Retail Attractiveness Index: European retail markets rebound after pandemic

The positive trend in European retail markets is becoming more entrenched. The signs of recovery that emerged in the first quarter of 2023 gained in strength and breadth in Q2 2023. This upward trend then continued in the majority of countries in the first quarter of 2024.



Nine of the fifteen European retail markets included in the Global Retail Attractiveness Index (GRAI) compiled by Union Investment and GfK experienced growth over the year. The indicator now stands at 114 points overall, representing a slight increase of three points compared to the previous year. The biggest rises were seen in the UK, Denmark and Poland, with 10 points each, and in Sweden, which added 8 points. Readings declined slightly in the Czech Republic (minus 4 points), Germany (minus 3 points), Austria (minus 2 points) and Finland (minus 1 point).

“Consumer confidence increased in all 15 markets compared to the prior year, with significant double-digit increases in Poland, the UK and Southern European markets. Retail sales were also encouraging. These two factors boosted the EU-15 index to its highest level since 2018,” said Markus Diers, head of Asset Management Retail at Union Investment. Consumer sentiment (91 points) improved by 12 points compared with the first quarter of 2023, while retail sales (138 points) were up 5 points. In contrast, the mood among retailers (95 points) was almost unchanged despite higher sales. The labour market indicator (137 points) was likewise flat year-on-year.



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