Fixed Income – Page 22
White papers
From Low Ranger to High Plains Drifter
With the vast majority of rate hikes behind us, market volatility is set to fall. A tailwind from the reemergence of the “search for yield” is likely to follow.
White papers
Household loans – Offering predictable performance, even in tough times
As growth in developed economies slows and higher central bank rates start to bite, investors looking for portfolio diversification and attractive returns could consider a relatively little-known, but high-quality asset class: Household loans. Tonko Gast explains.
White papers
Sustainable fixed income: Five questions answered
To unlock sustainable fixed income with real-world outcomes you need the right combination of expertise, ESG integration and stewardship. Here, our investment teams answer key questions around what it takes to achieve true sustainability in fixed income.
White papers
Global High Yield Roundtable
Chris Sawyer, Head of European High Yield at Barings, participated in CAMRADATA’s Global High Yield Roundtable and discussed that state of the high yield market today, and how the team are navigating elevated levels of volatility.
White papers
Could inflation surprises unsettle markets?
There is an old investment adage that says: “buy the rumor and sell the news”. Markets tend to try to anticipate forthcoming data such as inflation numbers, with investors building positions ahead of time based on their expectations. Once the outcome is confirmed, investors take profits (or cut losses) by exiting positions.
White papers
What if Everything’s Going to Be OK?
Falling inflation, recovering growth, relaxed central bankers—how one of the most widely forecast recessions in history failed to happen.
White papers
Emerging Markets Sovereigns 2023: Capturing Alpha Through Differentiation
Investing in Emerging Market (EM) sovereign bonds has been mainstream for nearly 25 years, with the benchmark of choice among investors being the JP Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index (EMBI). Over that same period, the entire EM investable universe has grown in breadth and depth to become one of the most intricate in the entire fixed income space.
White papers
Credit Squeeze: from Distress and Dislocations to Steep Discounts
As credit conditions tighten, opportunities are emerging for smart investors. With banks cutting back on lending, pricing dislocations are appearing in financial markets. This looks like a repeat of previous economic cycles, when investors with patient capital have benefited from uncertainty.
White papers
US credit rating downgrade: investment implications
On 1 August, Fitch Ratings, one of the three main independent debt ratings agencies, downgraded US debt from an AAA rating to AA+ with a stable outlook.
White papers
The Evolving Opportunity in Infrastructure Debt
In addition to infrastructure debt’s defensive nature, diversification benefits and potential to offer compelling risk-adjusted returns, infrastructure’s “essentiality” underscores its appeal throughout the economic cycle.
White papers
The what, why and how of the global fixed income and municipal markets
The evolving fixed income market environment: Key 2023 themes
White papers
Under Pressure? High Yield Can Hold Up (Your Income Portfolio)
Do high-yield bonds still make sense for income investors at this stage of the credit cycle? We think so.
White papers
Onwards or upwards?
The US Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate to reach a 22-year high this week.
White papers
The End of the Great Moderation: Forecasting in Elevated Uncertainty
In a global environment with more complexity and uncertainty, we have adopted a probabilistic, scenario-based approach to forecasting macroeconomic and market outcomes.
White papers
A Case For: Sustainable Climate Bond Strategy
Our climate-aware investment process aims to enable investors to immediately improve their portfolio’s carbon profile and reduce climate risk, while maintaining target returns.
White papers
Defining sustainable investments in European leveraged finance and CLOs: Part 2
There is a diversity of ESG ratings and scores across the leveraged finance markets, as well as multiple providers. To the consternation of some investors, this is not a regulated activity, and one firm’s methodology can vary from another’s as much as the objectives that it may have set.
White papers
Emerging market resilience paves the way for new opportunities
Resilience and a growth advantage over developed markets make emerging countries an attractive destination for the second half of the year. The effects of monetary tightening are seeping through to the real economy, contributing to lacklustre growth, particularly in developed economies.
White papers
Where is Mexico Headed a Year Out from a Critical Election?
As the single six-year term of leftist Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador winds down, preparations for the June 2024 general election are heating up. What does this mean for EM debt investors?
White papers
Fed moving to a pause with a very data-dependent approach
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) raised the federal fund rate by 25bp but dropped future guidance. Chair Powell claimed that the Fed is far away from hitting its inflation target, but acknowledged that the tighter credit conditions for households and businesses could affect economic growth.
White papers
Fixed income: choosing a different rhythm
Increased risk appetite and revived hopes for a soft landing present an interesting question to fixed-income investors: how keenly should they dance to the market’s tune?