All White papers articles – Page 346

  • Webinar - objective danger in the investment environment
    White papers

    Webinar: objective danger in the investment environment

    2019-10-11T09:14:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Markets may have reached record peaks earlier this year, but the geopolitical environment is fraught and central-bank oxygen may not prop up asset prices for much longer. We expect more outbursts of pent-up volatility going forward as investors face up to the growing risks in this high-altitude market.

  • Chinese local currency debt coming of age
    White papers

    Chinese local currency debt: coming of age

    2019-10-10T10:08:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    China’s onshore renminbi-denominated bond market is an emerging asset class of global significance.

  • High Yield: Rates, Recessions and Relative Value
    White papers

    High Yield: Rates, Recessions and Relative Value

    2019-10-10T09:31:00Z By Barings

    While there is no shortage of risks to consider in today’s high yield markets—from ESG to the end of the credit cycle—Barings’ Martin Horne describes how taking a contrarian approach can help investors uncover pockets of value

  • Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt: Does Active Management Pay
    White papers

    Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt: Does Active Management Pay?

    2019-10-10T09:24:00Z By Barings

    The performance of Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt can—and does—vary widely from country to country. In this piece, Barings’ Cem Karacadag explores how an active approach can be key to selecting the most attractive opportunities, while also avoiding the bad apples.

  • White papers

    Q4 2018 – US QOZ Impact on Real Estate

    2019-10-08T10:59:00Z By GTIS Partners (Real Estate - North America)

    As part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Congress created a new provision in the tax code to incentivize investment in designated Qualified Opportunity Zones (“QOZs”), lower income areas that would benefit from capital investment and development. Senior Treasury officials estimate that the QOZ tax benefit program could channel over $100 billion of private capital to these emerging areas across the country with the significant potential to positively transform real estate markets across the US. While the tax benefits are substantial, GTIS strongly believes that the underlying real estate opportunities have to stand on their own and provide compelling risk-adjusted returns.  QOZ fund sponsors to date have largely focused on a select few urban gateways.

  • White papers

    Q2 2019 US Market Commentary

    2019-10-08T10:54:00Z By GTIS Partners (Real Estate - North America)

    Global geopolitical headwinds have continued to drive business uncertainty in the US, led by the ongoing trade dispute with China. In response to the trade uncertainty, businesses have postponed fixed-asset investment until greater clarity is established on the potential future global supply chain map. Acting on slowdown in business investment, the Federal Reserve delivered an “insurance” interest rate cut in July, reducing the fed funds rate range by 25 basis points. Long-term yields, which are set by market expectations, have fallen considerably since the November 2018 high, with 30-year mortgage rates falling in tandem. 

  • White papers

    Q4 2018 – Brazil Investment Opportunity Overview

    2019-10-08T10:41:00Z By GTIS Partners (Real Estate - Latin America)

    The current environment presents a unique opportunity where near-term “smart money” capital and long-term investors are both aligned on Brazil’s future. Illustrating that dynamic, a consensus of economists and strategists ranked Brazil as the top opportunity in 2019 according to year-end Bloomberg survey of investment managers, while long-term-focused foreign direct investment reached a record-high 4.6% of GDP in 2018. 

  • White papers

    Q1 2019 – Brazil Economic Outlook

    2019-10-08T10:29:00Z By GTIS Partners (Real Estate - Latin America)

    After taking office, newly-elected President Jair Bolsonaro tapped highly-acclaimed, University of Chicago-trained economist Paulo Guedes to head the newly created “Super Ministry” of Economy. Since taking the Ministry of Economy position, Guedes has publicly pushed for a substantial pension reform and a sweeping R$1.0 trillion target privatization program as core tenets of his market-friendly economic policy. The market is now clearly showing a renewed sense of optimism that Brazil is now back on the right track. Consumer and business confidence sharply improved in 2018 as surveys showed an increasing likelihood of a Bolsonaro victory and expectations of continued economic reforms. 

  • White papers

    Q2 2019 Brazil on the Rise

    2019-10-08T10:20:00Z By GTIS Partners (Real Estate - Latin America)

    During the 2018 Presidential Election, Guedes established four priorities for the administration’s economic policy: 1) Responsible fiscal and monetary policy, 2) Reduced government presence in the economy, especially through privatization, 3) Greater integration with the global economy, and 4) Business-friendly reforms. Within the first year, the administration has delivered or substantially progressed on its promise in regards to economic reform. 

  • An Update On Our ESG Scores - Balancing E, S, and G to understand Global Macro Views.
    White papers

    An Update On Our ESG Scores - Balancing E, S, and G to understand Global Macro Views.

    2019-10-08T09:59:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    In early 2018, Templeton Global Macro (TGM) published Global Macro Shifts issue 9— Environmental, Social and Governance Factors in Global Macro Investing [GMS-9]. The paper explored how we evaluate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in our macroeconomic research process and described the process of codifying the team’s research discussions into quantifiable scores.

  • Thematic stocks – an alternative to mainstream global equities
    White papers

    Thematic stocks – an alternative to mainstream global equities

    2019-10-08T09:57:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Rolf Banz looks at why thematic equity investment may be a better way for investors to manage their global equity portfolio.

  • ABS analysis - through the ESG lens
    White papers

    ABS analysis: through the ESG lens

    2019-10-08T08:40:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The drive to push environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing into the mainstream has dominated the asset-management industry in recent years. While the discussion on ESG in many asset classes is well progressed, to date there has been less focus on ESG in asset-backed securities (ABS). Beyond looking at the explicit environmental elements of green ABS, there has been little emphasis on assessing the social and governance factors within securitisation.

  • Why REITs, why Principal?
    White papers

    Why REITs, why Principal?

    2019-10-07T13:45:00Z By Principal Real Estate (North America)

    Since their establishment in the U.S. decades ago, publicly traded REITs have offered investors the combined benefit of commercial real estate investment along with the advantages of investing in publicly traded stocks. REITs have grown in size, impact and market acceptance around the world. REITs, REOCs, and other real estate stocks own or operate trillions in real estate assets across all major global markets.

  • Investing in an era of heightened risk velocity
    White papers

    Investing in an era of heightened risk velocity

    2019-10-07T12:31:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    For investors navigating current market conditions—an environment where a single tweet can change the market direction and momentum—it is not just the risks themselves that are challenging but also the elevated pace at which risks can move from peripheral threats to portfolio impacts. We call this “risk velocity.” This paper explores the primary drivers for this phenomenon and potential asset allocation implications.

  • Commercial Real Estate Tech: A Research and Venture Fund Perspective
    White papers

    Commercial Real Estate Tech: A Research and Venture Fund Perspective

    2019-10-07T09:51:00Z By LaSalle Investment Management - (Real Estate - Europe)

    The commercial real estate industry is being inundated with new technologies and property technology companies created to improve virtually all aspects of real estate investing and management.

  • Beyond Alignment: Contributing To The Sustainable Development Goals
    White papers

    Beyond Alignment: Contributing To The Sustainable Development Goals

    2019-10-07T09:37:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    How impact management contributes to specific targets and indicators behind each Sustainable Development Goal.

  • A Tug Of War Between The U.S. Consumer & Everyone Else
    White papers

    A Tug Of War Between The U.S. Consumer & Everyone Else

    2019-10-04T10:53:00Z By Barings

    The three things you need to know this week: Third quarter S&P 500 earnings expectations are in decline, the U.S. slapped new tariffs on EU imports and a new Brexit plan was announced.

  • What Do We Really Want From China? And What Can We Reasonably Expect?
    White papers

    What Do We Really Want From China? And What Can We Reasonably Expect?

    2019-10-04T10:49:00Z By Barings

    Even an unexpected trade deal this week between the U.S. and China will not alter the trajectory of two alternate political, economic and social models coming to terms with each other as a fresh decade dawns.

  • Cross Asset Investment Strategy - October 2019
    White papers

    Cross Asset Investment Strategy - October 2019

    2019-10-03T12:59:00Z By Amundi

    Over the past few weeks markets have fluctuated between positive news around geopolitics (US-China trade talks, Italy and receding risks of no-deal Brexit) and not so good news around economic data (German recession, US manufacturing and Chinese slowdown). This led to a rebound in equities and a rise in core bond yields.

  • London: The ultimate city of the future
    White papers

    London: The ultimate city of the future

    2019-10-02T17:07:00Z By Aviva Investors (Real Estate)

    The rise of the knowledge economy has energised cities which have reinvented themselves as global knowledge capitals, of which London is a prime example.