid crisis will accelerate trade deglobalisation, including through industrial reshoring and shorter value chains. However, the most likely scenario is more complex, as trade in services may grow even more globalised, while the reshoring of manufacturing activities may run into a number of practical, yet also political, obstacles.

  • Heading into 2021, what do we think about credit markets?
    White papers

    Heading into 2021, what do we think about credit markets?

    2020-12-01T10:20:00Z By Amundi

    We think that a combination of improving fundamentals and ongoing monetary stimulus will push spreads towards new record tight levels. We see also room for spread compression in high yield. Sustainably low financing costs make high debt levels much more manageable. Consequently, investors should now focus more on the ability of companies to generate profits rather than their level of debt.

  • Life Sciences Real Estate - Opportunity in the Midst of a Pandemic
    White papers

    Life Sciences Real Estate: Opportunity in the Midst of a Pandemic

    2020-12-01T10:15:00Z By Clarion Partners (Real Estate - North America)

    In recent years, purpose-built commercial space for life sciences research and development (R&D) has been an outperforming alternative property type more frequently pursued by real estate investors. Clarion Partners believes life sciences industry clusters are creating more prosperous U.S. cities, while occupancy and rent growth trends have been robust for property owners.

  • Q3 2020 reporting season surprised on the positive side
    White papers

    Q3 2020 reporting season surprised on the positive side

    2020-12-01T10:11:00Z By Amundi

    Q4 visibility has shrunk as new lockdown put at risk the recovery. EPS rebound should resume in 2021 given the base effect, the ramp-up of stimulus and a potential easing of containment measures alongside the progress made to curb the pandemic.

  • The vaccine is a binary event for the markets, not for the economy
    White papers

    The vaccine is a binary event for the markets, not for the economy

    2020-12-01T09:58:00Z By Amundi

    Since the announcements of the discovery of a very effective vaccine, first by Pfizer-BioNTech and then by Moderna and AstraZeneca, the horizon has opened up. Investors are beginning to dream of a world immune to Covid-19. But one swallow doesn’t make a spring. Many unknowns remain (see p.4) and the Covid-19 crisis will leave lasting traces in the economy going forward.

  • Big Tech at the crossroads…
    White papers

    Big Tech at the crossroads…

    2020-12-01T09:52:00Z By Amundi

    Big Tech’s stock market performance has become more hesitant. A simple market rotation or a more durable phenomenon? With the exit from the crisis getting closer, sectors shunned during the pandemic could actually benefit from a catching-up movement. However, between its disruptive nature which is cannibalising traditional companies and interest rates which, apart from a slight increase, look set to remain durably low, Big Tech retains major advantages. Especially as its valuation is less exceptional than it seems, provided however that its profits momentum remains sustainable…

  • Macroeconomic picture - December 2020
    White papers

    Macroeconomic picture - December 2020

    2020-12-01T09:48:00Z By Amundi

    United States: after a record contraction in Q2, and an extraordinary rebound in Q3, we expect a significant deceleration in Q4, influenced by the new rise in Covid-19 cases and given the signs of a progressive deceleration in several economic and behavioral indicators. Next year’s growth outlook remains supported by the supportive mix of monetary and fiscal policy. 

  • Asia’s industrial action keeps the spotlight
    White papers

    Asia’s industrial action keeps the spotlight

    2020-12-01T09:30:00Z By Nuveen Real Estate (Asia)

    As featured in PERE’s 2020 Asia roundtable, Louise Kavanagh, Managing Director, Real Estate, Asia Pacific, discusses with other participants the Asia private real estate market and the compounding positive impact that COVID-19 has had on logistics property.

  • Takeaways from our investment outlook - Legacy of the lockdown
    White papers

    Takeaways from our investment outlook: Legacy of the lockdown

    2020-11-30T18:21:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    In our outlook, we seek to help investors navigate the next phases of the pandemic, its legacy, and the ensuing economic recovery. We also consider how solutions to the climate crisis can be found at the same time as the world tackles the social and economic problems laid bare by the pandemic.

  • GIS Euro Corporate Short Term Bond
    White papers

    GIS Euro Corporate Short Term Bond | Q&A with the Fund manager

    2020-11-30T10:23:00Z By Generali Investments

    Year to date the strategy is outperforming the Barclays Capital Euro Corporate 1-3 Year Index by +2.66%* proving its ability to navigate rough waters while maintaining alpha-generating ideas