White papers - all assets – Page 138

  • Barings-last-reliable-buoy_653x490
    White papers

    The Last Reliable Buoy

    2022-04-08T10:23:00Z By Barings

    War and pandemic have disrupted recent patterns of prices and yields, but long-term inflation expectations remain in line—for now.

  • Screenshot 2022-04-11 at 10.53.28
    White papers

    Market snapshot: Fed ramps up policy response to runaway inflation

    2022-04-08T09:55:00Z By Federated Hermes

    US central bank to begin speedy reduction of its balance sheet as officials lean towards 50bps rate rises this year

  • How to think about investing in China today
    White papers

    How to think about investing in China today

    2022-04-07T15:19:00Z By Capital Group

    Despite well-publicised moves to restructure its economy over the past few years, China remains a key investment destination due to the attraction of its enormous domestic market. And as the world’s second-largest economy, China is also deeply interconnected with the global economy in manufacturing supply chains and is increasingly a large portion of multinational corporate revenues. Consequently, understanding and navigating the complexities of China for both domestic and international investing has never been more important.

  • Amundi Asset Management - Equity Convexity and Unconventional Monetary Policy
    White papers

    Monitoring Narratives: an Application to the Equity Market

    2022-04-07T14:00:00Z By Amundi

    In this research, we show that variables from the Global Database of Events, Language and Tone (GDELT) convey significant informational content that can improve on a purely macroeconomic approach when modeling the US equity market.

  • Screenshot 2022-04-11 at 11.17.31
    White papers

    The Reckoning

    2022-04-07T10:18:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    With US economic growth maintaining sufficient momentum and high inflation becoming a political and social issue, Fixed Income Views explores the implications for investors.

  • Barings-hoping-for-best_653x490
    White papers

    Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst

    2022-04-07T10:17:00Z By Barings

    We’ve officially embarked on a very peculiar tightening cycle—one in which inflation is at levels more associated with the peak of the hiking cycle, and not the start.

  • Screenshot 2022-04-11 at 11.13.07
    White papers

    Hedge Fund Strategy Outlook Q2 2022

    2022-04-07T10:16:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Last year’s headlines (COVID-19 and China) have been replaced with new concerns (Invasions and Inflation). Central bankers are pivoting from stabilizing growth to limiting inflation.

  • esg-materiality-feb-2022
    White papers

    ESG Materiality Newsletter, Q1 2022

    2022-04-07T09:48:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In this edition of our ESG Materiality Newsletter, we provide an overview of our engagement activities, as well as case studies demonstrating the progress we have made with portfolio companies. We also delve into an environmental, social and governance (ESG) theme, and its implications for the Emerging Markets asset class.

  • NB-REITs as a Hedge Against Inflation
    White papers

    REITs as a Hedge Against Inflation

    2022-04-06T15:50:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Real estate investment trusts across a number of sectors could show strength in 2022, driven by inflation and secular trends.

  • Capital group - Q&A
    White papers

    Q&A: Investing amid geopolitical uncertainty

    2022-04-06T14:34:00Z By Capital Group

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has intensified focus on geopolitical risks. However, investing amid geopolitical uncertainty is not new. Seasoned portfolio managers Kirstie Spence and Victor Kohn discuss how they approach geopolitical risk in emerging markets.

  • Amundi Asset Management - Equity Convexity and Unconventional Monetary Policy
    White papers

    Multi-Period Portfolio Optimization and Application to Portfolio Decarbonization

    2022-04-06T13:41:00Z By Amundi

    In this article, we consider a multi-period portfolio optimization problem, which is an extension of the single-period mean-variance model. We discuss several formulations of the objective function, constraints and coupling relationships.

  • Amundi - Shifts & Narratives #16 - Investing in a fragmented world
    White papers

    Shifts & Narratives #16 - Investing in a fragmented world

    2022-04-06T11:50:00Z By Amundi

    Over the past three years – well before the Covid-19 crisis – we have been arguing for a macro-financial regime shift, initially driven by the retreat of global trade as the main driver of global growth. The Covid-19 crisis has acted as a trend accelerator due to its de-globalisation footprint and implied supply-chain bottlenecks. Many growth engines have been re-shored, while the unified central bank model has ended.

  • How challenging is the inflationary picture for fixed income investors?
    White papers

    How challenging is the inflationary picture for fixed income investors?

    2022-04-06T11:16:00Z By M&G Investments

    Over the past 15 years policymakers have faced various waves of crises, beginning with the global financial crash of 2007-08. Until now, authorities could simply focus on supporting the financial system and global growth, however the re-emergence of inflation adds a significant complication for both policymakers and fixed income investors.

  • Ukraine - Where do we stand
    White papers

    Ukraine: where do we stand?

    2022-04-05T10:40:00Z By Amundi

    By calling the war in Ukraine a «tectonic shift in European history», European leaders are giving an indication of the regime changes this war could lead to in the medium term.

  • Screenshot 2022-04-11 at 11.11.40
    White papers

    Spotlight on Saudi Arabia

    2022-04-05T10:12:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Saudi Arabia’s economic rebound is drawing attention with an obvious boon from rising oil prices. Outside of hydrocarbons, the country is continuing to diversify and reform in a number of sectors as part of its ambitious Vision 2030. Dina Ting, Head of Global Index Portfolio Management, Franklin Templeton ETFs, highlights developments on the kingdom’s horizon.

  • French elections- let the race begin
    White papers

    French elections: let the race begin

    2022-04-05T10:11:00Z By Amundi

    The French 2022 election cycle is starting in the context of the war in Ukraine which favours to the incumbent president. Structural reforms, notably of the pension system, and the energy transition are debated but the main topic is household purchasing power as energy and food prices are hurting low income households. The electoral turnout might be very low which usually helps far left or right candidates.

  • Will the Fed manage to restore prIce stability without a recession?
    White papers

    Will the Fed manage to restore price stability without a recession?

    2022-04-05T10:08:00Z By Amundi

    The Fed is determined to hike rates rapidly. In the short-term the US economy will be supported by the many cushions present in the economy, as a result of all the fiscal and monetary support provided during the Covid crisis. The Fed will be in a more difficult situation in 2023.

  • credit market -GettyImages-1148409787
    White papers

    Credit markets: more attractive valuations but we remain cautious

    2022-04-05T10:04:00Z By Amundi

    Valuations are now a little more attractive. However, the environment remains challenging, particularly in Europe. We remain cautious and more constructive on US credit markets relative to euro markets.

  • Amundi-marketscenarios
    White papers

    Market Scenarios and Risks - April 2022

    2022-04-05T10:04:00Z By Amundi

    We keep the narratives and the probabilities of our central and alternative scenario unchanged versus last month. The war in Ukraine could evolve in several ways over the coming weeks (see Ukraine crisis tree) with significant implications on economic and financial markets.

  • Federated hermes - sdg-engagement-equity-fund-annual-report-cover-1024x600
    White papers

    SDG Engagement Equity: 2021 Annual Report

    2022-04-05T09:45:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The philosophy of the SDG Equity Engagement Fund is that we can all do well by doing good. Progress towards, and the attainment of, the UN SDGs is not a zero-sum game; rather, it represents an opportunity to create shareholder value.