All Equities articles – Page 27
White papers
Toning down the optimism of backtests
Past performance does not guarantee future returns. This statement is true of any strategy, be it of a systematic or discretionary nature. Systematic strategies seemingly provide a little more comfort in the form of lengthy historical backtests, which indeed never look bad.
White papers
Outlook for GCC bond and equity markets amid macroeconomic headwinds
With growth slowing and recession becoming more of a possibility amid elevated inflation and hawkish central banks globally, GCC bond and equity markets have become more volatile.
White papers
Have we become too used to low rates?
In the latest instalment of Simply put, where we make macro calls with a multi-asset perspective, we examine the extent to which interest rate rises, rather than other macro and geopolitical factors, have been responsible for the falls in both equities and bonds this year.
White papers
Be Wary of Bear Market Rallies
We may want to be optimistic about inflation and rates, but that only delays the hard questions we are likely to face as we enter the new economic era.
White papers
Sustainable Global Equity, 2022 Q3 report
As well as our usual engagement and ESG metrics, the latest quarterly report from the Sustainable Global Equity team considers the health of the world’s supply chains. Are they on the mend after pandemic-induced dislocations?
White papers
SDG Engagement Equity Q3 2022 case study
ROIC is the largest publicly-traded, grocery-anchored shopping centre real estate investment trust (REIT) focused exclusively on the west coast of the US.
White papers
Capital Commitment
Over ten trillion dollars are allocated to private market funds that require outside investors to commit to transferring capital on demand; most of these funds are Private Equity (PE). We show within a novel dynamic portfolio allocation model that ex-ante commitment has large effects on investors’ portfolios and welfare, and we quantify those effects.
White papers
What role can renewables play in strengthening Europe’s energy security?
Winter threatens to bring the first severe European energy crisis in decades. As leaders grapple with potential solutions, renewable energy capacity is in the spotlight.
White papers
Expectations of Fed pivot begin to gain traction
Central banks have tightened policy aggressively this year in a bid to quell inflation, but concerns are growing about how much further they can hike borrowing costs in the face of slowing growth.
White papers
Policy Excesses and Market Discipline
We are seeing bond investors standing up for themselves against policymakers, and while equity investors are experiencing pain from this struggle, the end result may be a more sustainable, fundamentals-based market.
White papers
Economic and Market Review: Key Considerations for Equity Investors
We put out a cautious Equity Market Outlook three months ago, and after a quarter of worsening economic data and inflation trends we are now even more focused on low beta and high earnings quality.
White papers
Global Investment Views - October 2022
Geopolitical risks have returned to investors’ radar screens with President Putin’s escalation of the war in Ukraine. At the same time, inflation remains in the spotlight: the latest US reading was concerning, causing yields to rise while equity markets tumbled.
White papers
SDG Engagement Equity Fund 2022 H1 Report
The Federated Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund has the dual purpose of delivering attractive returns and measurable real-world impact.
White papers
Braving bear markets: 5 lessons from seasoned investors
This article was originally published July 15, 2022, and has been updated to reflect market conditions.
White papers
Navigating the Emerging Markets Default Wave
Despite record defaults, stresses remain relatively low for the asset class overall.
White papers
Time to refocus on bonds - Rethinking portfolios after the great repricing
Inflation has risen to levels not seen in 40 years, leading to a repricing of financial markets this year, which has been particularly severe in the fixed income space. Central Banks have already started to hike rates and turn to the hawkish side to avoid de-anchoring inflation expectations. The era of low or even negative interest rates is over.
The Investment Podcast: What next after the summer rally in bonds and equities?
Fixed income and equity markets face being influenced by inputs from all angles, making this no market for broad macro calls.
White papers
20-21 September FOMC meeting: the move into restrictive territory
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting and statement: On 21 September, the Fed hiked the Fed funds rate by 75bp, to 3-3.25%, the third consecutive 75bp rate hike, and the fifth rate increase in 2022. This means the central bank has raised rates by 3 percentage points this year, clearly prioritising its aim to tame inflation even if it means damaging economic growth.
White papers
Impact Opportunities Fund: Annual Report 2021
In our Impact Annual Report 2021 we provide updates relevant to the companies in our portfolio and outline how recent market volatility provided opportunities to buy several new holdings at attractive valuations.
White papers
European Equities Sustainability Report, H1 2022
Covid-19 continues to pose challenges to health systems around the world and has impeded targets set by UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which seeks to promote healthy lives and wellbeing for all.