All Infrastructure articles – Page 16
White papers
Smart Infrastructure: When sensors come of age
If the visions of the smart city prophets are to be realised – of long-term gains in productivity and efficiency, supply-side miracles and smooth and seamless functioning urban environments – it will depend on intelligent infrastructure. Graham Matthews, Head of Infrastructure at PATRIZIA, who has more than 24 years of experience in the sector, discusses the potential of the technology.
White papers
The digital dilemma
The powerful internet communications and technology (ICT) sector has had significant transformative effects on other sectors and people’s daily lives. But in addition to the positive impacts, such as increasing access to information and services, this has led to unexpected harms and new challenges.
Asset Manager News
KGAL acquires majority stake in Italian solar and wind developer for impact fund KGAL ESPF 5
Grünwald, 19/05/2022 – The established developer controls an excellent pipeline with a total capacity of more than 300 megawatts. Together with its Italian partner, KGAL will complete the pipeline projects and operate these as an independent power producer (IPP). Only a few months after the first closing, this is already the fourth transaction for KGAL ESPF 5 – and further investments are imminent.
White papers
5G Digitalization: Bringing the Back Office Forward
5G digitalization technology is streamlining small and mid-sized businesses’ (SMB) back office processes. What opportunities could this bring?
White papers
The Widening Appeal of Private Placements & Infrastructure Debt
Illiquid asset classes like private placements and infrastructure debt can offer investors incremental risk-adjusted returns, as well as a number of other compelling competitive advantages.
Asset Manager News
BentallGreenOak Earns 2022 Energy Star® Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award for 12th Consecutive Year
BentallGreenOak is proud to announce that it has received the 2022 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. This year marks the 12th consecutive year BentallGreenOak has been recognized for responsible investing. “Partner of the Year” is the highest level of EPA recognition, demonstrating the company’s long-term commitment to fighting climate change through energy efficiency.
White papers
An Investor’s Guide to Evolving Supply Chains
Many companies are rethinking supply chains amid disruptions from the war in Ukraine and the pandemic. Equity investors must decipher which companies can adapt their processes to compete in a less globalized world.
White papers
Europe: a hot spot in the fast-moving world of data centres
When it comes to data centres, the speed of evolution of the market might be best demonstrated by considering the incredible increase in data used in our everyday lives. Today, more data is created in an hour than was produced in an entire year two decades ago. By 2025, the sum of generated data will eclipse 175 Zettabytes (ZB), up from only 18ZB in 2015.
White papers
Financing Europe’s clean energy transition
As investment in key infrastructure in Western Europe has increased in recent years, so too has the need for financing to support clean energy projects. What is green energy credit and how can it support the transition to a low carbon economy, particularly in Western Europe?
White papers
Resilience and Transition: Infrastructure Outlook
As major investors of pension capital, we see a number of emerging investment opportunities that can generate positive returns while contributing to the resilience of infrastructure assets that working people rely on every day.
White papers
Inflation: considerations for real assets
Inflation concerns have been front and centre in conversation for global investors and consumers alike in recent months. Since the beginning of the pandemic, supply-side constraints in the face of strong demand have created disequilibrium, driving inflation higher, and now the conflict in Eastern Europe will likely exacerbate that risk by boosting commodity prices further.
Asset Manager News
a.s.r. purchases Pesse solar panel farm from GroenLeven
a.s.r. has purchased the newly realised solar panel farm in Pesse from GroenLeven. The solar park in Drenthe with over 60,000 panels has a capacity of 32.6 megawatts and meets the electricity needs of approximately 11,500 households.
White papers
Electrification: Paving the Road to Emissions Reduction
As investors focused on long-term sustainability, we have long focused on emissions, energy efficiency as well as long-term opportunities and threats in business models as it relates to their sustainability and competitiveness over the long run.
White papers
Reaping the rewards
In the following interview, Darren Rabenou discusses the role food and agriculture can play in investors’ portfolios, the business’s key focus areas, what impact climate change is having on the sector, amongst other themes. Read the full interview to find out more.
Asset Manager News
IFM releases new infrastructure report highlighting key trends for investors
Investment opportunities in renewables and digital infrastructure, and closer partnerships with governments are on the cards for infrastructure investors says a new report released today by pension fund-owned IFM Investors, one of the world’s largest infrastructure investors.
White papers
Virtual Worlds, Real Opportunities
Could the metaverse be a revolution in every aspect of our lives, ridiculous hype that will lead nowhere, or the natural progression of a world we’ve been living in for decades?
Asset Manager News
SC Capital Partners Releases Inaugural Sustainability Report
SC Capital Partners (“SCCP”) has released its inaugural Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2021 (“FY2021”). Titled “Sustainability in Action”, the report outlines the Group’s commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) practices and initiatives, and articulates the Group’s ESG framework and approach, as well as its material matters’ targets and performances.
Asset Manager News
a.s.r. to acquire Sweco Capital Consultants
a.s.r. and Sweco Nederland have agreed that a.s.r. real estate will acquire Sweco Capital Consultants. With this, the insurer’s real estate investment manager strengthens its position in the field of real estate and infrastructure investments. The acquisition fits in with a.s.r. real estate’s ambition to become a full-service real estate investment manager. The activities of Sweco Capital Consultants will be taken over as of 1 May 2022.
White papers
Integrating ESG analysis into infrastructure debt investments
There is clear evidence that society needs to invest in a lower carbon future and ensure future growth is attained more sustainably. Concurrently, the effects of the pandemic on many companies and government balance sheets have been severe.
White papers
Charter Hall Market Update
Resilience and relationships continue to drive Charter Hall’s record fund growth and equity across the business, delivering strong results for investor and tenant customers, and communities in the first half year alone.