All White papers articles – Page 329

  • Global Emerging Markets - 2020 country allocation review
    White papers

    Global Emerging Markets: 2020 country allocation review

    2020-02-12T15:51:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Monetary easing and a pause in trade tensions helped global growth turn a corner at the start of this year. While the structural growth story for emerging markets remains intact, a potent mix of challenges remain – including the coronavirus, which should depress activity for the first half of this year. Here, we consider our 2020 country allocations for global emerging markets.

  • Multi-asset allocation views - Why the bull run in global equities could continue
    White papers

    Multi-asset allocation views: Why the bull run in global equities could continue

    2020-02-12T10:49:00Z By Aviva Investors

    Sunil Krishnan discusses the conditions for a continued rise in global equities, the potential of Japanese and US equities to outperform from a regional perspective, and some attractive features of emerging markets – particularly Brazil – which may have been overlooked.

  • Life after LIBOR - Two Years and Counting
    White papers

    Life after LIBOR: Two Years and Counting

    2020-02-12T09:50:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    An update on what regulators, markets and Neuberger Berman have been doing to prepare for the transition from LIBOR.

  • Why solar energy’s prospects look bright for 2020
    White papers

    Why solar energy’s prospects look bright for 2020

    2020-02-12T07:16:00Z By Schroders

    As the long-term transition towards renewable energy continues apace, we see a sunny outlook this year for solar energy companies, as well as onshore wind and energy storage.

  • The Paris climate targets require investors to act
    White papers

    Blog: The Paris climate targets require investors to act

    2020-02-11T11:46:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    On the subject of achieving the Paris climate targets, Jane Ambachtsheer, Head of Sustainability at BNP Paribas Asset Management, is forthright. She says the world will not hit the mark of capping global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius if we wait for governments to act. That judgment helps explain BNPP AM’s drive to ensure that investments contribute to attaining the climate goals.

  • Maurice Tulloch, Aviva CEO
    White papers

    The Insurer: Maurice Tulloch on climate risk, insurance and closing the protection gap

    2020-02-11T10:45:00Z By Aviva Investors

    The Aviva CEO talks to AIQ about how the insurance industry is working to assess and manage the catastrophic risks of climate change.

  • IG Credit - The Hidden Risks of “Safe” Bond Strategies
    White papers

    IG Credit: The Hidden Risks of “Safe” Bond Strategies

    2020-02-11T09:41:00Z By Barings

    Traditional investment grade bond strategies are meant to help their owners sleep at night. But hidden credit and interest rate risks make benchmark-hugging more hazardous than many realize. Counterintuitively, CLOs, ABS and EM debt may be part of the solution.

  • Volatility Is Not Risk
    White papers

    Volatility Is Not Risk

    2020-02-11T09:33:00Z By Barings

    The investment industry uses the terms ‘risk’ and ‘volatility’ almost interchangeably, though they aren’t exactly the same thing. In this piece from Portfolio Advisor, Barings’ Daryl Lucas explains why differentiating between the two is important.

  • Multi-Asset Allocation Views - Uncertainty Tempers Our Enthusiasm
    White papers

    Multi-Asset Allocation Views: Uncertainty Tempers Our Enthusiasm

    2020-02-10T13:28:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Our view of global growth has been getting more optimistic over the last few months as signs of stabilization have appeared in many economies. Areas that were notably weak, such as manufacturing in Germany, have turned up somewhat (see Exhibit 1). This has been supported by an easing of global trade tensions—though we are not complacent in seeing that the underlying issues are yet to be resolved—and by central banks that seem willing to underwrite a continued period of relative stability.

  • Ken Alex
    White papers

    The Policymaker: The US response, green technology and climate regulation

    2020-02-10T10:42:00Z By Aviva Investors

    Ken Alex, former adviser to Californian governor Jerry Brown, discusses US policy, carbon capture and storage and the need for regulation to combat the effects of climate change.

  • ESG Investing In Corporate Bonds - Mind The Gap
    White papers

    ESG Investing In Corporate Bonds: Mind The Gap

    2020-02-10T10:12:00Z By Amundi

    This research is the companion study of three previous research projects conducted at Amundi that address the issue of socially responsible investing (SRI) in the stockmarket (Berg et al., 2014; Bennani et al., 2018a; Drei et al., 2019). The underlying idea of this new study is to explore the impact of ESG investing on asset pricing in the corporate bond market.

  • Brexit Still Weighs On GBP, But The Situation On Rates And Equity Could Normalise
    White papers

    Brexit Still Weighs On GBP, But The Situation On Rates And Equity Could Normalise

    2020-02-10T09:22:00Z By Amundi

    Now that the United Kingdom is officially out of the EU, a new phase has opened up, during which UK officials will have to negotiate a trade deal with the EU to avoid a ‘Brexit cliff edge’ at the end of 2020. The available time span is short, but an agreement is possible on either a trade deal, another extension or some mixture of the two.

  • Turkey - Inflation And Monetary Policy
    White papers

    Turkey: Inflation And Monetary Policy

    2020-02-10T09:09:00Z By Amundi

    January’s inflation report and last inflation figures: The Governor of the CBRT debriefed last week on the first inflation report of the year January inflation figure released at 12.15% yoy, higher than in December (11.84%). The rise in housing, electricity and energy were the main drivers pf this increase. ...

  • Fixed Income Outlook - 2020 Will the Economy survive the politics?
    White papers

    Fixed Income Outlook: 2020 Will the Economy survive the politics?

    2020-02-07T13:33:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    New year, new decade—we’re off to the races. None of the doom-and-gloom predictions materialized in 2019. Trade tensions did not spiral into out-of-control trade wars, new tariffs did not have a major macroeconomic impact, the US economic expansion did not halt and China’s economy did not stall. The lesson learned is that last year, too many people worried too much about the wrong things.

  • Sustainable investing in Europe - Why putting a label on it really matters
    White papers

    Blog: Sustainable investing in Europe: Why putting a label on it really matters

    2020-02-07T11:37:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    The labels that independently certify sustainable investment strategies in Europe are by no means new – in fact, they have multiplied and been expanded in recent years. Cynics may view such labels as bureaucratic meddling that adds unwanted hassle and cost. Far from it.

  • Coronavirus & The Next Global Financial Crisis
    White papers

    Coronavirus & The Next Global Financial Crisis

    2020-02-07T09:51:00Z By Barings

    The actions, both real and perceived, taken by China’s government to contain the coronavirus should serve as an indication of how authorities there would (or wouldn’t) respond to a future financial crisis and contagion of a different kind in the global economy.

  • Asset classes views - Detecting Tipping Points
    White papers

    Asset classes views: Detecting Tipping Points

    2020-02-06T09:30:00Z By Amundi

    The report highlights the causal relationships between macro-economic factors and long term trends in asset prices, incorporating the latest discussions and analysis and drawing on insights from Amundi’s industry experts. We confirm our central scenario of  subdued growth and inflation on a global scale, albeit leading to even lower returns due to complications from late-cycle investing. Recovery is likely as rates and profits normalise while central bank authorities stock up on the ammunitions needed to face further cyclical downturns.

  • Another Breakthrough Year for China Bonds
    White papers

    Another Breakthrough Year for China Bonds

    2020-02-05T10:12:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    The market made it into global indices but also broke records for defaults in 2019 and is facing uncertainty from the coronavirus: we take stock for 2020.

  • Top Risk Map - February 2020
    White papers

    Top Risk Map - February 2020

    2020-02-05T09:52:00Z By Amundi

    At the start of the 2020s, markets continued to be dominated by geopolitical issues, with short-lived Iran tensions at the forefront initially, followed by the news regarding a phase one trade deal between the US and China. Now, growth expectations are becoming the main driver of the market. That’s why the recent volatility due to the news about the spreading of the corona virus in China is higher than in the case of US-Iran tensions, as the epidemic could harm China (and global growth) if not contained soon (not our base case at the moment).

  • Investment Phazer Update - downward trend is confirmed
    White papers

    Investment Phazer Update: downward trend is confirmed

    2020-02-05T09:41:00Z By Amundi

    While in the short term we do expect some temporary relief coming from positive economic surprises and supportive news on the trade front (should coronavirus impact be limited), on a medium-term horizon our economic scenario confirms the fragility of the profit cycle.