All Multi-Asset articles – Page 13
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy Special Edition: Outlook 2019
With late cycle features continuing to materialise and a higher level of vulnerability developing due to the uncertain geopolitical backdrop, 2019 will require investors to embrace a more prudent approach, despite the benign global economic outlook.
White papers
Asset Allocation Update: The three tensions grabbing investor attention
Much of October was a brutal month for financial assets.
White papers
3 views on coping with market volatility
With swift and sudden market volatility, investors are looking for context and insight. Our economists and portfolio managers react to recent turbulence, giving you thoughts on how to understand and react to market moves.
White papers
Asset Class Return Forecasts: Q4 2018
We stick to the view that 2018 will be the peak of the global economic cycle. 2019 will most likely be a year of deceleration albeit with still above trend growth, before a further slowdown of growth towards potential in 2020.
White papers
Global Investment Views: November 2018
The late cycle narrative behind the autumn market malaise
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: October 2018
The hot summer in emerging markets has been a key investor theme in the third quarter of this year.
White papers
Global Investment Views: October 2018
The hot summer in emerging markets has been a key investor theme in the third quarter of this year. While the ongoing US/China trade tensions continue to weigh on investor sentiment, the sequence of country-specific stories (Turkey, Argentina and South Africa) contributed to the almost indiscriminate repricing of EM assets, starting with plummeting EM currencies.
White papers
Turkey shakes summer thin markets, but contagion risk is contained
The domestic boom has been financed by private debt (mainly external debt). Well before this week’s crisis, Turkey was the most vulnerable country in our EM ranking
White papers
Asset Class Return Forecasts: Q3 2018
The current global expansion is set to run until 2020, with above potential growth in most countries in 2018 and 2019. However, the global GDP growth has started to decelerate and we expect it to slow further in 2020.
White papers
Global Investment Views: August 2018
Concerns about trade continue to take centre stage. While US assets have so far been resilient amid escalating protectionist rhetoric, markets targeted by tariffs are under pressure.
White papers
Protectionism intensifies: country and sector selection to mitigate its effects
As a base case, we expect limited tariffs will be implemented on different fronts with relatively controlled macro impacts while talks continue. Although talks have become more contentious, we do still see space for negotiation among the various parties. This is the main difference vs a proper “trade war”.
White papers
Global Investment Views: July 2018
Investors have experienced generally low returns so far this year, due to the clouds currently gathering on the horizon, and the approach to risk assets is being characterised by increased caution.
White papers
Asset Allocation Update: Strong earnings prompt US equities upgrade
Amid background noise such as ongoing trade skirmishes involving the US, the evolving Chinese economy and geo-political tensions, we have spent time analysing recent market movements and the implications for risk assets.
White papers
Global Investment Views: June 2018
We have entered into a regime of diminished returns. Sensitivity to news flow is, and will continue to be, very high, as markets try to adjust to new financial and economic conditions.
White papers
Optimal blending of smart beta and multi-factor portfolios
There has been extraordinary growth in the use of smart beta funds by institutional investors, both large and small.
White papers
Asset TV Multi-Asset Masterclass
2018 has seen volatility return to markets with a vengeance; is that good or bad news for multi-asset fund managers?
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: May 2018
While in 2017 financial markets largely ignored geopolitical risks, as they were more inclined to read the Goldilocks narrative, this mood now appears to be changing.
White papers
Global Investment Views: April 2018
While still benefitting from a global synchronised growth outlook (likely peaking), financial markets are getting nervous, experiencing the fatigue of a more mature phase with new sources of volatility arising.