All ESG/SRI articles – Page 99

  • Demand grows for high-quality ESG analytics
    White papers

    Demand grows for high-quality ESG analytics

    2020-01-02T11:28:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    After the buzz comes the reality. As we look towards 2020, the key responsible investment (RI) themes are already evident. Technology, regulatory changes, enhanced analytics, active use of voting rights and thematic issues (eg, climate change or the sustainable development goals) are key elements of this and are set to be the focus in the RI field.

  • Low Yield High regulation enviornment
    White papers

    Adapting to a low-yield, high-regulation environment

    2020-01-02T11:16:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Global insurance markets are a tale of two halves. The European and US markets are mature, with assets under management likely to remain flat for the foreseeable future. Asia is different: the market is boasting strong, sometimes double-digit growth. Insurance companies are injecting a lot of the expertise from their European or US businesses into growth areas, thus achieving higher valuation multiples, because a fast-growing business is more attractive from an M&A point of view.

  • Impact investing in public fixed income markets
    White papers

    Impact investing in public fixed income markets

    2020-01-01T13:28:00Z By Nuveen

    Across Nuveen, our commitment to responsible investing (RI) is based on three core principles:(1) integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment processes and decision-making; (2) proactive engagement with issuers and other industry stakeholders on a variety of ESG-related topics; and(3) impact, the ability of our investment practices to deliver competitive financial performance and document the intended environmental and social outcomes.

  • Commitment on Climate
    White papers

    Commitment on Climate

    2019-12-18T16:17:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Our Sustainable Equity team explores a recent engagement on measurement of carbon emissions.

  • Raising the Bar – Impact Investing in a Changing World
    White papers

    Raising the Bar – Impact Investing in a Changing World

    2019-12-16T13:55:00Z By Nuveen

    Today we are witnessing an unprecedented wave of capital that seeks to make a difference for people and the planet. Investors, for their part, increasingly strive to generate both financial and social returns. Not that long ago, a $100 contribution to a microfinance fund was viewed as a philanthropic donation.

  • Hermes - Global Emerging Markets - ESG Materiality, Q3 2019
    White papers

    Global Emerging Markets: ESG Materiality, Q3 2019

    2019-12-16T11:56:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Welcome to the Hermes Global Emerging Markets’ ESG Materiality commentary – a quarterly publication that demonstrates our engagement activity with portfolio companies and showcases holdings that are creating positive impact aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we explore an environmental, social and governance theme and its implications for the asset class.

  • The Changing Investment Climate Around Climate Change
    White papers

    The Changing Investment Climate Around Climate Change

    2019-12-13T15:37:00Z By Barings

    Investors need to pay attention regardless of the uncertainties (and the politics). The changing climate is already changing a lengthening list of prices, which is changing the climate for investments.

  • Seeking protection in mispriced miners
    White papers

    Seeking protection in mispriced miners

    2019-12-10T11:05:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The copper price – a gauge for the wellbeing of the global economy – has defied supply disruptions and remained broadly flat for the past year. Despite this, the credit spreads of several large mining firms are trading at their lowest levels in 12 months, indicating subdued risk. We think that credit markets have failed to account for several risks that miners face – from a weak macroeconomic outlook to environmental, social and governance issues – and we have sought defensive positions within the sector.

  • Innovation for a healthier world
    White papers

    Innovation for a healthier world

    2019-11-28T16:56:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    From big data to smart beds, technology is revolutionising our health, opening up attractive investment opportunities.

  • How Institutional Investors Embrace Responsible Investing
    White papers

    How Institutional Investors Embrace Responsible Investing

    2019-11-27T11:51:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Responsible investing has gathered enough momentum to reach the mainstream. What is less clear is how advanced global institutional investors are in the process of integrating ESG principles into their investment decisions.

  • Global Environmental Opportunities: transforming sustainable investment
    White papers

    Global Environmental Opportunities: transforming sustainable investment

    2019-11-27T11:19:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Kanpur in northern India is known as the Manchester of the East. Located on the banks of the Ganges river, it is home to various heavy industries, including leather, chemicals and fertilisers. But, unlike its English twin, the Indian city’s economic heft brings enormous side-effects.

  • Sustainable investing is here to stay
    White papers

    Sustainable investing is here to stay

    2019-11-27T11:12:00Z By BlackRock

    Sustainable investing was once viewed as a trade-off between value and ‘values’. Yet today, it’s something investors can no longer afford to ignore. What has changed? More granular data, more sophisticated analysis and shifting societal understanding of sustainability, as well as growing awareness that certain factors – often characterised as environmental, social and governance (ESG) – can be tied to a company’s long-term growth potential.

  • One more step along the world we go, investing for a sustainable future
    White papers

    One more step along the world we go, investing for a sustainable future

    2019-11-27T11:05:00Z By Baillie Gifford

    Baillie Gifford has undergone a gradual evolution in the incorporation of ESG matters into our investment process. We firmly believe there is no conflict between making money and achieving positive, sustainable change, despite the scale of the challenges ahead. A simple ruleof- thumb or negative screen are not in themselves viable solutions to addressing deeply embedded chronic problems on a global scale.

  • Investors - the new guardians of the environment
    White papers

    Investors: the new guardians of the environment

    2019-11-26T16:49:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    In an opinion piece for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Pictet Asset Management CEO Laurent Ramsey says investors are uniquely placed to change the world for the better, if they use the right tools.

  • Looking into 2020 with Hermes
    White papers

    Looking into 2020 with Hermes

    2019-11-20T10:46:00Z By Federated Hermes

    2020 will be another uncertain year. Brexit will rumble on, bringing further volatility and polarising the UK political dialogue; China and US relations will remain tense and concern markets, despite a possible partial trade deal being secured before the end of 2019; and the US presidential race will likely unsettle world markets.

  • Unlocking human capital in emerging economies
    White papers

    Unlocking human capital in emerging economies

    2019-11-14T16:20:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    All developing countries have a seriously under-tapped resource: their people. That’s important for emerging debt investors to bear in mind.

  • Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) SRI Ageing Population Fund Celebrating 4 years of success
    White papers

    Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) SRI Ageing Population Fund Celebrating 4 years of success!

    2019-11-12T11:57:00Z By Generali Investments

    What are the most important lessons learned in terms of the performance since GIS SRI Ageing Population (the Fund) was launched in 2015?

  • The world’s renewable energy transition has begun
    White papers

    The world’s renewable energy transition has begun

    2019-11-11T13:01:00Z By Schroders

    The world’s renewable energy transition has now begun and is only going to accelerate from here as governments, consumers and investors recognise that switching to more sustainable energy is not only essential to stop climate change, but makes sound economic sense too.

  • Hermes Impact Report, Q3 2019
    White papers

    Hermes Impact Report, Q3 2019

    2019-11-11T12:48:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Measurement is one of the key pillars of impact investing – alongside intentionality and additionality – that distinguishes it from other traditional forms of investing. However, in a rapidly growing market, impact measurement is not a straightforward science.

  • Realistic Assumptions For ESG Integration
    White papers

    Realistic Assumptions For ESG Integration

    2019-11-11T12:01:00Z By Quoniam Asset Management

    Environmental, social and governance aspects are becoming increasingly important. More than 2,000 investors – with almost USD 90 trillion in assets under management – have signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). At the same time, this raises a question: what impact do ESG factors have on a portfolio?