Forestry/agriculture research
White papers
Going long on permanent crops: long-term demand fundamentals of almonds and pistachios
Understanding the supply-and-demand fundamentals of tree nuts is critical for investors considering long-term investments in the agriculture sector.
White papers
A balancing act: how can sustainably managed forests offer investment opportunities while protecting forestland and safeguarding biodiversity?
While the notions of natural capital and nature-based solutions are spreading amongst the investment community, the initial focus has been on a forest’s ability to sequester and store carbon. When it comes to forests as a solution to the biodiversity crisis, very few investors new to forestry investing know what sustainable forest management endeavours to achieve, and why it can indeed be one of the answers to safeguarding biodiversity.
White papers
The fundamentals of sustainable forestry investing
Sustainable timberland investments offer investors traditional portfolio diversification benefits alongside new opportunities for positive impact, say Manulife’s Thomas Sarno, David Fortin and Mary Ellen Aronow.
White papers
The global water challenge: risks and opportunities that all investors should consider
Manulife Investment Management is committed to helping clients achieve their objectives, build resilient portfolios—including in relation to climate change—and, where appropriate, positively affect nature. We believe water-related risks and opportunities can be financially material factors that should be integrated into investment strategies and operational asset management.
White papers
Investing in the power of nature
The crisis facing the world’s biodiversity has become front of mind for policymakers and investors in recent years. Investing in natural capital—the world’s stock of natural resources that combine to yield a flow of benefits—represents an exciting investment innovation that can achieve a range of positive impacts and create opportunities outside of traditional investment silos.
White papers
Active management drives sustainable forest value & returns
For generations, forests have been recognised by land managers and local communities for the benefits they provide: clean water, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, microclimate stabilisation, aesthetic beauty, and, when actively managed, the sustainable generation of forest products.
White papers
Diversifying with natural capital
Improving efficiency in traditional stock-bond portfolios through diversification may be limited because the average correlation across securities can be high. In contrast, the lack of correlation across diverse natural capital investment strategies offers great potential for efficiency improvements via portfolio design.
White papers
Institutional farmland ownership: facilitating the separation of farming operations from its capital base
Institutional investment in farmland is popularly perceived as one of the contributing factors to the consolidation occurring within the agricultural industry, a misconception which deserves scrutiny.
White papers
Building resilient natural capital portfolios through diversification
”The lack of correlation across diverse natural capital investment strategies offers great potential for efficiency improvements via portfolio design.”
White papers
Building confidence: ICVCM Core Carbon Principles Assessment Framework released
The ICVCM has detailed its assessment framework, which will serve as the initial bar for determining carbon credit quality. Meaningful implications for carbon markets are likely around the corner. We share our evaluation of this quarter’s publication.
White papers
Why invest in agriculture now?
The solid fundamentals supporting farmland as an asset class remain. Now, new advances are sustainably increasing farmland yields while creating additional income streams.
White papers
Enhancing farmland value through sustainable improvements
Sustainable agriculture can promote healthier and more diverse farmland ecosystems while aiming to enhance efficiency and profitability.
White papers
Forestry – the sustainability inflection point
At Gresham House, our investments are very long term and through our management approach we proactively set out to improve the value and lifespan of assets though sustainable forestry management. We follow international standards (FSC, PEFC or equivalent) and focus on delivering a positive and measurable environmental and social impact.
White papers
Resiliency and diversification from uncorrelated market exposure
Diversification creates resilience — a much-needed portfolio characteristic amid market volatility and the uncertain outlook for inflation and interest rates as economies hopefully emerge from the pandemic.
White papers
Westchester Global Thoughts: Winter 2020
The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has only made the pressure for changes in food systems more urgent.
White papers
Top 10 with… Interview with Jim McCandless on Farmland
As a top performing asset class for about a century, farmland has proven time again to have upside growth potential and to be resilient throughout various economic scenarios. It is an essential global asset class tied to food production and more investors are looking to add farmlands into their investment portfolios.
White papers
Desolate Spanish farmhouses tell you much about the European property market
Drive through Spain’s interior and you will be captivated by its starkly beautiful landscape. There is, however, a sense of desolation about it. The crumbling broken walls of abandoned farmhouses tucked in amongst the almond groves and pine plantations, and the deserted streets of ancient villages are testament to one of the most powerful demographic forces at play today.