All Active articles – Page 15
White papers
Lessons from a decade of bank bailouts
Both the US and the UK moved fast to clean up bank balance sheets – Europe, however, delayed and so will face the next downturn from a weaker position
White papers
Europe’s ‘shrinking state’ offers investor opportunities
Private sector efficiency can result in a good deal for both the public and investors
White papers
Responsible Investment Quarterly
The contents of this issue, covers Q4 2018.
Foreword from Iain Richards, Head of Responsible Investment
Portfolio Manager Viewpoint – Investing for a changing world: a sustainable equities outlook, by Pauline Grange, Portfolio Manager, and Rose Beale, Thematic Analyst.
A new age of infrastructure, by Ingrid Edmund, Senior Portfolio Manager
Airports flying high: a social perspective, by Ben Kelly, Senior Thematic Analyst
SASB update: codification of standards, by Mac Ryerse, Lead Analyst (US), and Chris Anker, Lead Analyst (EMEA) -
White papers
What rapidly ageing populations mean for investors
This issue will not just affect older people – all of society will be impacted by a shrinking workforce and a dominant older demographic.
White papers
Southeast Asia poised to gain from trade wars
Domestic manufacturers in Southeast Asia are likely winners in the trade war and from a trend among multinationals towards reducing dependence on China.
White papers
New technology is reshaping Asia beyond China
Innovation is rapidly transforming the economies of Southeast Asia and the behaviour of its young and increasingly wealthy populations.
White papers
European equities: targeting positive returns in an uncertain climate
A decade after the financial crisis, the uncertain economic conditions it ushered in are starving Europe’s investors of returns.
White papers
In Credit - Life in the slow lane
Government bonds remain supported by evidence of a slowing in the global economy. This was reflected in the decline in Machine Tool Orders in Japan (See chart of the week), which were lower by 29% on an annual basis at the most recent reading. The US market outperformed last week with yields falling by 4bps for 10-year bonds.
White papers
Default Probability Measure
In a world of integrated global financial markets, accurately predicting company default risk is important not only in traditional fixed income credit analysis but also more broadly across the financial industry.
White papers
Chinese consumers: your country needs you
Consumption now accounts for over half China’s economy, but spending is decreasing
White papers
How Airports Are Flying High: A Social Perspective
Holding airport bonds in our social strategies often raises questions. But aviation brings huge social and economic benefits, and is making great environmental strides
White papers
Normalising economies may mean moderate returns
After 10 good years, the markets appear to be finally getting back to pre-crisis norms. Our analysis suggests that this normalisation may result in investment returns becoming much more modest than they have been over the years since the financial crisis, when extraordinarily loose monetary policy has boosted asset prices.
White papers
Global equities: identifying tomorrow’s ‘superstars’
After a bearish end to 2018, financial market participants are preoccupied with the question of whether a global downturn is imminent. Yet they should be asking a different question: have they accounted for the way that technology and other factors are transforming business models?
White papers
Asian Equities: US-China relationship to remain critical
Asia Pacific ex Japan markets started the year well, holding on to gains that were chalked in the strong rally in 2017. But by mid-year, signs of slowing economic growth surfaced, primarily induced by US-China trade tensions, leading to a sharp market correction, particularly for Chinese equities.
White papers
A tale of two worlds: a robust business cycle in the US and a draining of liquidity in the rest of the world
After President Trump signed the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’ into law on 22 December 2017, we expected corporate earnings growth to be strong in 2018. In fact, it has been far stronger, as the direct effect of the tax cut on corporate earnings was further magnified by the acceleration in economic growth.
White papers
Fixation on Brexit misses the bigger picture
Reflecting on 2018, global equity markets have lurched from optimism to pessimism. At the beginning of the year there was a complacent belief in synchronised global growth. But cut to the fourth quarter and many strategists are speculating whether the United States might soon enter a recession and how Chinese economic growth is slowing as they try to get a grip of their own excessive debt levels.
White papers
Finding opportunity in Europe’s volatility
Looking back at 2018, it was a year when European corporate earnings continued to grow, while market volatility was surprisingly high. The volatility was a result of both political noise and the fear of a slowdown in global growth.
White papers
It’s all eyes on trade for 2019
There has been a significant de-rating of equities over what has been a disappointing 2018.
White papers
Redefining the cycle – 2019 CIO outlook
We have already had the longest bull market in history and a very long upswing, so this cycle is clearly nearing its end, but we do not believe the end is imminent – rather the cycle is being extended and redefined by a combination of structural factors leading to low interest rates, low inflation and ongoing moderate growth.
White papers
US mid-term elections – an investor’s view
A Q&A with the Head of US Equities, EMEA, which discusses the significance of the forthcoming US mid-terms, Nadia’s outlook for the US economy and market, and how our portfolios are positioned in light of this.