Outlooks – Page 109

  • Perspectives on Liquidity
    White papers

    Perspectives on Liquidity

    2020-03-27T15:31:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Anne Brennan, Chief Risk Officer and Ken DeRegt, COO for Fixed Income, share their insights on managing liquidity in today’s markets, with a look at how this compares to 2008.

  • Are We Fighting The Last War?
    White papers

    Are We Fighting The Last War?

    2020-03-27T13:41:00Z By Barings

    Government economic response to the global crisis will have to be larger and more creative than ever.

  • Market weekly – this policy response can turn the tide
    White papers

    Market weekly – this policy response can turn the tide

    2020-03-26T15:38:00Z By BNP Paribas Asset Management

    After a week of unprecedented central bank interventions in financial markets, Richard Barwell, global head of macroeconomic research, and Denis Panel, chief investment officer for multi-asset and quantitative solutions (MAQS), discuss the state of markets at the opening in Europe on Monday 23 March 2020.

  • Global High Yield Market Update – March 2020
    White papers

    Global High Yield Market Update – March 2020

    2020-03-26T15:36:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    In this video update from Senior Portfolio Manager, Vivek Bommi, we review conditions across global non-investment grade bond markets and offer our outlook for the asset class.

  • Using Data Science to Bring Order to the Disruption
    White papers

    Using Data Science to Bring Order to the Disruption

    2020-03-26T14:34:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Michael Recce, Chief Data Scientist, discusses the data sets his team is analyzing to help us look at trends that may give some insight on the path for a return to normalcy in both public health and the economy.

  • Asset allocation update - credit upgraded amid fluid and uncertain backdrop
    White papers

    Asset allocation update: credit upgraded amid fluid and uncertain backdrop

    2020-03-26T10:30:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    The ultimate public health costs and economic impact of Covid-19 are at this time unknown. Public health responses have weighed the human cost of intensive care units being overwhelmed and the number of preventable deaths exploding against the jump higher in unemployment, collapse in investment and demand destruction attached to social distancing. Governments have, understandably, chosen life over wealth.

  • Fixed income - a focus on fundamentals favours the brave
    White papers

    Fixed income: a focus on fundamentals favours the brave

    2020-03-26T09:16:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Markets have been roiled by extreme volatility over the last fortnight. There will clearly be winners and losers in the months ahead, which we believe should create opportunities for investors with a medium-term outlook to find securities that have become dislocated from their intrinsic value – particularly within the banking, energy and mining sectors.

  • Stress Testing Companies for an Impending Recession
    White papers

    Stress Testing Companies for an Impending Recession

    2020-03-25T16:02:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    The new coronavirus crisis is different than any other seen in our lifetimes. But equity investors who develop a clear set of characteristics that will define resilient companies in the evolving environment can position portfolios to get through the pandemic and benefit from an eventual recovery.

  • Coronavirus & Market Volatility
    White papers

    Coronavirus & Market Volatility

    2020-03-25T15:50:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we are committed to providing you with the latest perspectives from our economists and investment teams around the world.

  • How can companies mitigate the worst impacts of the coronavirus?
    White papers

    How can companies mitigate the worst impacts of the coronavirus?

    2020-03-25T14:50:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The coronavirus pandemic is forcing governments around the globe to enact emergency legislation to contain the spread of COVID-19, with cities in lockdown, shops, theatres and restaurants closed, and office workers logging on at home.

  • UK equities - yield and dividend outlook
    White papers

    UK equities: yield and dividend outlook

    2020-03-25T10:49:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Against a backdrop of the pandemic-induced demand shock across multiple sectors and swathes of the workforce consequently facing lay-offs and pay cuts, we are supportive of management teams who act decisively in the interests of all their stakeholders, and also give their businesses the best chance to participate in the recovery when normal service resumes.

  • Outlook 2020 - Securitised credit
    White papers

    Outlook 2020: Securitised credit

    2020-03-25T09:15:00Z By Schroders

    Signs of consumer stress mean securitised credit investors should be especially alert to quality and liquidity in the coming year.

  • In Search Of The Bottom In The Covid-19 Crisis
    White papers

    In Search Of The Bottom In The Covid-19 Crisis

    2020-03-25T09:00:00Z By Amundi

    In this unprecedented time of high uncertainty from a sanitary and economic perspective, the different drivers at play are moving in different directions. These forces make the exercise of GDP forecasting quite tricky and not particularly helpful for the time being.

  • Neuberger Berman - Shock and Awe
    White papers

    Shock and Awe

    2020-03-22T09:46:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Does this week’s multitrillion-dollar shot in the arm vaccinate the economy against the worst impact of COVID-19?

  • Coronavirus - a pragmatic response to market panic
    White papers

    Coronavirus: a pragmatic response to market panic

    2020-03-20T14:37:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Fixed-income investors loathe uncertainty. But for them and societies worldwide, this is currently the defining characteristic of markets and daily life. How can they respond pragmatically to the pandemic?

  • One Quarter Or Two?
    White papers

    One Quarter Or Two?

    2020-03-20T09:27:00Z By Barings

    Markets will stabilize when investors start to focus on the same question.

  • One month for the history books
    White papers

    One month for the history books

    2020-03-20T08:50:00Z By Generali Investments

    Global equities (MSCI World) have lost 30% since the 19th of February, as the Chinese sanitary crisis morphed into a Global Covid Crisis (GCC). This is the fastest sell-off ever. The drawdown has cut $24 trillion from the global equity market capitalisation – more than the annual US GDP! Investors are scared and praying that the contagion of the coronavirus will slow. But for now the pandemic crisis is still worsening: in the 7 days to 19 March, the total numbers of cases, now 235k, has increased at an average 9% per day.

  • Gold at the End of the Government’s Rainbow
    White papers

    Gold at the End of the Government’s Rainbow

    2020-03-19T09:25:00Z By Barings

    Initial claims show the first impact on the U.S. labor market and are likely to increase, the second U.S. stimulus package is in the books and a third is on the way while the ECB announces a Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program.

  • GIAM Macro & Market Research - Market Commentary
    White papers

    GIAM Macro & Market Research - Market Commentary

    2020-03-19T08:38:00Z By Generali Investments

    Yesterday evening the ECB surprisingly launched its new QE program “to counter the serious risks to the monetary policy transmission mechanism and the outlook for the euro area posed by the outbreak and escalating diffusion of the coronavirus, COVID-19.” At the March 12 policy meeting President Lagarde made clear that the response to the crisis should be “fiscal first and foremost”. However, the dramatic developments since then – with specifically sovereign euro area bond spreads rising strongly – induced further ECB action.

  • Covid-19 update - Current credit market perspectives
    White papers

    Covid-19 update - Current credit market perspectives

    2020-03-18T16:22:00Z By M&G Investments

    The rapidly expanding footprint of the new Covid- 19 coronavirus, has shaken investor confidence, with significant falls in global equity markets as investors focus on the likely recessionary impact on global growth, as well as the direct sectoral impacts in key areas such as tourism, retail, autos and at company level on supply chain exposures to China. This has also fed into global credit markets.