White papers - all assets – Page 265

  • When The View Is Getting Blurry, Stick To Main Convictions
    White papers

    When The View Is Getting Blurry, Stick To Main Convictions

    2020-02-27T13:57:00Z By Amundi

    Market reaction: The further spreading of the coronavirus, especially in Europe, has, in the past few days, triggered a selloff in risk assets and high demand for safe assets (US dollar, Treasuries and gold). As markets reassess the spillover effects of the virus into the economy, volatility is likely to persist.

  • Managing liquidity is core to every investment strategy
    White papers

    Managing liquidity is core to every investment strategy

    2020-02-27T10:59:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Whether in certain or uncertain times, well-managed funds containing potentially illiquid assets have a vital place in many investors’ portfolios

  • Broadening global investment-grade horizons
    White papers

    Broadening global investment-grade horizons

    2020-02-27T08:29:00Z By Aviva Investors

    UK investors considering whether to allocate to global investment-grade credit may discover the broader diversification benefits can significantly improve a portfolio’s overall risk dynamics.

  • Disappearing Alpha & Hidden Beta—A Sleight of Hand
    White papers

    Disappearing Alpha & Hidden Beta—A Sleight of Hand

    2020-02-26T14:27:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Comparing Option Strategy Indices and Hedge Fund Indices before and after the 2008 – 09 financial crisis reveals that what many investors thought was “alpha” was just an illusion.

  • Coronavirus concerns spark market selloff
    White papers

    Coronavirus concerns spark market sell off

    2020-02-26T11:33:00Z By Principal Asset Management

    Public and market fears have converged with countries outside China anxious that they may be approaching the same point as China was at the end of December - the preliminary stages of a devastating epidemic.

  • The cost of trying to time the market since 2001
    White papers

    The cost of trying to time the market since 2001

    2020-02-26T08:00:00Z By Schroders

    When markets fall, the natural instinct is to sell. Our research highlights how costly it can be to miss the stock market’s best days.

  • Personal Values, Responsible Investing And Stock Allocation
    White papers

    Personal Values, Responsible Investing And Stock Allocation

    2020-02-25T13:51:00Z By Amundi

    We analyze the portfolio choices of approximately 965,500 active participants in employee saving plans in France. Looking at the cross-section of equity exposure, we find that the inclusion of responsible equity options in the menu of available funds is associated with a 2.4% higher equity allocation by plan participants.

  • Flexible credit - the upside of downside protection
    White papers

    Flexible credit: the upside of downside protection

    2020-02-24T10:43:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Flexibility always has a place, but its capacity to provide downside protection makes it particularly important given the advanced age of the credit cycle. In the fourth instalment of a five-part series, we explain why credit investors cannot afford to just rely on rates and diversification for protection. We also consider the robust suite of tools needed to preserve capital during market sell-offs and help protect our ability to take risk when opportunities are greatest.

  • South Africa Inflation
    White papers

    South Africa Inflation

    2020-02-24T10:35:00Z By Amundi

    South African inflation came out higher in January: 4.5% yoy compared to 4% in December but is in the middle of the inflation target (3-6%) of the South African Central Bank (SARB). This acceleration in inflation is mainly explained by a sharp rise in transport prices linked to base effects of fuel prices (+ 13.7% in January against 2.4% the previous month).

  • February 2020 - European loan market - review and outlook
    White papers

    February 2020 - European loan market - review and outlook

    2020-02-21T14:04:00Z By M&G Investments

    European loans returned 5.0% in euro terms in 2019, making another strong year and the asset class’s best performance in 2016. In tandem with wider markets, the year was not without its wobbles, most markedly in October, but all quarters delivered positive returns and loans found their footing in the fourth quarter, as economic and political concerns dissipated and as progress towards a US-China trade deals was made, just as a decisive result in the UK elections inspired confidence in a clearer position on Brexit. 

  • Exports' dependence to China and Asia of more than 70 countries
    White papers

    Exports’ dependence to China and Asia of more than 70 countries

    2020-02-21T10:31:00Z By Amundi

    The Coronavirus is expected to have a significant impact at least on China Q1 GDP figure. This will affect many countries firstly through exports to China (including tourism). As shown in charts below and as expected, China’s share in total of exports is high for most of Asian countries particularly for South Korea, Hong Kong and Mongolia. Including Japan, share of exports to Asia for Asian countries is above 50% except for China, India, Sri Lanka and Kazakhstan.

  • Global high yield outlook - Be confident, but not complacent
    White papers

    Global high yield outlook: Be confident, but not complacent

    2020-02-21T10:20:00Z By Amundi

    Last year was a strong year for global bond markets, which were supported by the accommodative stance of the main central banks and strong investor demand. US, European and EM high yield (HY) bonds all returned more than 14% swapped into US dollars. The performance was led by the higher-quality segments of the market, such as BB-rated bonds, as well as the strong performance of CCC bonds in Europe. This was due to the search for yield across credit products, helped by positive risk sentiment.

  • Fixed-income investing in unprecedented times
    White papers

    Fixed-income investing in unprecedented times

    2020-02-21T10:17:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In a live recording from our Fixed Income Forum 2020, we assess the macroeconomic and market drivers for this asset class – and conclude that we are in unchartered territory.

  • Full Economic Implications of Coronavirus Largely Unknown
    White papers

    Full Economic Implications of Coronavirus Largely Unknown

    2020-02-21T10:17:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    The impacts of coronavirus could be more detrimental—and last longer—than many observers previously thought.

  • Are CLOs Unfairly Vilified?
    White papers

    Are CLOs Unfairly Vilified?

    2020-02-20T15:23:00Z By Barings

    Despite the late-cycle environment, we believe the recent negative headlines on CLOs are somewhat overstated, and do little justice to the many benefits of the asset class—which has delivered impressive risk-adjusted returns and low defaults over time.

  • Checking in on BBBs
    White papers

    Checking in on BBBs

    2020-02-20T14:51:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Improved credit conditions are reflected in spreads, but volatility may create opportunities.

  • The Circular Edition 1, 2020 - keeping you in the sustainability loop
    White papers

    The Circular Edition 1, 2020: keeping you in the sustainability loop

    2020-02-20T10:35:00Z By Federated Hermes

    It’s a new year and a new opportunity to shine a light on sustainability. We’ve summed up our recent insights on environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing to bring you the latest edition of The Circular.

  • Global Emerging Markets - ESG Materiality, Q4 2019
    White papers

    Global Emerging Markets: ESG Materiality, Q4 2019

    2020-02-20T10:30:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Welcome to the Global Emerging Markets’ ESG Materiality commentary – a quarterly publication that demonstrates our engagement activity with portfolio companies and showcases holdings that are creating positive impact aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we explore an environmental, social and governance (ESG) theme and its implications for the asset class.

  • Seeking riches with the tide far out 360°, Q1 2020
    White papers

    Seeking riches with the tide far out: 360°, Q1 2020

    2020-02-19T10:26:00Z By Federated Hermes

    What is our current view of fixed-income markets? And where do we see the best relative value? In our latest edition of 360°, Andrew ‘Jacko’ Jackson, Head of Fixed Income, and his team of specialist investors considers the areas that have the potential to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns.

  • Cwtch - Has capitalism gone cuddly?
    White papers

    Cwtch: Has capitalism gone cuddly?

    2020-02-18T15:23:00Z By Aviva Investors

    In the first of a new editorial series, Link, AIQ brings together people from across Aviva Investors to debate topical themes. Mirza Baig and Stephanie Niven consider whether CEO claims about running businesses for multiple stakeholders rather than shareholders alone is a grand idea or just plain grandstanding.