All Emerging Market articles – Page 14
White papers
Getting along – Can investors influence geopolitics to improve climate action?
The outcome of the 2021 COP26 climate conference showed that, despite nations planning their own environmental efforts, collective climate action is difficult to foster. What does this mean for investors? Is there any way governments can be swayed into working together more effectively?
White papers
Weight to the Plate: Tracking EM Food Inflation
Rising food prices have added more pressure to headline inflation in emerging markets (EM), increasing steadily throughout 2021. As a result, central banks there have not had the leeway to wait to tighten policy the way the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank have.
White papers
Emerging Sovereigns and Sustainability
Global sustainability cannot be achieved without sustainability in the world’s poorer countries—so how can we address the challenges of sustainable investing in emerging markets sovereigns?
White papers
Emerging Markets Charts and Views - Reasons for cautious optimism in 2022
Emerging markets (EM) faced a backlash in 2021 as a consequence of the Chinese slowdown, rising inflation and – at the end of the year – a more hawkish Federal Reserve (Fed). As such, investors, including us, have been cautious and very selective on EM assets.
White papers
Inflation in Turkey could very well reach 50% and more in the coming months
Because of unorthodox economic policies, Turkey will face a tough year ahead, with inflation peaking at a 20-year high… but we do see some lights at the end of the tunnel!
White papers
Keeping up with our Investment Outlook for 2022
2022 will be the “year of reckoning” for DM economies when they will test the effectiveness of the policies deployed since the peak of the pandemic phase and face the challenge of retuning to normality: fiscal and monetary policies will tighten up at a time when the growth/inflation mix is becoming more challenging and there is much less room for manoeuvre in terms of policy.
White papers
Macroeconomic Picture - February 2022
In 2022, the US economy will face a progressive deceleration in economic activity, hovering above trend first and eventually converging to potential in 2023. Activity indicators are pointing to a notable deceleration at the end of Q4 and start of Q1 (in part Covid-related), which we expect to be short-lived.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy - February 2022
Recent sharp increase in nominal and real yields has been reflected in strong movements in equity markets, causing a rotation out of growth into value stocks. We think the uncertainty (Covid, geopolitics) would continue as markets assess the path of inflation, economic growth and monetary policy.
White papers
Global Emerging Markets: Outlook 2022
Fund manager Kunjal Gala takes a view on the coming opportunities and challenges for investors in emerging markets.
White papers
China: The Great Disconnect
Chinese equities offer many unique attributes, particularly given the improving access to the onshore market, which offers investors direct exposure to China’s economy as it repositions itself for long-term sustainable growth.
White papers
*Outlook highlights: China seeks stable growth; other EMs face bumps*
In our new paper EM, Asia, China 2022 market outlook: Building back stability, Zhikai Chen, head of Asia/Global Emerging Market Equities, and David Choa, head of Greater China Equities, examine the critical factors influencing the likely path of EM equities this year.
White papers
Where Are U.S. Rates Going?
It is widely believed that the mainstream FOMC members, which includes Fed Chair Jerome Powell, belong in the dove camp. With global PMIs peaking, a tightening of monetary and fiscal policy are headwinds for the strong recovery.
White papers
Emerging markets – Short-term pain ahead of an upturn
While 2021 was not a good year for emerging asset markets (EM), 2022 may hold positive developments that could turn the region’s markets around. Our investment view is generally constructive on EM this year, although we are cautious in the near term.
White papers
*Environmental thematic investing set for strong growth in 2022*
While 2020 was one of the best years for pure environmental thematic investing, with the segment up by more than 100%, it saw a significant – and healthy – consolidation in 2021. It underperformed the MSCI ACWI index despite company fundamentals improving notably and regulatory and policy support bolstering ...
White papers
China’s Complicated Year in the Global Spotlight
For the global economy, the consequences of China’s current economic trajectory are much more difficult to tease out.
White papers
China’s Economy in the Year of the Tiger
For China, the year ahead holds special political and economic significance. From the Winter Olympics in February to the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th national congress, slated for the fourth quarter, “the world,” as President Xi Jinping has noted, “is turning its eyes to China.”
White papers
China outlook – Some unconventional thoughts
While there appears to be a large degree of market consensus on China’s GDP growth in 2022, there is less clarity on the three to five-year outlook. A raft of issues could slow growth momentum in 2022.
White papers
Hawkish Fed Makes Markets Rethink Pricing
Markets boosted and pulled forward rate hike expectations following the FOMC’s hawkish shift, with three hikes priced for 2022. While our baseline outlook sees the Fed tightening this year, we believe it will remain accommodative, so growth doesn’t slow too much and derail the recovery.
White papers
New Year, New Monetary Policy
As markets adjust for an environment of tighter monetary conditions, we preview the key themes of our forthcoming Fixed Income Investment Outlook.
White papers
Market Scenarios and Risks - January 2022
We are making no change to the narrative and the probabilities of the scenarios. The central scenario assumes that Covid will become endemic with multiple, albeit manageable waves, that fiscal levers will remain significant and tied to monetary policy, and that growth will come back to potential in 2023. We assume the Omicron variant will temporarily impact the recovery in Europe.