Content (39)
White papers
Real Estate Convictions: An Asset Manager’s View of the European Real Estate Markets - Q4 2024
World growth is currently forecast at +3.3% for 2025, a slight improvement on 2024 (+3.2%). While economic activity in the United States will be determined by Donald Trump’s economic policy decisions, these will also have global repercussions. Similarly, China will probably need to step up its fiscal support to boost activity. Finally, while the outlook for the euro zone has improved, possible trade tensions with the US, lack of productivity gains and regional conflicts are all risks weighing on the economic outlook.
White papers
Praemia REIM gears up for new cycle
Praemia REIM, formerly known as Primonial REIM, is sharpening its focus as it enters a new phase in the real estate market. As a European leader in healthcare real estate—the cornerstone of its strategy—the firm is doubling down on social infrastructure while seeking new opportunities. As the market shifts, Praemia REIM is exploring growth areas beyond its traditional strongholds, including potential expansion into the UK and Central Europe, and diversifying into emerging asset classes such as real estate debt focused on green infrastructure.
White papers
Real Estate Perspectives
Has Alternative Real Estate Become The New Core Real Estate? We’ve been through a series of repeated crises over the past four years. The unprecedented market context has reshuffled the cards between asset classes, and alternative real estate has emerged on the back of favourable fundamentals.
People News
Marc Bertrand Appointed Chairman Of The Executive Board Of Praemia Reim France
The Supervisory Board of Praemia REIM France today announced the appointment of Marc Bertrand as chairman of the Executive Board of Praemia REIM France. Marc Bertrand will succeed Grégory Frapet, who is leaving the company for new endeavours.
White papers
Real Estate Convictions: An Asset Manager’s View of the European Real Estate Markets
Despite the uncertainties, the global economy showed remarkable resilience in the first six months of 2024. However, growth remains uneven, and difficulties persist. At the same time, the economic upheavals of the past four years should gradually ease. Global growth forecasts currently stand at +2.6% for 2024, before a more dynamic recovery in 2025 (+2.8%).
People News
Charles Boudet Joins The Supervisory Board Of Primonial REIM As Independent Director
Primonial REIM Holding, a key player in European real estate asset management, is strengthening its governance and announces the appointment of Charles Boudet as an independent director.
People News
Jean-Luc Néez Joins Primonial REIM As Chief Financial Officer And Deputy Managing Director
Primonial REIM Holding, a key player in European real estate asset management, is strengthening its governance and announces today the arrival of Jean-Luc Néez as the Group’s Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Managing Director.
White papers
Real Estate Investment: A Global Perspective
The real estate crisis, stemming from the surge in interest rates driven by escalating inflation, is not confined to Europe alone. Indeed, it also affects the other major continental blocks, such as China or the United States. In this study, we want to offer a global perspective on the evolution of real estate markets, explore the diversity of responses provided by international players, and draw the outlines of what could be a “global real estate allocation” in the next cycle.
People News
Primonial REIM Announces The Creation Of Primonial REIM Spain And Appoints Its Manager
In the context of the continued international expansion of its activities, Primonial REIM, a key player in European real estate asset management, announced today the creation of Primonial REIM Spain and the appointment of Felipe Pérez Agustín as Head of its Madrid office.
White papers
Primonial REIM Real Estate Convictions - Q4
After a slow year in 2023, 2024 will be a year of many challenges: challenges that are at the same time democratic, geopolitical, economic and financial. The most striking aspect will be the 2 billion human beings who will go to the polls during the year in 70 countries, including the United States, the European Union, India and the United Kingdom, thus redefining the balance of power.
Asset Manager News
Primonial Reim Acquires A Majority Stake In Quinta Capital SGR, A Regulated Asset Management Company Based In Milan, Which Becomes Primonial Reim Italy SGR
Primonial REIM, a key player in European real estate asset management, and Quinta Capital Partners S.r.l. finalised the closing of a structured transaction which provides for the entry of Primonial REIM into the share capital of Quinta Capital SGR S.p.A., an asset management company based in Milan, active in promoting and managing alternative regulated investment funds in the real estate, credit and private equity sectors and in providing a wide spectrum of asset management services.
White papers
Primonial Reim Real Estate Convictions 2023 – Q3
An Asset Manager’s View of the European Real Estate Markets